Chapter 312 309 Assault
The G17 alliance is an ally that Li Ping and Shokuhou have lobbied all over the world in the past month.

For example, Germany, coerced by the United States, is a second-rate power that was rejected by Europe because of what it did during World War II. The religious power is relatively weak. The current prime minister really wants to get on line with the academy city like Britain, but every time he reaches out, he will be directly sanctions.This time, when Li Ping lobbied, Deutschland had the momentum of breaking the boat, and stood on the side of the academy city with all his strength.Make way for Li Ping's troops in World War III.

In Italy, the governments of the world are basically completely suppressed by the Roman Orthodox Church. It has almost developed to the point where decrees must be issued with the permission of the Roman Orthodox Church. The conventional government has wanted to resist for hundreds of years.At critical moments, the regular army will be dispatched to suppress the local Roman Orthodox army.

Britain... I said that about the last time the alliance was formed.

Canada and Australia, seemingly huge in size but seriously marginalized politically, one is the number one younger brother of Britain, and the other is under pressure from the United States and can only be the younger brother. Faced with Li Ping's lobbying, after repeated meetings and negotiations Finally, they were pulled out of the bottom line and reached a cooperation.Create chaos in WW[-] and give the White House an opportunity to suppress operations.

The negotiation process was quite difficult. After all, Li Ping and Shokuhou looked too young, and the government forces in the outside world judged superpowers by Li Ping and Aleister to the level of "students playing house".Even if Li Ping fought a few fights with full capabilities in Britain and Academy City recently, the group of unresponsive politicians thought it was the result of exaggeration by the Ministry of Intelligence.

As a result, all kinds of lions opened their mouths, preparing to slice two people, locking Shokuhou in the basement, preparing three hundred knives and axemen, and other messy things happened.

It often happens that they collapse while talking, and Shokuhou has no choice but to wash away the memory of the opposite party and restart the conversation from a certain point.Although it is possible to let Shokuhou brainwash the opponent, but ah, the behavior logic contradiction after brainwashing is easy to cause problems, causing the opponent to send the opponent to go out in a convertible car to parade or something. (referring to Kennedy)

Only by letting them reach a consensus with their own side can they cooperate better. In the final analysis, there are too few people and too short a time. As long as there is enough time, Li Ping can even infiltrate the interior of these countries.


"Hey, hey, hey...what's the matter with you?" Elisa Lina looked at Li Ping's seven orifices bleeding and slowly backed away.

"As you can see, my brain is about to explode." Li Ping spat out a mouthful of blood calmly.


"I planted a hint in the heart of the 70 billion people in the world called "Always yearn for a better future, work hand in hand with others, and build a better future together", even if you use the computing power and success of the superpowers in the entire academy city The 35 super brains that have been cultivated are also impossible tasks."

"In the past four months, through short video apps and other entertainment software that have spread like viruses, I have enhanced everyone's recognition of Academy City through the sound waves hidden under the audio and the psychological hints hidden in the screen. Spend."

"In a sense, there is no bottom line to expand your upper limit of strength to increase the chips in your hand."

"Do your best to use your interpersonal relationship to synthesize your production capacity, and barely save a second-generation army in two months."

"All over the world, barely enough nails were planted to respond to my plans."

"Seize the right to operate the world's communication means, implement the prism plan around the world, and monitor the effects of the above plans in real time."

Li Ping muttered an explanation, diverted his attention, and by the way reluctantly emphasized using the remaining computing power to increase the strength of his brain with the super power of physical enhancement.

"In this way... Checkmate..."

When his consciousness was basically blurred, Li Ping seemed to hear the sound of Shokuhou and the sound of pressing the remote control with a "ding".

"Crack!" Li Ping's head suddenly swelled up with numerous veins, and then it exploded like a watermelon hit by a 12.7mm bullet.

"... Hey, hey! Who will inherit the plan to rule the world after you are dead!" Elisa Lina took a step back to prevent herself from being splashed with blood.

"This is also part of the plan." Two seconds later, Li Ping, who was resurrected successfully, stood up and stretched his shoulders.


"Just get used to it." A Misaka girl patted Irisalina's shoulder.

"Eh? How do you get used to this kind of thing!"

"In life, no one should die ten to twenty thousand times..." Miss Misaka looked up at the sky at 45°.

"Who would die so many times!"

"Isn't Tucao service very suitable for your identity..." Li Ping threw the blood-stained coat on the ground, and took out a new coat from the space.

"My lord, the parchment has been robbed, and there is a huge energy response in the northeast direction."

"Well, I sensed it..."

Even in this position, Li Ping could feel the vibration of the ground.

"The Star of Bethlehem has taken off..."

In the distance, a huge Christian church with a long axis of 80 kilometers and a short axis of 40 kilometers is slowly lifted into the sky. The parts needed for the right fire of churches, monasteries and other religious buildings related to Christianity around the world are constantly flying over. Gathered above the Star of Bethlehem.

"It's really a spectacular scene... Looking at it now, Damocles Fortress is not enough to see." Li Ping said with emotion.

"Is now the time to be emotional about this?" Kanzaki jumped off the HsB-02 transport plane, behind her was Misaka Mikoto who also jumped off directly.

In the next 30 minutes, all the high-end combat forces that could be contacted from all over the world came.

For example, the six level 5 members of Academy City, Fengzhan Binghua, the second princess of Britain, the water in the back, the wind in the front, the alchemist who has been imprisoned for almost a hundred chapters, the British Puritan archbishop Lola Stewart, a certain There are 12 saints who live in seclusion all over the world or act as a deterrent to various countries, and the French saint who looked at Li Ping with particularly strange eyes, etc.

"...We in France are also looking for opportunities to get out of the control of the Roman Orthodox Church. Why don't you contact us!" The daughter of France's overwhelmed country couldn't hold back her aggrievedness and asked.

After coming out of the Palace of Versailles, the first battle in the true sense is against Kailisa, the new saint who is cheating.

The fragment of Katina I in her left hand has a huge amount of magic power for Kailisa, and the holy sword in her right hand can provide spells to increase physical fitness, and she can even release lightning-type spells at will.Finally, I heard from Kailisa, that sword can also provide assistance in combat experience? !

The Daughter of All Over the Country, who was slightly lacking in combat experience, has been suppressed and beaten in an all-round way.

After hearing about the fourth stage, Kailisa and a group of quasi-sage fighters with the same face pushed themselves to the ground.

Then, Kailisa moved a chair, and said to herself with a smile, "Big sister, we are actually friendly troops, and the goal is to push the Roman Orthodox Church to the ground".

In the next 35 minutes, Allure's Daughter heard about the complete defeat of the French watch world army as if in a dream.

The main force of the coalition forces of Britain and Academy City forcibly landed in Normandy, and thousands of superpowers forcibly airborne at various key nodes in western France. Under the cover of thousands of superpowers, this force was simply unstoppable.

Not to mention, there is also a mixed brigade of former Soviet armored forces + armed helicopters + KMF, which is covered by superpowers, and drives straight from the Ardennes Mountains.

Hey guys, Operation Market Garden + D-Day + Manstein Plan going on at the same time.

What caused the French military to collapse the most was not the rampage of the superpowers, but the fact that those superpowers used conventional weapons to their advantage.

Bullets on the opposite side will turn, tanks will fly, and armed helicopters will be flashed by superpowers!

(End of this chapter)

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