The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 307 A Bit of History

Chapter 307 Chapter 304 A Little History
"Oh, about this, I've been researching priority magic recently, and I don't have time recently. It's rare to finish it, and I found a lot of loopholes." Left Land said indifferently, and then returned to his room.

"I'm on a wedding trip in the Caribbean, so I don't have time." Back Zhishui hung up the phone.

"You go by yourself, anyway, I won't go." After Feng Qianfeng finished speaking, he turned his head and left.He completely ignored the fire on the right that was twitching at the corner of his mouth.

"Oh, I've signed it, you go." The Pope indifferently signed the application for investigating Li Ping written by Youfangzhihuo, then turned and left, and went to the library to read.

"Master..." Several veins popped up on the right side of Zhihuo's forehead.In his hand, he kneaded the document that read "Investigate Li Ping, and if it is determined that he is the enemy of the Lord, he will be erased."

"The following interim news will be broadcast. The Queen of Britain issued a national speech, explaining in detail the latest discovery of magic, which is different from the talents of superpowers who belong to individuals. This belongs to the power of human civilization and is a gift from human civilization to mankind.

Below is a video of Her Majesty's speech..."

"What?!" Youfang Zhihuo looked at the TV next to him in astonishment. "What are you doing? Do you want to throw magic into the world of watches?"

"At present, the relevant information about magic is still being summarized, but Her Majesty the Queen promised that magic will become a regular subject in Britain in the future, and Britain will also unite with other countries in the world to establish related magic schools. And within five years, in Britain Build a "Magic City"."

"Is this also the aftermath of last time... What agreement did Britain and the academy city reach?"

"I really didn't expect you to help me find the Demon God..." In the windowless building, Li Ping was hanging upside down in the air, looking at Aleister at the same level.

"Is there something wrong with you two? Aleister Crowley... No, Edward Alexander Crowley." He was wearing a thin aqua blue shirt and a beige vest.The tall but gloomy young man helplessly looks at the two people diagonally above. "Also, I'm not a demon god either..."

"It's uncomfortable to see him hanging upside down every time, but this time I finally saw the face with my own eyes." Li Ping looked at Aleister. Although this guy has a bit of a nonsense personality, he really looks like a man and woman. ah.

"Through the fanfare of searching and capturing rough stones all over the world, it just led me out. Is your idea really just to avoid traditional magic and create a new natural magic that can be used in all fields?"

"That's natural. Traditional magic will cause phase friction, which will cause some unavoidable tragedies. But I'm wondering, if the human body and the natural phenomenon of reality are worshiped, will it happen? this situation.

In other words, developing magic that directly affects reality without causing phase friction. "

"In other words, do you want to rediscover the original magic? That is, the magic before the so-called religion? As for the latter, is there any difference from the first one..."

"Is it difficult?"

"Oh...not difficult." The gloomy young man replied casually with his hands in his pockets.

"...Isn't it difficult? Also, what is the original magic..."

"Original magic, this is what I call the magic used by human beings when the world is so simple that there are only real phases. For example, human beings worship lightning. In order to protect themselves, they learned to release the magic of lightning. Humans worship flames, and the same , In order to protect themselves, they learned to release the magic of flames. Directly convert their own vitality into magic power, and then release it. This is the original magician.

With the development of time, mainly due to the maturity of writing and language, there are more and more nonsense in the original magic. "


"Have you read modern web articles?"

"Uh... look."

"Original magic is like an ancient book with subtle words and great meaning. It can describe the beautiful scenery and artistic conception in just a few hundred words. The later magic guide books or the myths and legends derived from the original magic guide books are like the current web texts.

The lightning magic in the original magic is deified as a human image, such as Odin, Zeus, and Thor.Ninety-nine percent of the content becomes the story, aside from the different ways of casting lightning magic.And these stories, under the imagination of many magicians and believers, formed a complete world view, and finally became what we think of as the religious plane.

Of course, this is my personal understanding.

The result is that the magic that originally belonged to "humans" has become the magic that belongs to "gods". Humans want to cast spells, and instead of transforming magic power from their own flesh and blood to release magic, they gradually change to using the power of "gods" to release magic.

Idolatry in modern magic, I am afraid that in the eyes of magicians thousands of years ago, it is to take off your pants and put P.After all... things like Thor are born from people's imagination.

The original magic is the imitation and re-creation of natural phenomena.

Ah, by the way, the thing about people with superpowers not being able to use magic is exactly what you think, for two reasons.One is that after undergoing electric shocks and helping the superpower to strip away the so-called personal reality, the superpower is no longer a human being in the sense of magic. The physiological structure is somewhat different from that of ordinary people. Using magic prepared for humans will naturally Injury due to different physiological structure.Second, the abilities of the superpowers come from the superpowers themselves. In my opinion, "personal reality" is a fragile religious plane.If magic is used, the personal religious plane collides with the religious plane, which is manifested as physical injury on a macro level. "

"It sounds... like... it's hard to describe..." Li Ping didn't know why, but suddenly thought of a bunch of scenes where the experiences of early magicians were constantly bragged by his descendants, and became more and more exaggerated.

For example, a certain original lightning mage named Zeus killed a calf with a bolt of lightning.

When he went back to brag, he turned into a big bull who had been hacked to death.

When it reached the next village, it turned into seven consecutive lightning strikes that killed a huge bull that was two people tall.

A few generations later, he became a five-meter-tall giant holding a lightning bolt, and a bolt of lightning struck to death the divine bull that could trample a village with one foot.


Things like lightning magic have changed from observing nature and then learning magic to borrowing the power of Thor.

After listening to Li Ping's thoughts, Orells nodded.

"That's almost what it means. One of the reasons why the later magic replaced the original magic is probably the sense of substitution and imagination.

It is harder to imagine yourself as a bolt of lightning than it is to imagine yourself as a person holding a lightning bolt.

When simpler methods of casting spells appeared, it was reasonable for the original magic to decline.

As for the later disappearance, it should be a matter of the long-standing magic power to gather the right to interpret magic.

Join us, people who believe in our gods can release magic, compared with people who don't believe in gods and only believe in themselves and the world, which one is easier to control? "

"It sounds... a bit like a magic version of deposing Confucianism..." Li Ping tried to express his opinion.

"Oh, it's not the magic version of dismissing Baijia, dismissing Baijia is the magic method used by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to win over the Han Empire.

The results were similar. The schools of thought in the Han Empire put themselves in the shell of Confucianism and continued to live, but they were gradually absorbed by Confucianism.

On the magic side, the original magic was added to various stories, and eventually became various churches. "

(End of this chapter)

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