Chapter 305 302 Aiwass

"The time limit is before October 29th, so I can finally have some free time... Aleister?" On September [-]th, Li Ping returned to the academy city.

"The resurrection of the Sisters went smoothly. The consciousness of Misaka 0 to 9980 has been revived when you fought against Misaka Mikoto. The rest is to wait for the production of the body to be completed, and use the learning device to inject their consciousness into it. Misaka 30K plan . . . what a messed-up plan.”

"It's okay. How's your Aiwass project going?"

"The delay in the plan is very serious. Although Fengzhan Binghua was successfully produced in the fifth school district,... Fantasy Killer's growth is too slow. Without the assistance of Fantasy Killer, Fengzhan Binghua has been unable to break through the imprisonment of the fifth school district. This has directly led to the fact that although the total amount of computing power and AIM diffusion positions required by Aiwass is sufficient, it cannot appear due to the lack of necessary laws."

"Under the premise of a certain amount of resources, will my growth affect his growth?"

"No, it's not his growth but the growth of Fantasy Killer. After Kamijou Touma was trained by you, his beliefs and skills have grown very impressively. An enemy that can only be defeated by relying on "Shen Jing".

The problem is, the function of Fantasy Killer has been shunted by you.

Generally speaking, in a narrow sense, Fantasy Killer is the existence of the reference point of the world, that is to say, once the world is destroyed, the world will be rebuilt centered on Fantasy Killer. "Speaking of this, Aleister put on a weird smile on the corner of his mouth.

"However, I miscalculated again. As expected, I will never be able to realize the plan. I thought that the visitor from another world was promoted to level 6, which can increase our combat power, but ah...

All men and women in the world are stars. This is one of the basic theories of the world that Aiwass told me. There are no meaningless parts in this world. Everything is designed to be intertwined with each other.When everyone does what they should, there is nothing superfluous in the world.But to put it another way, it also means that the lack of a gear will stop the entire music box.

What if something else was added between the precise gears?

According to my calculations, even if you really become level 6, you are just a pebble standing in front of the torrent of history, and will eventually be crushed into powder by the inertia of the world, and eventually become a part of the system.

But I was wrong, you are not the stone that blocks the movement of the world, you added an electric motor next to the music box called the world...

The structure is disrupted, the process is accelerated, even if the world itself does not want to be destroyed by you, it can only continue to strengthen its own structure. "

"...I'm so good?" Li Ping felt that he had been struggling all the time, except when dealing with the scum who ruled the council, he didn't have to work too hard, and the rest of the time...he basically had to die You have to hit it twice...

"Please be a little self-conscious, my Academy City has been messed up by you now. Let historians and humanists study magic... It's a shame that you can figure it out."

"I can't help it. The magic on your side is too different from the magic I imagined. I was thinking, since you have magic on your side, I really want to develop the kind of magic I want." Li Pingman My mind is full of scenes in the CG of World of Warcraft. One wave of the hand is a meteor shower, another wave of the hand is a flame nova, and a wave of the hand is a Pyroblast. Use Arcane Missiles and face-to-face dogfights against mages.Facing thousands of troops and horses, one thrust of the staff into the ground can summon countless hellfires and drown the opponent directly.

"You are talking about the natural magic that wizards or shamans obtained through worshiping nature thousands of years ago. Even I can't analyze the magic that uses the power of the world itself for a while. As for the power between the mentor and the demon god, I'm afraid you have to ask the demon god directly."

"If it doesn't work, just announce the nature of magic and superpowers directly. It will take a thousand or eight hundred days for the 70 billion people in the world to rediscover this so-called natural magic."

"...Do you want magic to return to human society?"

"As long as this thing can be used by everyone, it doesn't matter if it returns. In the final analysis, power is nothing more than power, and the key lies in the person who uses it.

Just like an exam, there are many variables that can interfere with excellent grades, such as study time, dedication, the level of teachers, the level of teaching materials, one's own talent, one's own intelligence level, and so on.

On the premise of only considering personal variables, the content of the exam, whether it is video games, magic, or academic knowledge, is probably those who will stand at the top in the end.

In this way, the chaos caused by worrying that everyone has power is not so much the chaos caused by power, but the chaos caused by people with evil intentions being stimulated by power to do viciousness.

In the final analysis, this is a problem of insufficient ideological standards in civilization as a whole, and its root cause lies in...

Imperfect social procedures and insufficient productivity. "

"...(Angel swears)"

"??????" Li Ping turned his head abruptly, and looked at the girl with big breasts and eyes who suddenly appeared behind him, and a tall figure with long golden hair and shining light, with a ring-like halo on the top of his head. The loose white clothes on the limbs and torso... don't know what gender exists.

"After going around in circles, did you finally come back to the issue of productivity? Can you not mention productivity? Are you struggling with productivity?" Aiwass asked calmly and unhurriedly
"What kind of thoughts are you talking about without material things? Uh... let me put it another way. The warehouse knows the etiquette, and the food and clothing know the honor and disgrace." Li Ping carefully looked at the existence of Aiwass.

The essence of Aiwass is an angel in the most basic "world constructed purely by physical laws" after removing all phases.Although it is an angel, it does not belong to all religions, myths, and traditions.Located at the apex of scientific theory, whether it is physics or supernatural powers, "as long as the order is clarified, cause and effect can be explained". (Aleister)
"Contradictions..." Li Ping stopped watching after watching it for a while, feeling a headache... In Li Ping's view, Aiwass is an angel born from objective truth.It has nothing to do with mythology.

As for why I get a headache when I look at it... how should I put it, it's like a guy who can get [-]% in the first-year high-mathematics test, reading the high-level mathematics test paper.

Basically, I can't understand it, but I can understand it a little bit, and then I look at the answer, but I still don't understand it, and at the same time, I am dizzy from the proofs composed of a large number of letters and numbers.

"Only by satisfying the material needs, can the spiritual literacy be improved... At the same time, when the spiritual literacy is improved, the magic research will be put down, so that magic will lose its mysterious veil. Just like guns, as long as enough programs are built, it can be used to the greatest extent. avoid the existence of evil, and let magic develop to the greatest extent."

"That's right, I plan to add the knowledge of magic enlightenment to the compulsory education stage when the time is right. And eventually, in the college entrance examination, in addition to arts, sciences and arts, a magic college entrance examination will be added, and the magic university will be established. Specialized college." Li Ping nodded, even feeling that Aiwass understood him.

"Huh?" Aiwass made an embarrassing voice.

"Compulsory education? College entrance examination? University?" Aiwass quartet of question marks. "Do you have any misunderstandings about magic research?"

"Are you ignorant of modern education? Don't underestimate the high school students who study hard to get into higher education!" Thinking of the days when I learned from death as long as I didn't die in order to increase the possibility of surviving in the reincarnation world, Li Ping only felt that there were two lines of clear tears passing by.

"Don't worry, as long as magic is thrown into general education, it will flood like cockroaches thrown into the trash can in an instant."

"...What a disgusting and apt metaphor this is."

(End of this chapter)

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