CH 301 CH 298
...Slightly before...

At this time, in St. George's Cathedral, knight guards stood around the auditorium with blood-stained knight swords to monitor the movements of the nobles.

In front of the auditorium, stood a man and a woman. The man was wearing a black suit with a black rose pinned to his chest.

The lady is wearing a pure white wedding dress with a white rose pinned to her chest.

"...Are you willing to marry this man?" The priest looked at Vivienne gently.

Vivian raised her eyebrows, and there were a few big characters in her eyes, "What do you think?"

As an old acquaintance of William Orwell, the priest who knew about the entanglement between the princess and William Orwell twitched, what do you think?

"... Then this man, are you willing to marry this lady?"

"If I say yes, I will be hacked to death..." Li Ping muttered softly.

"So, among the guests at the scene, is there anyone who opposes this marriage?" The priest cracked his lips and laughed. After all, this strange wedding is coming to an end soon, and the screams in the distance are getting closer and closer.

"I object!" ×2
The door of the church was smashed by a man and a woman at the same time.

This is a man and a woman. The man is holding a two-meter-long giant machete, and the woman is holding the same two-meter-long ritual samurai sword.

"Very well, since there are objections, then the men who object will marry the bride."

"Huh?" William Orwell was stunned.

Li Ping and Kanzaki looked at each other, and the communication was completed in an instant.

Then... Kanzaki activated the stigmata, and quickly launched the restraint spell. Li Ping put on the dress he had prepared in advance, and his calculation power reached the limit of level 5, and he rushed directly in front of William Orwell, manipulating the magnetic force to disintegrate After taking off William Orwell's coat, Li Ping and Kanzaki moved at supersonic speed and changed William Orwell into a suit with a white rose pinned to it.

By the way, after disarming William Orwell, he sent William Orwell to Vivian.

The next moment, Li Ping and Kanzaki obediently sat in the first row of the auditorium and began to watch the play.

After sleeping for more than three hours, Index, who was somewhat refreshed, also woke up and began to watch the play.

"Eh?" When William Orwell came back to his senses, he had already become a groom.

"Hmph, did you come up with this idea! I'm against..."

When Vivienne and William Orwell heard this voice, Qi Qi turned slightly to the side, looking at the fat-headed nobleman who seemed to have figured it out.

With the eyes of the dead.

"Crack!" A flash of red lightning pierced through the roof of the church, directly killing the nobleman who spoke.

The priest looked at the two old acquaintances cheerfully. He had been waiting for this day for more than ten years.

The priest put away his expression and showed his [-]% professionalism.

Then, start asking again.

"His Royal Highness Vivienne, are you willing to marry this down-and-out mercenary as his wife, regardless of whether he..."

"I am willing."

"William Orwell, are you willing to marry His Royal Highness Vivienne, and become a sharp blade in her hands, sweeping away the enemies for her..."

"I am willing."

"Good guy, it's all going with the flow..." Li Ping happily clapped his hands.

Originally, there were still nobles who wanted to put on a dirty face.

After hearing William Orwell's soft snort, everyone applauded enthusiastically.

"I'm afraid it's because I couldn't save face before, and it's because His Royal Highness Vivienne actually owes a lot of favors to the water behind."

"Witnesses, please bring up the ring." The priest looked at Li Ping.

Li Ping stopped applauding his hands.

He took out the rings Carissa had prepared for the two from his pocket.

After the ceremony was completed, Li Ping and Kanzaki walked out of St. George's Cathedral holding Index's hand.

"Speaking of which, behind the second princess is always standing behind the Knight Commander, and behind the third princess is always standing behind the water, so what about the first princess?"

"I don't know, that princess has always been a loner." Kanzaki shook her head.

"In short, let's go directly to the final stage, I have no interest in entanglement with miscellaneous fish."

"The final stage? Buckingham Palace?"

"That's right, since it's a national-level coup, the final stage must be in the political center of this country. Let's go, go to Meimei's to sleep, and then watch the final performance." Li Ping turned his head to look at the starry sky. After a few hours of study, I finally learned to switch my field of vision to the magic field of vision.

There is no doubt that the star that now symbolizes the Second Princess is the brightest star over Britain right now.

"The second princess of Britain in another world... please show me your first curtain call performance."

Defeated in front of 9000 million people, uh...("▔▔▔)

If the leader is not here, who will give Kai Lisa a friendship-breaking face fist?
In a certain guest bedroom of Buckingham Palace, Li Ping sat on the sofa thinking about this question while drinking tea.

"Oh, you're really here..." Kailisa kicked open the door of Li Ping's room.

"Hey, baby is sleeping."

"Isn't it that you didn't wake up? Come on, I brought Katina I here, and tell me what your spiritual outfit is."

"It's better not to let him touch Katina I." Index rubbed her eyes and sat up on the bed.

"Eh? Why?"

"That man is the late emperor of the Holy Empire of Britannia."

"Huh? Britannia? I've never heard of such a country..."

"Because that country doesn't exist in this world, but that country does exist."

"What do you mean? He made it up in his brain?"

"Let's just understand it as past life." Index rubbed her temples, citing past life theory didn't quite fit with the little bit of memory she saw when she accidentally borrowed Li Ping's computing power.On the contrary, the theory of another world is more normal.

"...So what happened?"

"The Britannian Empire, formerly the British Empire, completely occupied about half of the world's territory at its peak, and eventually joined another organization called the Human Revolution Alliance, completing the terrifying journey of unifying the world."

"Huh? Give up the independence of your own country and join the other pole of the world to unify the world? It's also a good dream, isn't it good to unify the world by yourself?"

"Uh... the Human Revolutionary League was also drafted and founded by him."

"...Okay, just tell me the conclusion."

"He was the one who once ruled the world, the Emperor of Britain..."

"It's true... Britannia is the ancient name of Britain, but does brain supplementation count?"

"Is it really brain supplement..." Index rubbed her forehead.

Of course, Carissa didn't hear the last sentence, because she directly smashed the wall with Li Ping and flew into the courtyard of Buckingham Palace.

"Come on, hold this sword." Carissa threw Katina I to the ground. "Then tell me, what exactly is the spiritual outfit you're trying to hide."

"You're just suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder!"


"Just admit it so bluntly?!"

(End of this chapter)

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