The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 299 One Point Calculation

Chapter 299 Chapter 296

"However... my stupid sister knows so many things, she must do a lot of unnecessary things." Kai Lisa raised her mouth, put her elbows on her legs, crossed her fingers, and put them under her chin. He looked at his sister with interest.

"It doesn't matter, my Black Knights have the ability to control mind, it is very simple to wash away this part of the memory.

Even if I need to do my homework right now, I can directly destroy the relevant brain structure of His Royal Highness Vivienne to achieve the result of physical amnesia. Li Ping still looked out of the window with his cheeks propped up. The carriage was traveling at [-] kilometers per hour. With the operation on the carriage and the ancient operation on the road, the carriage hardly vibrated.

I don't know if this thing has the value of mass production.

"Let's forget about this. After all, we are only a temporary cooperative relationship. It is impossible for you to tamper with the memory of the heir to the royal family. Where is William Orwell?"

"I got the custom-made new spiritual outfit two hours ago, and now I have boarded the plane to Britain, and it is expected to arrive at London Heathrow International Airport in three hours.

Also, are you sure this plan of getting them married in situ will work? " Li Ping turned his head suspiciously.

("Wait! What is marriage in place?!")
"No problem, in order to increase credibility, I deliberately sent out the information that my imperial sister is going to marry a certain nobleman through the dedicated information channel." Kellysa gave a thumbs up, full of confidence.

"Oh, is that right... By the way, there doesn't seem to be anyone worthy of marriage in Britain, right?" Li Ping connected to the Misaka network while speaking, and entrusted the Misaka girls to start searching for relevant information. "I'm afraid the only one who is worthy of marriage is the knight leader, but isn't he from a knight novel with you?"

"So it's not a British aristocrat..." Carissa chuckled. "It is you!"


"The photo used for the invitation is a combination of a photo of you wearing a dress in Buckingham Palace and a photo of Vivienne's private wedding dress test. The purpose of the marriage is that you join Britain with the Black Knights and establish a small Academy City in Britain. , and then help Britain develop rapidly.

In the intelligence, Vivienne's extremely resistant attitude was also attached, and there was even the possibility of committing suicide on the wedding day.With this level of bait, William Orwell would definitely be fooled. "

"... I mean, Your Highness Kailisa... don't you think about whether I can beat four semi-saints?" Li Ping twitched the corner of his mouth and let out a foul breath.

"Eh? Why four and a half?"

"According to intelligence, William Orwell has the characteristics of both a saint and a saint, so he can use both the power of a saint and magic. With the mutual enhancement of the two, he is almost equivalent to the fighting power of two saints.

With the increase of the new weapons, I am afraid that the combat power can be increased by another [-]%, and he is two and a half saints rounded up.

Kanzaki has my power boost, so she can beat two saints if rounded..."

"Wait...Why did Kanzaki Kaori come to attack you? Is this what you mean by having a close relationship with you! I thought it was a comrade-in-arms relationship..."

"Carissa, you are too slow..." Index rubbed her eyes and yawned along the way.It's [-]:[-] GMT, [-]:[-] Tokyo time (Academy City time).

It was long past Index's bedtime.

"Speaking of which, although I'm not worried about whether Li will die or not, but if you plan on him like this, this incident will turn into a farce.

Didn't you see how miserable the queen's fleet and Lidovia were?Until now, Lidovia hadn't emerged from the shadow of being watched by a group of people. "

"Lidovia? Didn't her plan fail and she plunged into Academy City's siege net and was captured?"

"There were more than [-] of us at the time, and we watched Lidovia insert the apostle's cross in the invisible barrier, and then when we were stunned by the fireworks, we lifted the invisible and applauded around her." Indy Ke Siqiang said mentally and gestured. "Lidovia asked when she was exposed, and Li told her that she was being watched as soon as she got off the plane at the Tokyo airport."

"..." Kailisa thought about the scene where her plan failed and was surrounded by a group of high-level enemies who said, "I just want to watch your performance". The scene was so congested that the corners of Kailisa's mouth began to twitch. "A scholar can be killed but not humiliated, dear..."

"It is precisely because I know that such an enemy with lofty aspirations cannot be humiliated lightly, I only teased her once, and then threw many books of philosophy and economics scholars to her for her to study..." Li Ping shook his head. "In the past, if I did this kind of thing, I would kill her from the Nine Clans."

After Lidovia was captured, Li Ping specially went to chat with her, after all, it was said that this sister was only thinking about saving the weak.

However, she made the same mistake as the Water Behind, that is, William Orwell.

That is, there is only one person who can do a fart...

Don't you see, after William Orwell received Li Ping's funds and received the guidance of the professional disaster relief team sent by Li Ping, the efficiency of doing good deeds increased exponentially.

For example, in the past, William discovered a village that had been ravaged by warlords. His process was to defeat the warlords, live with the villagers for a few months, help rebuild wells and other facilities at a minimum, find local herbs, and help build simple He will not leave until it is confirmed that the local residents can support themselves.

And now?
The process has become that the disaster relief troops ransacked the nearby warlords in an organized manner, and then built a bunch of prefabricated board houses to rebuild the village-level economic system with work-for-relief. and educational facilities, hire teachers and doctors, pave roads, do greening, set up communication base stations, and finally establish a joint defense system with surrounding villages before the disaster relief troops leave.

By the way...

Both William Orwell and Li Ping thought it was just a waste of money, but when they got to the third actually started to make a profit!

Although Lidovia is equally compassionate and keen to save the weak, she places too much emphasis on preaching and ignores material issues.

After understanding Li Ping's core idea is to use the power of science and organization to first solve the problem of survival, and then use literature and philosophical works to improve the mind, so that as many people as possible can get the power to think.

Lidovia admitted for the time being that Li Ping had the same purpose as her own, but with different standpoints and methods.

There is just one question... which is the core issue of the discussion between the two, is the attitude of systematically studying magic a science?
At least, in the eyes of scientists who know magic.

No matter how much you emphasize that magic is a system composed of art, training, and various traditions, it is completely based on unknown laws and knowledge that cannot be controlled by human scientific means.

In the eyes of our own group of scientists (including Li Ping), as long as this thing can be systematically summarized and studied, this thing is part of science.

(End of this chapter)

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