Chapter 286 Three pits

"Moses Moses? This is Oriana Anderson ~ Lidovia-chan ~ Can you hear me?" Oriana, who threw away Tsuchimikado, Kamijo Touma and Steele, hung up the communication for Lidovia Juji, the current Oriana is on the top of a tall building in Academy City, watching the battlefield that is ending outside the Second School District of Academy City.

"I heard it, and please don't say your real name, or you will be discovered by others."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter at all. If I didn't guess wrong, I would have been exposed by now~" Orianna pursed her lips.

"Have you been followed?"

"No~ But, I can feel the gaze of the inorganic substance all the time. I'm afraid it's a machine tracking me." Orianna turned her head to look at the camera that was constantly swinging back and forth on the top of the tall building.If my common sense of science and technology is correct, I am afraid that I have never left the shooting range of that camera.

And, on the other side, there is still a camera locking on him, complete surveillance without blind spots...

Oriana glanced around, and found out just now that within the visual range, there are more than three cameras shooting at every location, completely monitoring without blind spots. What is this level of monitoring for defense?

In addition, when did I expose myself? At this stage, the spells to disperse idlers cannot be used to disperse computer programs.

Oriana turned her attention to Li Ping who was looking at the battlefield below.

"It was discovered..." Orianna frowned, seeing Li Ping who was about a kilometer away below, after she looked over, she turned around and greeted herself, "What a terrifying sixth sense..."

"If the information is correct, the Puritan Church and Academy City should have known about the Apostle's Cross being stolen and traded, but why are only the Puritan troops chasing it now? Has the decoy been exposed?" Oriana continued to communicate with Lidvia using communication spells.

"I'm afraid so."

"Oh, by the way, where are you, Lidovia? Are you still in the hotel?"

"That's right, I didn't move."

"That's great... Elder sister, I also want to stay in the hotel, ah yes, Lidovia, I found a good man, maybe I will stay by his side in the future."

"Huh? Where's your ideal?"

"He is..."

"Huh? Wait, you mean, he's the benchmark you're looking for?"

"My intuition guides me like this, the world where only I will get hurt... It's a pity that this strange smell will appear on human beings, and, it's not the kind of Notre Dame, but... How should I put it, More aggressive guy."

"He is the leader of the largest armed organization in Academy City. Before the mission is over, don't get too close to him. It is said that he can directly confront that Kanzaki Kaori, and, during the battle in Academy City, someone filmed him fighting screen.

It's a saint-level combat power. I don't want you to be caught before the mission is over. If that happens, it will be difficult for me. "

"I know, sister, I won't mess around until the mission is over."

After speaking, Oriana cut off the spell.

"It's eleven o'clock in the morning... let's eat first." Orianna slapped her palms, and went downstairs with the package wrapped in the billboard, ready to find a place to eat.

Then at two o'clock in the afternoon, Oriana's figure was locked by Tsuchimikado and others again.

"The impact of Freya's detonation is still quite big, Wuchang is eyeing this thing..." After tortured the commander of the group of mercenaries, Li Ping leisurely drank afternoon tea with Misaka Mikoto and others, By the way, analyze the information just obtained.

"However, our intelligence network didn't detect this gathering... Sure enough, there are still loopholes in the intelligence network. After all, could someone have noticed the surveillance network we deployed in the civilian communication network?" Li Ping touched. Jaw checks the relevant information.

"It should be said that it is common sense to avoid the use of civilian equipment for communications involving confidentiality." Aleister spit on the screen.

"That's right, the next step is to launch a tactical shuttle from Endymion and install bugs on satellites around the world. After all, you have a full set of MS development materials. How is the MS development progress?" Li said. Ping looked at Mitsuko who was sitting beside her.

"That..." After marriage, Guangzi's eyebrows kept beating. "It's okay to say that KMF can produce something that can be produced using the existing technology of Academy City and the production line. It is not a big problem to carry out reverse mapping and re-engraving under the premise of a full set of drawings. The prototype can be produced in two weeks, and it can be completed in one month. Mass production.

But for things like MS, the technology on it has surpassed the existing technology of Academy City by at least 200 years, do you know how troublesome it is for us to stop old professors and technicians who want to jump off the building! "

"...Ah, is that so?"

"Yes, there is a certain gap between KMF and our technology, but the material and production process are things of the same era as ours, but MS is different. The manufacturing process of the special steel on the skeleton is enough to learn There is a material revolution in Yuancheng, not to mention the layer of phase-transfer armor, we have never even touched that kind of nano-manufacturing process." After marriage, Photon repeated the complaints of the technicians of his own company.

"Then, let's use the technology inside to develop a one-person shuttle. The plan to control the global satellites in the next stage has to be advanced. I didn't expect Freya to have such a big influence."

"A non-polluting tactical weapon, doesn't that mean it can be used without restrictions? This thing, if you are not careful, it will become a conventional weapon." Aleister interjected.

"For space warfare in the future, it's likely to be used. Let's forget about ground warfare. If you invest in this kind of thing, the battle will be meaningless... Besides, in terms of ground warfare, this thing is a strategic weapon, not a tactical weapon. One shot The kind that reverses the form of the battlefield.” Li Ping thought for a while, if a hundred and eighty large hemispherical pits with a diameter of [-] kilometers were blown up on the ground, the stability of the earth’s crust would not be guaranteed.

"makes sense."

On another tablet on the table, at this moment, Oriana Thomson and Tsuchimikado's fight was playing.

At this time, Tsuchimikado was being kicked one after another by Oriana's long legs and couldn't find the north.

Then, Tsuchimikado threatened with injuries all over his body, saying that the saint of the Church of Necessary Evil would intervene in the battle.

Then he was hammered by Oriana again.

When leaving, Oriana still left her words.

"That saint of yours has no will to intervene in this battle at all. I have seen her a long time ago. She is shopping around the world with her boyfriend during this festival."

Tsuchimikado, who failed in the intimidation operation, could only lie on the ground and shout in grief and indignation.

"Big sister, you tricked me!"

This embarrasses Kanzaki who was watching the surveillance with everyone in the coffee shop and afternoon tea.

(End of this chapter)

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