Chapter 259 Chapter 257
"Found the basement! This building seems to have been abandoned..."

"Of course the secret research institute should pretend to be abandoned."

"The first to fourth teams search downward, the fifth to eighth teams search upward, and the ninth and tenth teams are on alert!"


The combat troops of the Black Knights launched search operations in an orderly manner.

Misaka Mikoto and Kiyama Chunsheng and their team found ten comatose children who were taken away on the 22nd floor of the abandoned research institute, and Harukami Jinyi who was still awake but locked in the learning device.

MAR's technicians have thoughtfully completed the start-up and debugging of all the devices. From the data point of view, we only need to wait for Christina to send the initial samples to...

"...Uh..." Misaka Mikoto broke into a cold sweat at the thought of this. According to the information, the initial sample was on Christina... With this kind of security configuration, she might not be able to get in...

Even after entering, there are still two members of the Black Knights wearing military powered armor standing at the door...

"My lord?" Heizi looked curiously at Misaka Mikoto, who was turning gray.

" will die laughing..."


When Misaka Mikoto said that she forgot to dismantle Christina's mecha to snatch the ability user crystal, even Harukami Jinyi, who had just met, showed an expression of not being able to bear to look directly at it.

"It doesn't matter, my lord, our information network is very complete, as long as... um!"

A piercing and strange sound suddenly sounded in the base, and a group of ability users all knelt on the ground with their heads in pain.

"Is this... a decrease in ability?" Misaka Mikoto's face was pressed to the ground, and cold sweat flowed down uncontrollably. "There is such a level of effort?"

"Of course, the first experimental machine couldn't fully interfere with the calculations of the new level 5 named Li Ping. Sister, I deliberately increased my efforts when improving it."

Christina, who was wearing a complete custom-built powered armor, came in from the door.In her hand was a huge metal... mallet?
"Does it feel particularly painful? Is it so painful that you can't scream? Do you feel that your soul has been pulled out? My sister and I, but the sound waves specially modulated to make you experimental animals feel the pain .”

"!!!!" Misaka Mikoto turned her head to look, and Kuroko's eyeballs were almost rolled to the back of his head, and he could only hold his head and open his mouth to breathe desperately, his body tensed.

"Damn... guards..." Misaka Mikoto glanced at the door of the laboratory, and the two driven suits collapsed on the ground.

"It really took a lot of energy from me..." Christina walked past Misaka Mikoto and the others who had collapsed on the ground. "Can you still maintain your own consciousness? It seems that the suppression of level 5 is not enough. But it's just right, let me show you something interesting."

"What are you going to do!" Misaka Mikoto barely got up from the ground.

"What to do? Of course to complete the experiment." Christina took out a special airtight jar from her chest.A small red crystal is suspended inside.

"Why... aren't you also a test subject... why do you want to treat these children who are also test subjects..."

"I'm different from you. I'm not a victim. I've obtained the right, that's right, I have obtained the right to cultivate and bloom the seed extracted from my body, and give birth to an unprecedented level 6." Christie said. Na's smile gradually collapsed.

"Could it be... that is the first sample?" Haruo Kiyama, whose brain was once synchronized with [-] capable users, collapsed on the ground, holding his head and reluctantly opened his eyes to look at the thing in Christina's hand.

"That's right~"

"Psychopaths who can exert power beyond themselves under certain circumstances..."

"Level 6 is already there, but it was not achieved through your random experiments at all." Misaka Mikoto's efforts to shield the impact of the decline in ability. "Very well, the control of the extremity is gradually restored."

"how is this possible!"

At the same time, people were sitting in the conference room, and Li Ping, whose debuff came from the sky, bowed into a prawn because of the severe pain coming from his head. Everyone except Accelerator, who was watching the last work, and Kakine Teitoku, who was twitching his eyes, overturned and smashed most of the conference table by the way.

"Accelerator, you and Hei Wife take the QRF to the Communication Research Institute of School District 23, and the others can only go to the incapable, wearing military drive armor and anti-drive armor weapons." Li Ping struggled to get up from the ground. "What's going on with that Baga, Mikoto..."

"Crack!" Li Ping's left arm was blown to pieces.

"...Hey, hey, what are you doing?" Accelerator covered the eyes of the last work. "It would scare children."

"Yurizi, you have changed..."

"Who is Yuriko, hello!"


The camera goes back to the communication lab in District 23.

Christina fiddled with the individual super electromagnetic gun in her hand with a blank face. Just now, a 26mm shell directly hit Misaka Mikoto's left arm, but why is there nothing wrong with this person? It seems It's just that the driver's suit is damaged.

After reloading, Christina shot Shirai Kuroko, and Shirai Kuroko's entire lower body was blown away.


"It's not bad... Forget it, I saw that you also have your own little secret, let's take it back and dissect it and let me see your secret..." Christina stepped forward, trying to pick up Misaka Mikoto.

Under Misaka Mikoto's grief, her perseverance overwhelmed the sense of loss of control caused by the interference of ability decline.Taking advantage of Christina's careless and undefended state, he directly held her outstretched right hand and threw Christina out.Then he ran to Heizi in a hurry.


"My lord... I didn't expect that the physical pain would make me more conscious..."

"You wait, I will save you now."

"...That kind of thing is...impossible...the whole lower body..."

Misaka Mikoto touched the ring on her left hand, and a new split ring split from her ring.Misaka Mikoto grabbed Kuroko's weak left hand and put the ring in it.

(At the same time, Li Ping had just injected hemostatic agent into his left shoulder. Suddenly, Li Ping was startled and looked around in a daze. "...I always feel that there are people who want to cheat me...")
"...The ring that my sis gave me... Heizi died... huh?" He regained consciousness, and his shattered lower body also recovered.

If it wasn't for the torn clothes on his body that reminded him that he had once turned into a half-human, the experience just now would have been as unreal as a nightmare.

"Heizi, go and smash the central control room, I'll hold you back here."

"Okay!" Although he couldn't use his abilities and his senses were uncoordinated, Heizi, who could barely control his muscles, jumped out with all his strength.

Then Heizi crashed through the wall of the laboratory with a blank expression on his face, and after being blinded for a while, Sa Yazi staggered towards the central control room.

(...Damn it... Li Ping's egg hurts... oh, now that it's all gone from the waist down, then the phantom limb pain will be fine... I thought about it. If it wasn't for the unknown situation of Sister Pao, I really want to die once...

Didn't you see Mugino Shenli and Kinuhata's favorite filming of their dark history? )

"An injury of this degree can be recovered in an instant..." Christina got up from the ground with her face covered in blood.The driven armor on her body made a sound of being overwhelmed, but she still staggered towards Misaka Mikoto step by step with the broken railgun. "Quickly die and let me dissect it!"

As soon as Christina finished speaking, she ran up and swung the railgun like a hammer.

Misaka Mikoto stretched out her left hand to block directly. The severe pain of her broken arm made her close her left eye reflexively. The next moment, the pain disappeared and her arm recovered.Misaka Mikoto fended off the railgun, and punched Christina with her right hand. Christina barely dodged sideways, and then swung down with another hammer...

The two fought each other in the laboratory without any image at all.

In the end, the driven armor was shattered, and Christina, who was also dying, collapsed to the ground.

After Heizi destroyed the central control room, the members of the Black Knights who broke into the facility got up from the ground one by one sweating profusely, panting heavily.

Except for the two people stationed at the entrance of the laboratory and the three people stationed in the central control room.

The five people were attacked by Christina with the railgun and seriously injured and dying.

(End of this chapter)

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