The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 252 250 Please use us to your heart's content

Chapter 252 250 Please use us to your heart's content
"So, what do you, or they, think of me?"

"Unfortunate child."

"What did you say?!"

"This is the temporary view of the Misakas after knowing everything. Maybe in the future, after the Misakas' personality is established more soundly, this view will change, but this is how they see you now."

"I have killed you nearly [-] times!"

"What's the matter? Let's not talk about the fact that they haven't died yet. No. 9980 and Misaka before them have faithfully fulfilled their missions, and they have realized their value at that time. However, your final disposition will still be decided by Misaka , Although I have connected to the Misaka network, to be honest, I can't connect to this network very well, and I can't understand the state of mind of the Misakas for the time being.

Therefore, I cannot make the decision to deal with you on behalf of the Misakas, do Misaka pretends to ignore the voices of other Misakas asking me to make a decision..."

"Slap!" Li Ping slapped his face.

"...Forget the last sentence just now." Li Ping looked at Accelerator with gloomy eyes.

"Let me tell you, what state are you in now..." Fang Tongxing looked at Li Ping with a normal expression at first, but he looked like a Misaka guy as he spoke, and his expression became a Misaka-type inorganic qualitative expression.

"Misaka girls before 9980 generally lived for one to two months, and Misaka after 9981 is currently more than one month old. In other words, memories of more than 3000 years have been directly stuffed into my head. I still have It’s pretty good to be able to maintain your personality, isn’t it? I’m so lucky that the current influence is only the mouth fetishes of the Misakas that come out from time to time, okay…”

"Actually, your expression has changed..."

"Didn't it make you forget!" Li Ping's forehead was bulging with blue veins.

"Anyway, there will be a Misaka looking for you soon, and you will take good care of her then." Li Ping waved his hand to bid farewell, and turned to leave.

"...huh?" Fang Accelerator looked blankly at the back of Li Ping who had left.

In the afternoon, Li Ping returned to school and continued his classes.

With the help of the Misaka Network, Li Ping now has no restrictions on time and place in his office. Even when he sleeps, he only needs to set aside one or two threads of thinking to complete some simple affairs.

...It's sad to think about it...

Not long ago, I just transformed the Britannian Empire and released myself from endless official duties. Why did 007 start again in the second world... At least it was just 9-12-7 before...

By the way...

Chuchun's decoration is so good... In just two days, I have completely mastered the monitoring network of Academy City's security guards and disciplinary committee members.

Except for the 177th branch.The firewall over there is too strong, and it would take more than 48 hours to crack it without Chuchun Shili's intervention. If Chuchun Shili did it himself, this time would be dragged to almost infinity.

No matter how you think about it, you are in a panic. The theoretically highest-level database "Book Bank" in Academy City only persisted for 3 minutes under the brute force cracking by Misaka, and the 177th branch, which has no confidential information, has been kept secret by myself and others. No high-level surveillance video can be seen.


"Oh, it's Misaka. What's the matter?" There was a communication from Misaka Network, which came from "Misaka", the general consciousness of Misaka Network.

"The Misakas have made their final decision."

"The final decision? The one you voted without telling me?"

"That's right, my lord let us find our own value in the future."

"Well, yes."

"The Misakas believe that looking for value requires the Misakas to constantly experience things and add new experiences to gradually discover their own value."

"Well, that makes sense."

"So please use the Misakas to your heart's content, my lord. My lord's layout in the world should still lack key figures who you can trust, right? The Misakas can do it. In addition, the Misakas hope that my lord will give the "ring" to the Misakas, That way, the more capable Misakas can play a bigger role."

"Hmm..." Li Ping thought for a while. Indeed, there is no way to accommodate these 20020 Misaka girls in this academy city. After all, this city has only 230 million people, and [-]% of the population has a face. Think about it Just ghosts.If you give them the ring, it is basically equivalent to having a gold medal for avoiding death.

If the ability rises again, the strength of the quasi-level 5 will have great difficulty for ordinary people in the superficial world to bring them down.

"Okay, I will start distributing rings to you from tonight, and then I will trouble you to help me control the layout of each place."

"Understood, Onii-sama. The Misakas will upload the content of the world travel... work in time."

When the word "travel around the world" blurted out unconsciously, the Misaka network was blown up in an instant, and it was all Misaka who accused the general consciousness of slipping the tongue.

"...It's really peaceful..." Li Ping lowered the voice from the Internet, and turned his head to look at the sky.However, with the assistance of 20020 sisters, the layout for the Roman Orthodox Church can be completed.

The only problem now is the time. It is now September 930th. In the original work, the Roman Orthodox Church’s invasion of Academy City occurred on [-]th. Before that, there were several events such as the Cross of the Apostles and the Queen’s Fleet.

Then things took a turn for the worse, and World War III began in October.That month, the war was over.The subsequent incidents went straight to the demon god's destruction of the world, the battle with demons, and the banishment of demons. Li Ping neither knew the specific process nor how to solve such incidents.

The only good thing is that with the enrichment of information, Li Ping learned that the Roman Orthodox Church, which is said to have 20 billion believers, does not really have much power to use.The last time Agnes's troops were defeated within 5 minutes, they were actually considered the number one regular troops of the Roman Orthodox Church.

Otherwise, there is only a college city with a population of 230 million and the British Puritan with a population of only 5000 million cannot force a [-]-[-] split with the Roman Orthodox Church.

However, Misaka Network's computing power is really strong. The brains of 20020 Level 4s are connected in parallel, and the computing processing speed has surpassed Scarlet Forbidden's small quantum computer by more than a hundred times.Coupled with the relationship between No. 00000 (not No. 0 Dolly) attached to the network and Shokuhou Misaki, Shokuhou Misaki even provided the design drawings and related biological tissues of her ability-enhancing device.

If the performance in the design can be achieved, that amplifying instrument can directly forcibly control the minds of half of the people in Europe, or make the whole of Europe forget about Christianity.

Because it seemed too unethical, Shokuhou Misaki asked at the time, do you want to rule the world?

Misaka 9999, who was negotiating with Shokuhou Misaki at the time, said euphemistically that we just wanted to save the world.

After learning about Li Ping's simple and rude insurance, Aleister said euphemistically, compared with himself and others, you are the big devil.

(End of this chapter)

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