Chapter 24 023 Protagonist
"Finally... I can rest..." On the Archangel parked in the center of the Grand Fleet, Li Ping and Flagg fell asleep.

During this period, the two supply ships seized the time to resupply the Archangel, and Orb's civilians were also transferred to the shuttle, ready to land directly on Orb at any time.

Because Alutaimis was not cheated by the Archangel, the Eurasian Federation has a good impression of the Archangel as a unit.Now the people of the Eurasian Federation are investing in Halbaton's Eighth Mobile Fleet, so they can make a lot of money by digging out G's information from this old fox, okay?

Moreover, watching the Archangel repeatedly repel ZAFT's star troop, the Kruzer team's Alutaimis Fortress, sent this battle data and the Archangel to their "ZAFT angrily demolishing neutral colony satellites" , The Allied Forces are desperately protecting the colony satellites" video data was sent back to the United Earth Headquarters.

Plant is now almost completely passive in terms of publicity.

Plant Propaganda is waiting for the one-year anniversary of Blood Valentine's Day 4 days later to turn the tide.

No matter from which point of view... there is no stain at present, and the ZAFT ace unit is tough throughout the whole process and basically does not hold back.And the Archangel, which was incidentally carried by the public opinion war between the Eurasian Federation and the Atlantic Federation, is already a well-deserved star force of the Earth Federation.

Of course...the people on the Archangel who just reconnected to the joint space force's communication network are completely unaware of this...

After being chased and beaten for two days, everyone couldn't keep up mentally and physically... After spending more than two hours with Admiral Halbaton inspecting the ship, except for a small number of crew members on duty, hurry up Except for the ground workers who arranged the supplies and a certain strongest adjuster, almost everyone fell asleep on their own beds...

And this strongest adjuster... is writing the driver and the OS for natural people for the captive G-Jean, that is, the general Gene used by Michelle who repaired it with spare parts from Gundam.

After a day's rest, Ramias Li Ping and Bucky Lulu, the three native officers of the Archangel, and Flagg, who had always had a good reputation, came to the admiral's office in Halbarton.

"I've read the battle report, and it's been handled well so far. It's just that the surveillance footage of the release of the prisoners has not been cleaned up. I've already dealt with this for you. The decision to release the prisoners is correct, Ramias."

"!!!" The three of them exploded instantly, and Li Ping remained calm.

"The identities of those two people have become so complicated that we can't deal with them at all, and no matter how we deal with them, you will be the ones who will be blamed in the end. But if you release them back, this hot potato will be in the hands of the adjuster. In this way Come on, Chairman Sara, who has always been tough, won't be too tough anymore."

Admiral Halbotton unconsciously buckled the armrest of his chair.

"The other little girl... will become a great weapon in the future... She has such a city at such a young age... The younger generations will be feared by the younger generations... But it's not good to induce the adjuster on your ship to pry the corner of the wall... Isn't it good?"

"Do I have it?" Li Ping blinked. "People's behavior has always been from the heart and stopped from the courtesy. How can there be prying corners? And young people need to talk more if they can chat. It's rare to have a confidant in life."

"Haha, that's that."

However, Li Ping only found out about the fact that Kira would stay in Lux's room for an hour or so before going to bed, when he was chatting with Captain Flagg recently... At the earliest, Li Ping even thought, put Aslan Locked in the same room with Lux for several days, if the two of them create a villain, how far will the plot collapse.

But in the end, he coaxed Kira to pick up Lux...

The reason is "Although she is only 15 years old, she already has a complete set of political ideas and enough skills to realize them. Communicate with her more and learn from her." This.

But one thing that has troubled me recently is that Kira is a little too keen on participating in military affairs, whether it is to further explore the potential of the Archangel and its carrier-based aircraft, or conduct simulated warfare to discover her own potential.

During the two days of being pursued, Captain Flagg and the other two MA drivers were no longer able to compete with Kira in MA driving.

In this regard, Captain Flagg once said helplessly, "That child is like a sponge, constantly absorbing the knowledge and experience of the people around him."

Then Lieutenant Bucky Lulu ruthlessly complained, "That's not a sponge, it's a water pump."

Li Ping thought so.

Because in the battleship simulation battle, Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu was gradually unable to suppress this student who hadn't learned battleship command all day.

And Li Ping and his marines have long been unable to give Kira guidance in close combat and the use of firearms.

"By the way, your use of student soldiers has violated the Geneva Treaty, but fortunately, there are many things that can be remedied. Here are the notices and discharge permits for the five of them. The time of enlistment was a month ago, and the Archangel was in the sea. When Polis enters the port. In this way, there is no need to worry about their identities." Admiral Halbarton took out ten A4 sheets of paper.

"One more thing, the adjuster on your ship, what do you want to do with it?"

"Second Lieutenant Yamato volunteered to join the Allied Forces until the end of the war, but he expects his personal safety will not be threatened. Why don't we worry about those inside us..." Captain Ramias answered.

"Blue universe..." Admiral Halbaton looked at Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu delicately. "The Second Lieutenant's you know what it is for?"

"Eh? In my family, the above five generations are all soldiers, and most of my relatives serve in the United Army..."

Seeing that Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu was really puzzled, Admiral Halbaton sighed, and said to himself that the Bucky Lulu family... has produced so many wonderful things...

"An uncle of Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, who has a large military-industrial complex in North America, which is part of a cartel-style monopoly group called LOGOS."

"I do know that, the Nelson-class battleship was produced by his family." Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu nodded.

"And this LOGOS... is the master behind the blue universe."

"In other words, generally speaking, Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu would be regarded as someone from the blue universe." Admiral Halbarton looked at Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, who had a big mouth and was slightly sluggish. "But it seems that she doesn't have such a self-conscious look. It is obvious that his father, Major General Bucky Lulu, is a very good political player. It seems that Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu is not very sensitive in this area..."

"So these two are the protagonists..." Captain Flagg and Li Ping made eye contact.

"This guy in front of me is also treated as a protagonist." Li Ping withdrew his gaze. "No...the names and surnames on this ship are all treated as protagonists..."

(End of this chapter)

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