Chapter 17 Chapter 016
"Archangel calls from the rear, speeds up immediately, and finds Nazca-class 3, 800 meters away from our ship. The Archangel is too late for reinforcements, and the MS team will arrive as soon as possible. Above."

"There are three Nascar-class ships? Speed ​​up immediately and get rid of them!"

"Mullafrag, Zero disembarks."

"Li Ping, the Holy Shield leaves the ship, take a step ahead, and the captain's zero-type drags Kira-kun's attack."

"Understood, shouldn't we ask the almighty Sergeant Madoc to modify a booster or something? It's not very convenient to run and attack from a long distance." Captain Flagg's Mobius Zero battlefield modification plan Draw a curve, waiting for the attack in front of the Archangel.

"Let's talk about that. We'll land on the earth in two days. Why don't we study how to make mobile suits fly. I can't bear to run on two legs. Although the holy shield can barely fly in the atmosphere, it's completely It's a brick flying with great strength and no aesthetic feeling at all." Li Ping drove the propeller to the maximum and rushed in the direction of the advance team.At a distance of about 6400 kilometers, under the premise of retaining the propellant fuel for combat, the maximum relative speed of the Holy Shield and the advance team is 3 kilometers per second. It takes [-] minutes for the Zero Type to wait for the attack to be dispatched, but the Zero Type The speed that can be retained is larger, and it should be almost reached with the Holy Shield in the end.

Then the question arises, after 640 seconds, can these three people save the old Alstad's life?

Or to put it another way, can the advance team last for 640 seconds?

"The NASCAR class released mobile suits from the rear, number 12, Zeon 9, and... Duel Storm Thunder! They are approaching this fleet, and the contact time is expected to be 10 minutes away."

"The fleet speeds up and stops, and starts to turn the hull. The left rudder is 120 degrees, the starboard side is sinking 20 degrees, and the side is facing the enemy. All members are wearing spacesuits, preparing for air combat, and releasing the MA. Deputy Secretary, please go to the escape cabin, and then we will It's time for glory." The captain took off his hat and, assisted by his lieutenant, began to put on his spacesuit.

"Fleet, the air-to-air formation conversion is completed, and the missile launch tubes are all loaded with Corinthians. Anti-beam mine blasts are launched."

"Enemy mobile suit, enter range."

"Air-to-air combat begins, MA team takes over."

A few minutes later, Li Ping looked at the advance team.

"Is this MA driver a pig..." Li Ping looked at Mobius, who was proud of his excellent frontal projection firepower, ultra-high acceleration and ultra-high longitudinal direction change performance, and masturbated with Gene on the spot, Go around in circles with Gene.

"Are you pigs! Hit BZ! Hit BZ! Speed ​​up! You are interceptors! Not helicopters! Standing with Gene and looking for death!" Li Ping still couldn't help turning on the communicator and shouting. The MA pilots subconsciously obeyed the instructions sent by the communication. The lieutenant captain of the MA team was killed as soon as he came up, and there was nothing wrong with following an order that sounded reasonable.

"I X! Formation! Formation! Five units form a group, keep a distance, and fight BZ with Gene! Approach at high speed! Get away with one blow, and don't look back even if you are shot down!"

I don’t know how to go around in circles, but how about the BZ I learned in school!The Mobius changed their normal behavior, and the more than ten-meter-long airframe rushed out with a more than ten-meter-long tail flame.

The body of Mobius is not so much a fighter jet as it is two particularly large propellers connected together with a cockpit and a connecting rod, and then the largest gun that can be added (75mm electromagnetic gun ), two 30mm Avenger Gatling cannons and four air-to-air missiles were added to the remaining space.Acceleration or something... Gene can't compare at all.

"This group of guys!" A Gene held a 76mm assault gun and fired at the Mobius who passed by and was speeding up.

A shell with a muzzle velocity of 740 m/s cannot catch up with Mobius, whose relative speed is more than [-] km/s.

"Follow me for the pizza, noodles, dumplings and pasta, and the fried chicken for the rest." A driver with a faster thought took over the command.The remaining 11 Mobius formed two formations, drawing two large arcs in the distance. "Gene marks 1-9, G series marks 10-12, fried chicken team attacks target one, our team attacks target two. Dive! Dive! Dive!"

To be honest, limited by the power of the Mobius electromagnetic gun, the muzzle velocity of the 75mm electromagnetic gun is only 900 meters per second, which is not high, and it is not as good as the muzzle velocity of the high-pressure rifled gun of the old T-64 tank.

However, what if the relative speed of the body and the target is close to 3 km/s?
How powerful is the 3900mm hard-core armor-piercing projectile at 75 m/s?
"Enter the locking distance! Shoot! Shoot!" MA drivers calmly read the combat instructions. "Three targets, two missiles, salvo!" There was only a 2-second shooting window from when the fire control computer locked on the target to passing close to the target.Mobius can only fire a maximum of two railgun rounds.

"Hit! Hit! Gene breaks!"

"John! Damn Burger got killed!"

A Zeon was hit by two railguns, one hit the shoulder armor, and then the entire arm was torn off by the huge kinetic energy. The body turned more than half a circle uncontrollably, and the body was on the attitude control nozzle and sprayed desperately. It took only one second to control the body, and then it was hit in the waist by the second shot, and the whole body was torn in half. It is not known whether the battery or fuel was detonated, and the upper body exploded.

Then came the second one, with 5 missiles and 3 misses, and the remaining two hit Jean's chest firmly. The metal jet directly penetrated the armor of the cockpit, and the body was spinning and drifting to nowhere. place.

"Wow, so this Mobius is not cannon fodder!" The MA driver code-named French Fries looked back at the flames of the explosion.In the charge just now, one Mobius was hit head-on, but... 11 Mobius hit 12 mobile suits, losing one and knocking down two. This battle damage is better than seeing.

"You think too much! In the second round, speed up! Lock on target 1, the fried chicken team, and target 4." The MA driver code-named Lasagne, who had a little feeling, changed the aiming parameters in the fire control data link. Set not as a point, but as a circle with a diameter of ten meters.

"You must have the consciousness of a miscellaneous fish!" Yitzhak led the Gene team to meet the sprinting MA formation. The concentrated fire of 8 mobile suits only knocked down four MAs, and the two sides passed by each other. The MAs rushed to a distance of more than ten kilometers and drew a large circle to form again.

As for the Zeon team, two had their upper body shattered, one had a leg broken, and two were blown to pieces by thirty missiles on the spot.Duel's chest resisted a shot, and the battery directly dropped by one-tenth.

"Idiot, isn't it better for us to fight together?"

"Hey, old Yinbi, continue?"

"Why not? There are six more people, another round!" The remaining six Mobius reorganized and accelerated towards the Gene team again.

"Don't come here!!" A Gene carrying a bazooka turned around and wanted to run.

"It's him!" Twelve railgun shells covered the turned Zeon, and after limbs were torn apart by the railgun shells one after another, amidst the wailing and cursing of the Jean driver, the last shell hit Jean backpack.The machine body spun into a Drake-class ship in a series of explosions...

"Uh...can I draw a whale on the body..." The MA pilot code-named Kimchi looked at the scene of crashing his own frigate after being injured by six of his own in a daze.

"While drawing you a whale, I will reward you with a bullet. Do you want to draw?"

"That's fine."

"Cut... Tricky guy..." An orange Zeon dropped the armor-piercing high-explosive magazines for anti-ships and replaced them with anti-aircraft fragmentation magazines that he had never used. "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, the system is useless and abnormal. But Heine...why this group of MAs?"

"The myth of MS has been broken..." Kruse looked at the worst battle loss ratio since ZAFT started the war with a stomach ache.As a senior anti-social element with a strong character and brains, whether it is reason or knowledge, tell him one thing.There are only two reasons why ZAFT gained an advantage in the space station. One is that the high-level command on the opposite side is too bad, and the other is that the MS came up and beat the combined MA troops.

Whether it is the air battle in the atmosphere in the old century or the wars fought by the United Army itself in the universe, the air combat mode is a high-speed assault and one-shot escape mode. The MS, a carrier-based aircraft that can go around and turn around with a wave, made the United MA pilot very uncomfortable. He subconsciously watched the opponent circle around, and wanted to slow down and accompany him in the circle.

A large number of experienced MA drivers in the early days were consumed because they did not adapt to this dogfighting mode. Coupled with the large number of veterans who were abandoned in the Battle of the World Tree, the United Army is really a group of rookies who have just left school. Fight with ZAFT, a group of veterans who have fought for nearly a year.

Under the terrorist propaganda of "MS is strong" and wrong tactical guidance, MS can gain a foothold on the space battlefield.There was even an unexpected exchange ratio of one to six.

And now, the myth has been busted.

Six Mobius are circling around the 5 remaining ZAFT mobile suits, like vultures ready to rush down and bite off a piece of your meat.

"Adis, get my body ready and let Yizhak and the others concentrate on fighting the ship. I'll deal with those MAs."

(End of this chapter)

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