The 21st century of gangsters everywhere

Chapter 13 The Battle Next to the 012 Umbrella (02)

Chapter 13 The Battle Next to the 012 Umbrella (02)

Kira swung his sword down, cutting off the dueling rifle.

"'s just a natural person!" Yitzhak avoided the attack's slash, and didn't even have the energy to manipulate the machine to draw his sword.

"If you distract yourself, you will die..." Yitzhak's every nerve was frantically calling the police. "This guy!"

"Yizhak!" Nicole drove Thunder to the duel.Shoot to cover the duel and push Kira back.

"Second Lieutenant Bucky Lulu, ignore the Lolacia class next, the Archangel's right rudder is 90, heading 0, 90, 0, the bow is pointing at the Nazca class, the positron gun is ready for the second shot, the target is the Nazca class .”

"It's really a prey that shouldn't be underestimated... Long legs. And that white machine, it seems to be called a strong attack? The pilot is very strong, is it really a natural person?" Kruzer's Sigurd pulled a small Arc, dodging the high-speed armor-piercing projectile fired by the holy shield's right hand attack shield, I don't know why, seeing this red body with the monitor on its head like a unicorn, Kruse is very kind and always feels like If you open it, you can open it at three times the speed of ordinary mobile suits, should you try to capture it?
Cruze strolled in the courtyard to avoid the shooting of the Holy Shield, and quickly approached the Holy Shield.Three shots of armor-piercing armor-piercing ammunition strengthened at random, knocking the Holy Shield out of balance.Put the 76mm assault gun back, pull out the physical sword, and rush to the holy shield.

"As long as the cockpit is destroyed..." The body is mine.

"Wow..." Team Quoke, don't come here!
Li Ping didn't have time to open his mouth to complain, and tried his best to restore the balance of the body.After Li Ping managed to regain control of the body, he saw that Kruse's Xigu was almost rushing in front of him.

"Successful!" Of course, for the sake of his own image, Team Ke just yelled in his heart.

Li Ping hastily manipulated the body to light up the lightsaber in his left hand, and swung his arms to try to block Xigu's thrust.

But it is a pity that the imagined sword to fend off Xigu does not exist.

Because the lightsaber directly cut off Xigu's physical sword.

"Cut!" Cruze's face darkened, and he changed the angle of the body at the moment the two bodies collided, and hit the holy shield with one knee.Swing the broken sword away, and continuously use the enhanced armor-piercing bullets to shoot at the cockpit of the Holy Shield.

"I...!" The holy shield was knocked into the air by the huge impact. Fortunately, Li Ping was wearing a seat belt, otherwise this would be enough for him to crash into the dashboard and die on the spot...

"It hurts, it hurts..." Even so, Li Ping's shoulders ached from the seat belt.Putting the shield in front of the body, the PS armor consumes a lot of power. Facing this kind of armor-piercing projectile, almost one shot will consume 5% of the power. In addition to the previous consumption of the beam rifle, it will take less than 3 minutes to see the Ke team. More than half of the power has been consumed.

"Are there still about seventeen beams or ten rounds to be fired... Captain Flagg, you have to work hard." Li Ping now only dared to hide behind the shield and use the Barr gun to contain the team.

"It's really ugly..." Kruse was very dissatisfied with being dragged down by this obviously novice guy relying on the performance advantage of the machine.

"Boom!" I don't know which round it was, the 75mm shell was hit, and Kruse's 76mm assault gun was blown into two pieces.

"What a gaffe!" Xigu dropped half of his machine gun and kicked the holy shield. "char!"

Then he used the small-caliber Gatling on the attack shield with his left hand to shoot at the holy shield that rolled and flew out.

"Hey!" A shot came down, and the power of the holy shield directly bottomed out.Stepping up the throttle, the Holy Shield turned into MA form and ran away. Li Ping manually turned off the PS armor, saving the energy needed for two beam rifle shots. "It's just that the beam rifle and PS armor can't be used anymore!"

The thrust of the Holy Shield is not pretty!

"Don't run! Just wait for me!" Cruze also stepped up the accelerator and chased after him.

"What are the captain and Yitzhak doing... just two mobile suits..."

"Swoosh!" The Holy Shield flew past the storm.

"Eh?" Diaka only felt a gray shadow pass by in front of his eyes. "Dizzy? Forget it, try this!" Stormwind connected the two spears at the end and fired in high-power shotgun mode.

"What does it look like to keep running away! Are you the only coward in the coalition army!" Just as Diaka fired, Kruse's Xigu also passed in front of the storm.A shot knocked off the end of Xigu's thruster a little bit.

"Diaka! Be careful when firing!" Xigu swung violently and almost lost control.

"Eh?? What's going on? I'm XXXX!" Diaka was distracted, and the eight Hell Dart air defense missiles attracted by Kruse hit Storm Gundam firmly.

The energy instantly dropped to the Storm Gundam in the yellow warning area, rushing out of the smoke of the explosion, and there were burn marks all over the Storm Gundam's body.

"Very good... I got it!" Mobius Type Zero jerked up the nose and ignited the thrusters at full power.

"Heat source found below! It's MA!"

"The engine is the largest, the bow is facing down, and the depression angle is 60 degrees! Full speed! Shooting into the air!"

The Nazca class faithfully responded to the captain's instructions. The stern sprayed out twelve tail flames tens of meters long, and the posture nozzles above the bow and below the stern also sprayed out plasma jets more than ten meters long. Changing the posture of the landing hull.

"Go eat farts!" Captain Flagg first threw out twelve "Sledgehammer" anti-ship missiles, then released the wired pods, and cooperated with the long-tube 75mm electromagnetic gun hanging under the fuselage to bombard the Nazca-class stern.In a short shooting window of 3 seconds, Captain Flack fired 4 times from the MA main gun, 3 of which hit the main engine on the port side of the NASCAR class, and the engine exploded.

Subsequently, the three anti-ship missiles that broke through the Nazca-class firepower net smashed firmly under the Nazcar-class hull.

"I'll give you some more gifts!" After the six small missiles on the fuselage were thrown out, they recovered the gun silos and accelerated their escape.Only two flash bombs remained.The small missiles are guided by optical images and fired at the 66mm twin-mounted railguns above the Nazca-class ship.

"The engine is seriously damaged, and the thrust of the hull is low."

"The railgun is damaged, don't let the ammunition be detonated!"

"Enemy MA withdraws."

"Shoot it down for me!"

"A fire broke out on the outer wall of the fifth hydrogen tank, put down the emergency isolation gate!"

"The bottom of the ship was shot, a fire broke out, and the damage is unknown!"

"Hey..." Captain Artis slammed his fist on the armrest of the captain's chair. "Give power to Captain Kruse and Gamow. The ship is seriously injured and unable to fight."

"Vesalius is seriously injured?" Kruse suddenly calmed down. "Is that bastard Mu... The battle is over, retreat! Addis, inform the Gamow that Yitzhak has retreated."

"Captain Flagg called. The enemy NASCAR class is seriously injured and is returning."

"Prepare to fire the positron cannon, let the friendly forces on the ray axis retreat!" Captain Ramias thought he could fire another cannon and ran away.

"Understood, the hull control is transferred here, the FCS is connected, and the fire control system is synchronized, the hull is turned to the right, and the target is the Nazca class."

"Positronic compression has reached the critical point!"

"What's the situation? The firepower of the ship has weakened?" Diaka was the first person who felt something was wrong.

The Archangel's positron cannon deployed.


by Kruse & Diaca & Nicole & Itzhak

"Positron Cannon Launched!"

Two red beams rushed out of the muzzle with lightning and sparks all the way.

"High-energy response ahead, orientation 0, 0, 0, 4 seconds before impact!"

"Full port thruster, dodge it!"

The positron beam grazed the port side of the Nazca class, and shattered a large number of outer armor walls.

"Shot on the port side, the outer wall of the armor is broken, and the damage is unknown!"

"The port thruster is damaged and cannot be activated!"

"In this way, the thrust will be balanced..." Captain Addis, who felt that he had escaped twice, suddenly felt incoherently grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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