Chapter 101
This has reached 20 words in the second book. The first book was so confused that I didn't even have the nerve to write a testimonial on the shelves.

In the earliest days, I wrote a book purely because I really didn’t read any novels at that time, and I spent eight hundred in the morning and eight hundred in the evening on the subway to kill time and write four hundred words after returning home.

Then I realized... writing novels really relieves stress.

The mentality of the whole person has broken through from the tremendous pressure of endless 10 11 5 work.

The state of mind that was close to depression returned directly to the way it was when preparing for the college entrance examination, passionate and upward.

Then... I tried to ask the editor-in-charge at the time, Xing Ye, if that book could be put on the shelves?Then on.

The first day of subscriptions...was 105.

Then the first month's remuneration was 600, and I was so happy at the time.

I happily went to eat a buffet with my girlfriend with the royalties.

As a result, the remuneration was gone, and it was not counted, and more than 100 was posted...

When the book reached almost 100 million words, I probably figured out how to write a book.

I also understand that I don't have the ability to control the independent world view for the time being, and I also understand... It is really easier to write about it alone.

Then I started thinking about the book.

I don't want to engage in fast food articles, I just write slowly and experience it slowly.

Give yourself enough time to understand the content of the original work and understand the feelings of the characters.

For example, the first dungeon, Gundam Seed, I read it about a hundred times in the six months since I wrote this chapter...

Then I read all the materials I could find several times, and I also read a lot of related materials by the way.

For example, Unrestricted Warfare, the United States against the United States, public opinion analysis, mob, capital theory, monarchy theory, sea power theory, Mao election, Jiang election, etc. A lot of things.

By the way, I also read a bunch of related technical materials about cloning that I didn't understand at all...

It turned out that... the plot of Gundam Seed is very scientific.

Except that Kira Yamato is a bit open.

But ah... Substitute something like MS into the propeller fighter jets during World War I and World War II in history.

Compared with Erich Hartmann, who has the most kills in the world, Kira, who has the advantages of body performance and physical fitness throughout the whole process, is actually quite realistic...

That's about it... I hope you can support me a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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