Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 82 Teasing Crabs Becomes Walking Crabs

Chapter 82 Teasing Crabs Becomes Walking Crabs

Ding Suqin was diligent with her hands and feet, and quickly cleaned up the side dishes.

Xu Hao was busy with the side dishes.

"Sister Suqin, hurry up and clean the swimming crab, it will be used at noon." Huang Tao said while busy with the work at hand.

"it is good!"

This time, she was wearing rubber gloves again, and holding a brush in one hand, she quickly picked up the belly button of a swimming crab, and scrubbed it clean in the rushing water.

This is fine.

Xuanxuan's interest was suddenly aroused.

She quickly gave up Mimi, ran over, squatted aside, and looked at the black swimming crabs in the big basin.

Wow ~
Crabs are so cute~
Her big beautiful eyes were full of joy, and she couldn't help stretching out her fleshy little hands to touch them, but looking at those big pliers, she hesitated again.

The look of wanting to touch but not daring to touch.

Seeing this, Ding Suqin couldn't help feeling tense, and quickly stopped her softly: "Xuanxuan, don't touch the crab with your hands, and don't try to catch the crab. If the crab's claws catch your hand, it will hurt very much."

"Oh oh~"

Xuanxuan quickly withdrew her hand.

A look of fear.

But he looked at the swimming crabs in the big basin reluctantly.

Not far away, Huang Yide noticed the eager look in his granddaughter's eyes, thought for a while, and asked softly, "Does Xuanxuan want to play with crabs?"

Xuanxuan nodded, "Yes".

If the granddaughter wants to play, the grandpa will naturally have to find a way.

"Wait, Grandpa will find a way for you."

After a while, he found her a long chopstick, intending to let her hold the swimming crab: "Here, use the chopsticks so you don't have to be caught."

"Thank you grandpa!"

Xuanxuan took the long chopsticks to tease the swimming crabs.

The chopsticks in her hand had just been delivered to its mouth.

As if being electrocuted, it suddenly raised its two big claws, crossed its eight thighs, and assumed a fighting posture.

Look at its ferocious appearance.

She was so frightened that she quickly retracted her chopsticks.

"Xuanxuan, don't be afraid, you are holding long chopsticks! It won't be able to catch you." Huang Yide said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xuanxuan became more courageous, and took the long chopsticks to tease the crab again.

Sure enough, as grandpa said, she couldn't be caught!


Poke this one, and poke that one.

Have a great time.

Huang Yide was worried that if these swimming crabs were not fresh, it would be a big loss.

"Xuanxuan, grandpa will pick one out for you and let him play with you alone, okay?"


She nodded, pointed to the largest swimming crab and said, "Grandpa, I want this crab."

"Okay, grandpa will catch you."

He reached out and grabbed the swimming crab designated by his precious granddaughter, in order to prevent the swimming crab from escaping, it was difficult to find.

He found another rope and used one end to tie a large claw of the swimming crab, and let Xuanxuan hold the other end so that he could lead the crab.

This time.

From teasing crabs to walking crabs.

So much more fun...

Xuanxuan happily wandered around the store, leading the swimming crab.

"Papa, grandma, look..."

"Hey, Xuanxuan is walking crabs! It's so cool..."

Song Cailian looked up and smiled cheerfully.

She can guess it with her toes, it must be Lao Huang's masterpiece.

Xu Hao and Ding Suqin couldn't help smiling when they saw each other.

Huang Tao saw her having a great time.

I thought of myself when I was a child.

Every summer, I will go to the small river at the entrance of the village to catch fish and shrimp with my friends.

When the river recedes, they will look for crabs under the cobblestones.

No matter how big or small they were, they took them home.

Then put it in a basin, and found that it was gone the next day...

I was really happy at that time, and look at the children now.

Although there are many toys, they are farther and farther away from nature.

Vegetables, fruits and animals are almost all recognized in books.

It is difficult to have the opportunity to explore by yourself.

Occasionally have the opportunity to contact, it is no longer like them.

Times are different, happiness is different.

However, if there is a chance to get in touch, he is still willing to let Xuanxuan explore.

"Papa, can I raise this crab?"

"If you like it, you can keep it." Huang Tao nodded in agreement.

this line?

What to feed?
Song Cailian couldn't laugh or cry.

This time, Huang Tao brought over the 6 fattest swimming crabs that he had reserved just now, and prepared to make a steamed swimming crab as a side dish for lunch.

In order to prevent the crab roe and crab paste from flowing out and breaking the legs when steaming.

He pricked two needles in the swimming crab's mouth.

In this way, it will not move, and naturally it will not break its legs and bleed yellow.

Put the crab in the pot under cold water, with the crab cover down, this is to prevent yellowing.

Because of the sudden heat, the crab roe will flow out along the gap.

And starting from cold water to heat evenly, the crab roe will gradually solidify on the crab cover, avoiding the possibility of yellowing.

"Haozi, watch carefully. Turn off the fire after 10-12 minutes after the water boils."

He gave a warning, then marinated Xu Hao's sliced ​​swimming crabs with salt and white wine, and began to prepare the fried crab cakes for lunch.

This fried rice cake!
As a special delicacy in the south, it is Huang Tao's childhood memory.

The white and soft glutinous rice cake itself has no taste.

The most common way is to put all kinds of vegetables, shredded pork, dried shrimp, etc. to cook or stir-fry, the taste is very good.

The easiest way is to put nothing in it, cut into pieces and steam them in a steamer, then dip them in sugar and eat them.

The brown sugar is melted by the moist white rice cake.

Sweet and soft, it is a simple and delicious meal.

Although this kind of meal has nothing to do with the crab fried cake that will be launched at noon.

But Huang Tao was thinking.

How about preparing some steamed rice cakes dipped in brown sugar for Xuanxuan? !

This kind of sweet food, the little one must love it.

Heart is worse than action.

He looked at Haozi at the side: "Haozi, don't cut all the rice cakes into strips, save one piece and cut it into pieces, and put it in the steamer for steaming later. I want to make rice cakes for Xuanxuan to eat with sugar."

"Okay, boss."

Xu Hao quickly boiled water, and while boiling the water, he picked up a piece of rice cake and cut it into pieces as required.

Huang Tao will coat the marinated Portunus crab cubes with a layer of cornstarch on the part where the crab meat is exposed.

Heat the oil pan.

When the oil temperature is 5-6% hot, deep-fry the crabmeat wrapped in flour first. The starch locks the nutrients and umami taste of the crabmeat.

When it turns red, fry the crab claws and crab shells together.

After the portunus crab is fried, add the cut rice cakes and continue frying.

At this time, the starch on the swimming crab is already golden yellow.

The umami of swimming crab is under the pressure of hot oil.

Seeps out from the starch layer and gets absorbed by the rice cake.

Remove and set aside.

The juice made from soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, ginger, etc., colors the swimming crab and adds flavor to the rice cake.

Stir fry over high heat.

Sprinkle with scallions.

A pot of fried crab cakes with delicious flavor and color is complete.

When serving the plate, he also posed in the shape of a swimming crab with great interest, which can be regarded as the last bit of respect for these swimming crabs.

Ding Suqin smelled the fragrance, looked at the swimming crab fried rice cake, and couldn't help but said: "This taste is too fragrant, ten times more fragrant than the fried crab cake sold outside, it feels completely different."

"It's really fragrant." As a professional chef, Xu Hao gave a very pertinent evaluation.

"Sister Suqin, Haozi, wash your hands first and eat. Let's have this crab fried rice cake for lunch, as well as steamed crab and nourishing fish soup, okay?"

Huang Tao said with a smile that what the two employees in the store want to eat in the morning, lunch and evening is all up to their own will. If they don't like it, they can eat other things.

"Okay, okay, thank you boss."

Ding Suqin nodded very quickly.

I feel very happy to work in such a working environment.

Xu Hao didn't have any objection either, he readily accepted it.

When they took out the food, Huang Tao also made a sauce. Naturally, the sauce is indispensable when eating steamed crabs.

"Xiaotao, what are you busy with? Come out and eat together!" Seeing that her son had not come out, Song Cailian greeted her with concern.

Xuanxuan also waved to him: "Papa, come here quickly! We are going to have dinner."

"I'm coming……"

Huang Tao saw that everyone was waiting for him to serve dinner, so he quickly sat down beside him, put down the sauce and said, "Eat quickly, this fried rice cake with crab tastes best when it's hot."

Hearing this, everyone moved their chopsticks and began to taste.

Huang Yide took a bite of the rice cake, and his eyes lit up: "This crab fried rice cake is simple and delicious, with an unstoppable rhythm, it's so delicious!"

"That's right! The freshness of the crabs is passed on to the rice cakes; the fragrance of the rice cakes is passed on to the crabs; they complement each other and enhance each other. It's really delicious." Song Cailian's eyes were also bright.

After Ding Suqin took a bite, she also showed a small expression of enjoyment.

But in her heart, she was thinking about her own daughter, and wanted to save some for her, and let her taste this delicacy in the world.

Of course, keep some, the one for her own plate.

Xu Hao at the side picked up a chopstick and began to taste it.

Every piece of rice cake is covered with the unique umami taste of crab, rippling and dancing on the tip of the tongue.

The crab meat is golden on the outside, and it has a thin and crispy feeling when chewed, but it doesn't affect the crab meat inside at all.

The crab meat inside is still white and tender, and it is still very fragrant to chew.

"Boss, this fried crab cake is really delicious."

It's not that he is flattering, it's that the smell is really there, he just said it out of his heart.

"As long as you like it, eat more if you like it." Huang Tao said with a smile.

"Papa, it's delicious."

Xuanxuan, who was serious about cooking, couldn't help but gave her father a thumbs up.

Huang Tao was so happy from ear to ear when his daughter praised her.

He brought her a piece of white rice cake, dipped it in some brown sugar, and handed it to Xuanxuan: "Dad specially made a rice cake dipped in sugar for you, try it."

"Well, it's glutinous, sweet, delicious..." The little guy frowned.


The forgotten Mimi let out a cry of mourning.


I actually forgot about Mimi...

Xuanxuan, "Grandpa and grandma, do you want to watch Mimi backflip?"

Song Cailian and Huang Yide approached, a little disbelieving: "Do you really know how to do backflips?"

Xuanxuan raised her chin to Mimi: "Mimi, turn one."

Mimi: "..."

"Crab Fried Cake doesn't taste good when it's cold~" Xuan Xuan picked up a chopstick and said temptingly.


Mimi had a resentful look on her face, but she did a backflip obediently.

Song Cailian and Huang Yide opened their mouths wide: "Wow... this kitten is amazing..."

Xuanxuan also fulfilled her promise, made a lot of rice cakes for Mimi, and also gave her some nourishing fish soup.

Mimi babbled and ate happily.

Outside the store, there are already customers coming to the delicious store one after another.

The first to come was a girl who looked like a high school student.

(End of this chapter)

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