Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 79 I Catch Big Bugs for Dad to Eat!

Chapter 79 I Catch Big Bugs for Dad to Eat!
When Shen Qiumo returned to the dormitory, the lights in the dormitory were on.

Xia Weiye and Lin Yiran, another roommate who returned to the dormitory early, were lying on the bed, chatting while watching a boring soap opera, with a mask on their faces.

Seeing someone push the door and come in, the voices of the two chatting stopped instantly.

"Qiu Mo, you are back."

Xia Weiye sat up from the bed, threw away the mask on his face, and his eyes fell on the two full bags in Shen Qiumo's hand: "Qiu Mo, what delicious food did the mouse give you?"

"Just some snacks, a few apples, and a bowl of nourishing fish soup."

"Nourishing fish soup?"

Hearing these four words, Lin Yiran regained vigor and sat up, but when she thought that Xu Hao might have done it, she collapsed back on the bed.

It's not because Xu Hao's cooking is not delicious, but since she was lucky enough to taste Boss Huang's craftsmanship, her mouth has been spoiled.

Just thinking about not being able to queue up to buy nourishing fish soup in class today, a mask of pain appeared on her face.

"The mouse did it for you?"

Xia Weiye also subconsciously thought that the nourishing fish soup was made by Xu Hao.

"No, this is the nourishing fish soup from the delicious shop."

"This guy, you really have a heart! Knowing that you want to eat and don't have time to queue up, you even ran to line up for you to buy!"

"It was given by his boss. He is now the assistant chef of the delicious restaurant!"


Xia Weiye and Lin Yiran were shocked.

What's happening here? ? ?

Xu Hao turned out to be the assistant chef of the delicious restaurant? !
What does it mean to be a chef assistant at Really Delicious?
It means that there is no need to queue up every day, and you can eat the meals cooked by Mr. Huang.

You can also get first-hand information on new products!

Then he went to apply for this chef so that Shen Qiumo could enjoy really delicious food without queuing? !

What kind of fairy future boyfriend is this!

They couldn't help imagining a sadomasochistic idol drama in their minds.

And as roommates of the heroine, they can naturally get a piece of this glory...

Xia Weiye and Lin still looked at each other, and each saw the light of excitement in the other's eyes.

The two directly surrounded Shen Qiumo, so excited!

"Qiu Mo, you are the luckiest person! You have a future boyfriend who will work as a chef assistant at Zhenyao Restaurant, and you will be able to eat dishes made by Boss Huang every day in the future. I am so enviable!" Xia Weiye's tone was full of envy. Feelings.

Lin still hugged Shen Qiumo, with a small expression of "big brother, please hug your thigh": "Qiu Mo, in the future, whether the sisters can eat the meals cooked by Boss Huang depends entirely on you."

"Boss Qiumo, I will rely on you from now on!" Xia Weiye also hugged Shen Qiumo, leaning his head on her shoulder coquettishly.

Shen Qiumo looked at the two roommates on the left and right who were like pendants, and smiled helplessly.

Relying on her, Shen Qiumo?

If Xu Hao confessed his love to her a week later, she would naturally be willing to let them rely on him.

But if he...

She didn't dare to think about the bad ending, so she quickly changed the topic and said, "Okay, don't make a fuss, if you make a fuss about the nourishing fish soup, it will be completely cold."

Hearing this, the two let go of their hands.

Lin Yiran took the packed food bag from Shen Qiumo's hand, touched the packed box, and exclaimed, "Ahh... this fish soup is cold."

While helping to store the snacks, Shen Qiumo said, "When it's cold, go and warm it up!"

"Ah... the fish soup will have a fishy smell when it's cold. If it's hot, the fish will be old, and the taste must be greatly reduced. It's not good."

Xia Weiye hated the smell of fish since she was a child, but she would not touch any smell of fish.

Besides, if the fish soup is heated up, the fish will become old.

So she expressed that she didn't want to eat this cold nourishing fish soup.

As for Lin Yiran, who was holding the packing box, he could always smell the fragrance of fish soup wafting out.

This scent made her, who was a little hungry, a little bit unbearable.

She decided to taste what the nourishing fish soup she had been thinking about but couldn't buy was what it tasted like.

The fish soup has completely cooled down, but the tangy aroma is still very tempting.

She picked up a disposable spoon, scooped up a piece of fish, and tasted it.


The cold fish tastes delicious too~
tender, slippery~
Melt in just one sip!
Not fishy at all, but very tasty.

Generally, after the food is cooled, there will be a layer of fat floating on it.

It affects the texture and taste of food.

So most people don't like to eat cold food.

But this bowl of nourishing fish soup does not!

Even after cooling, no grease floats.

The fragrance is full, not fishy at all, and the texture and taste are also excellent!

"Weiye, Qiumo, hurry up and try this bowl of nourishing fish soup, even if it's cold, it's still delicious..."

She greeted Xia Weiye and Shen Qiumo excitedly.

"How could it be delicious when it's cold..." Xia Weiye frowned slightly, subconsciously thinking that she was trying to trick herself.

And Shen Qiumo didn't suspect him, so he opened his mouth to let his roommate feed him.

After eating the first bite of fish, her eyes lit up.

good to eat!

really tasty!
"Weiye, come here and taste it, it's really delicious! I won't lie to you..."

After speaking, she couldn't help but take another sip.

Seeing this, Xia Weiye hesitated for a moment, seeing that Shen Qiumo's expression didn't look like it was faked.

"Then I'll take a sip..."

She walked over, and after taking a small bite of the fish, her brows were completely stretched out, with a look of surprise on her face.

Not fishy at all, so tender and smooth...


Unexpectedly, cold fish soup can be so delicious.

"Wow... This fish soup is so delicious when it's cold, but when it's hot, isn't it delicious in the world!"

She couldn't help but grabbed the packing bowl and started to eat it.

"Hey hey, Wei Ye, don't patronize eating by yourself! Leave some for me and Qiumo too!"

For a while, Lin still competed with Xia Weiye.


The nourishing fish soup was divided among the three.

Xia Weiye smashed his mouth and said, "Qiu Mo, at noon tomorrow, you ask your mouse to reserve a few bowls of nourishing fish soup for us, so that we can drink delicious fish soup as soon as possible even after class is over." Fish soup."

"Yes, yes, Qiu Mo, you can ask your mouse to reserve a few bowls for Wei Ye and me too! Please, please!" Lin Yiran clasped his hands together, pouted, and said coquettishly to her.


A look of embarrassment appeared on Shen Qiumo's face.

The two roommates noticed.

"Qiu Mo, it's fine if you're in trouble, we'll just line up to buy it ourselves."

Xia Weiye walked up to Shen Qiumo with a smile, and asked probingly: "Qiu Mo, are you and that mouse boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

"I don't have a formal relationship with him, and I don't know whether we are boyfriend or girlfriend!"

Xia Weiye: "..."

Lin Yiran: "..."

Still not sure about the relationship?

Then this is at best an ambiguous object~
Xia Weiye, who has some experience in love, helped her analyze it: "Did he hang you on purpose?"

"Let me tell you, this is the usual technique of a scumbag, hanging on to you while having another girlfriend, you! It's the legendary, spare tire."

"Weiye, don't scare me! Are the standards for spare tires so high now? Then don't I even have the qualifications to be a spare tire?!" Lin still had a small expression of "doubting life" .

Shen Qiumo: "..."

Yeah ~
What a mess!
When they said this, her heart became even more confused.

But the only thing she can be sure of is.

He definitely wasn't hanging on to her.

She is not the legendary spare tire either.

As for why he has been reluctant to confess, there should be... There is a reason.

She is willing to wait any longer!


The stars twinkle outside the window, and the night scene is charming.

Huang Tao took the bath towel and wrapped it around Xuanxuan who had just taken a shower, hoping that the bath towel would absorb the remaining water droplets on her body.

Xuanxuan stood obediently and asked her father to help dry her.

"Come on, put on your pajamas."

Huang Tao put on the pajamas he had prepared in advance for her.

This is a set of pink Peppa Pig pajamas, which she picked out by herself, and it is also one of her favorite pajamas.

"Well, it's time to rub the incense, it's time to go to bed..."

After putting on her face cream, she carried her to the bedroom.

Put her gently on the bed.

He unscrewed the small desk lamp on the bedside table, then reached out and pulled the quilt over Xuanxuan's body.

Xuanxuan obediently closed her eyes.

But after a while, she opened her eyes again, pursed her mouth, and said, "Dad, I can't sleep now."

"Then... Daddy will tell you a bedtime story, okay?" Huang Tao couldn't help feeling guilty when he remembered that he hadn't told her a bedtime story for several days.

She frowned and said excitedly, "Okay, okay!"

She likes listening to her father tell stories the most.

Before going to bed every night, her father would tell her a bedtime story, and then she would fall asleep in the father's story and slowly fall asleep.

But since her father opened the store, she never listened to her father telling bedtime stories.

She knew that it wasn't that her father didn't want to tell her, but that her father was too tired...

In order to let her father have more time to rest, she quietly reads picture books alone, and never asks her father to tell her stories.

She will be very happy when she hears that her father said that she wants to tell her a story~
But I am worried that Dad will be too tired!

"Papa, if you are tired, Xuanxuan can read the picture book by herself."

This well-behaved and sensible appearance made him feel distressed.

He sat down beside Xuanxuan, stretched out his hand and gently stroked Xuanxuan's hair: "Dad is not tired, with the help of your Aunt Suqin and Uncle Haozi, Dad is much more relaxed now, and in the future, Dad will try to spend time with you of."


Xuanxuan nodded her head like a chick picking rice, and leaned her small body towards her father, with her small head resting on her father's stomach, ready to listen to her father's bedtime story.

"Cough cough!"

Huang Tao opened the bedtime story book, cleared his throat, and began to tell the story in a low voice: "In a bird's nest lived two baby birds, one named Chichi and the other named Chicha, and their bellies were so hungry "Gulu Gulu" called, but mom hasn't brought food home yet..."

Xuanxuan listened quietly, and slowly entered into the scene brought by her father's description.

Her big blinking eyes were full of worry and anxiety: "Papa, when will the mother bird come back? What will happen if the mother bird doesn't come back? Will the baby bird be starving to death!"

Huang Tao patted her little head lightly: "Don't worry, the mother bird will come back to feed the baby bird when she catches the bug."

The story was interrupted by the little guy, Huang Tao continued: "After a while, the mother bird came back with a fat worm in her mouth, both Chi Chi and Chi Chi stretched their necks and opened their mouths wide , scrambling to say: "Mom, give me, give me," and finally the bug was snatched away by Chirp, and Chirp screamed harder: "I want it too, I want it too," the mother bird said: "Okay, Mommy!" Now go catch another bug for you to eat..."

"Later! The mother bird is old, Chi Chi and Chi Chi are very filial, and they also catch bugs for their mother to eat..."

After the story was finished, Huang Tao asked with a smile, "Xuanxuan, what will you do if Dad gets old?"

Xuanxuan blinked her big eyes, and said seriously: "I'll catch big bugs for Dad to eat."

Huang Tao: "..."

He accepts this filial piety, as for the big bug, let's get rid of it...

He bowed his head and kissed Xuanxuan's forehead, and said softly: "Okay, tonight's bedtime story is over, go to sleep! Dad will tell you tomorrow night."

Xuanxuan nodded and closed her eyes obediently.

Huang Tao rearranged the quilt for her.

Lying on her side, quietly staring at her little face.

The soft orange light fell silently on the bed, reflecting on Xuanxuan's little face.

The little guy slept peacefully, his thin lips were slightly raised, forming a faint curve.

Looking at his daughter who was slowly falling asleep, a loving arc appeared on the corner of his lips.

Just like this day by day, year by year, it’s great to grow up with her~
He couldn't help lowering his head and kissed Xuanxuan's cheek.

Xuanxuan's small face twitched, she turned sideways, and continued to sleep, and after a while she let out a small snoring sound.

Wait until Xuanxuan fell into a deep sleep.

He wanted to implement the pre-prepared custom packing box.

However, he intends to order online.

So I took out my phone, clicked on a certain treasure, and searched.

After a search, there are still many packing boxes, and there are various types.

After a quick glance, the reviews are all good.

I just don't know which praise is a sincere praise of the product, and which praise is an exaggeration bought by a few dollars.

Since they are all similar, it is impossible to tell the difference.

Then he had no choice but to choose the store with the highest comprehensive ranking, click in, and chat privately with the merchant.

Duolaimifa: [Hi, may I ask if there is a large number of customized packing boxes, is there any discount on the price?Order now, how long will it take to ship? 】

Xiao Er: [Dear, welcome to the store~ Our store will usually deliver the goods within 48 hours, and it will take three to five days to deliver the customized models. If the customized quantity is large, there will be some discounts. It is thickened with a cover. 】

Xiaoer: [Dear, I will send you the price list of the preferential rate right now, please accept it. 】

He accepted it and opened it.

I don't know if I don't see it, I was shocked when I saw it.

I go!

The price is quite different!

He has been getting goods from the market recently, the quality is not bad, and they are all with lids.

But the price is about half more expensive than online!

Of course, there are rent and other expenses in other physical stores, and it is normal to sell more expensive than online.

It's just that when he thinks about the extra money he spent, his heart still hurts a little bit~
Since Xiao Er's offer is within his acceptable range.

So, he called up the logo picture he had designed in time from his mobile phone and sent it to the waiter in the shop.

That's right!

This logo is designed by himself.

The three words "It's so delicious" were scanned in by hand with a brush, and then added some suitable negotiable elements.

Duo Lai Mi posted: [Figure.jpg]

Duolaimifa: [Then I will place an order of 500 pieces first to see the quality. If it is good, we will cooperate for a long time in the future. I will also send you the logo picture. Remember to print it, so don’t make a mistake. 】

Xiao Er: [Okay, dear, just place an order of 500 and directly select 500 from the link. There is also an intelligent customization system in our store. When you place an order, choose to customize, and then you can put your logo , print it to the desired position, and our background will receive it as soon as possible~]

Duolaimifa: [Okay, thank you for reminding me. 】

He exited and returned to the product page, checked the desired specifications, and after filling in the quantity, a button "to customize" appeared on the lower right.

He clicks in.

Then follow the prompts and operate in one pass.

Click OK, add to the shopping cart, and choose packing boxes of other specifications in the same way.

Everything is done, the shopping cart is placed and the payment is made.

He put the phone away.

Looking down at Xuanxuan beside her, she was still sleeping soundly, maybe she had some sweet dream, and there was still a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Good night, my darling."

He smiled and reached out to turn off the lamp.

Outside the bedroom window, the night is silent, the moon is faint, the stars are sparse, and the whole earth seems to have fallen asleep.

In the early morning, everything is quiet, the sky is getting bright, the night is about to disappear, and the morning light of dawn slowly wakes up the sleeping creatures.

Huang Tao opened his eyes in a daze, and when he was half asleep, he subconsciously reached out his hand to touch Xuanxuan's head.

Who knows.

He reached up to touch the top of the child's head, but touched a little foot.


What's the situation?
His heart tightened suddenly, he quickly reached out to turn on the small desk lamp, and then looked sideways...

It looks pretty normal up close.

Xuanxuan was soundly asleep at the moment, her breathing was like the slight sigh of a leaf, and she looked like a haha ​​at the corner of her mouth, which was very interesting.

This is a delicious dream, right?
He smiled kindly, but he was still puzzled in his heart.

What is the situation with the little feet on the head?
He slightly lifted the quilt covering Xuanxuan's body, and saw...

The little guy slept himself like a donut!

Seeing her strange sleeping posture, he couldn't help smiling, and really wanted to take a picture of this scene with the camera.

But I was worried that she would catch cold because of this, so I gave up the idea of ​​shooting.

Seeing that she was still sleeping soundly at this moment, he felt that the child could fall asleep no matter what?

And the small body hidden in the quilt, he will never know what the posture under the quilt is until the quilt is lifted!

Look at her very soft figure.

He couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart, thinking that if she didn't enroll in a dance class, it would be a waste of her natural good foundation.

of course.

This habit of sleeping position is not conducive to the child's development.

It has to be corrected!

He sat up and stretched out his hand gently to straighten her posture.


As soon as it was touched, Xuanxuan, who was sleeping soundly, snorted, and then slowly opened her eyes.


Actually woke up the little guy, he quickly stretched out his hand to gently pat her body through the quilt, and said softly: "Xuanxuan, let's sleep for a while!"


She gave a vague cry and asked, "Is it dawn?"

She was naive enough to think that her father was waking her up just now!

"It's still early, you can sleep for a while."

Huang Tao smiled.

He gave Ding Suqin the spare key of the store yesterday, so that when she came over in the morning, she could open the door and enter the store by herself without waiting for him.

And told her to be responsible for signing for the goods delivered by the vegetable stall owner and Chen Weihao, and cleaning up the required ingredients.

And Xu Hao will go there earlier and take on the responsibility of being a chef.

Because these two capable generals will take charge of the preparations he had to do.

So starting today, he can arrive at the store a little later every morning.

In this way, Xuanxuan can also sleep for a while.

I never thought that I accidentally woke up the little guy.

I saw Xuan Xuan stretched out her fleshy hand, rubbed her sleepy eyes, got up from the bed, and slipped into his arms.

"What's the matter? Don't worry, Dad won't leave Xuanxuan to go to the store alone."

He stretched out his hand to hug her, and gently smoothed her messy hair. The more she looked the cuter she was, he couldn't help but leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

Xuanxuan giggled, pushed his face with her small hands, and murmured: "Father's beard is so prickly..."

Huang Tao reached out and touched his face.

The beard that was just shaved yesterday morning, after a night of recuperation, stubble appeared again.

It is indeed a bit tight!
"Then dad will scrape it off later, okay?"

"it is good!"

In response, her eyelids drooped again unknowingly, as if she was about to fall asleep the next moment.

He pursed his lips and smiled: "If you want to sleep, go to sleep again."

Xuanxuan's little head tilted, and she leaned against her father's chest, her eyes were half closed, and she let out a lazily "hmm".

With a strong nasal voice, a little coquettish.

The sound fell in Huang Tao's ears, and he felt it was as pleasant as the voice of a god, and it was so sweet.

Sweet to his heart!
He felt that he was really in love, and he just wanted to hold it in the palm of his hand and pamper him for the rest of his life!

And this kind of feeling, only the father who loves his daughter can deeply understand what a little lover from a previous life is!
She raised her head, blinked her big beautiful eyes, then shook her head like a rattle: "Papa, I don't want to sleep anymore, I want to get up and play with Mimi."

Mimi outside the door coiled her body like a snail shell, with her belly heaving and falling, her long beards trembling, and she made a "woo-woo" sound.

Xuanxuan who heard the noise thought that Mimi was responding to her!
There was a look of excitement in her eyes: "Papa, Mimi heard it, and it also said that it wants to play with Xuanxuan!"

If only Mimi could make emoticons.

Definitely send a "I'm not a cat, I don't have a cat, don't talk nonsense" denial triple emoji immediately.

Huang Tao smiled helplessly, and patted her little head: "Okay, then get dressed obediently first, and only after you get dressed, brushed your teeth and washed your face can you play with Mimi."


She nodded obediently.

Then, with Huang Tao's help, he got dressed and finished washing.


She ran to the door of the bedroom with a thump, leaned over and hugged Mimi, who was suffering from lazy cancer, and smiled affectionately.

Tired and crooked for a while.

Under her father's urging, she picked up Mimi and went downstairs with her father.

Take a battery car and come to the store.

Xu Hao and Ding Suqin are busy in the kitchen at the moment.

Seeing their father and daughter entering the store, they greeted each other, but the work in hand did not stop.

"Boss, Xuanxuan, you are here..."

"Good morning, Aunt Suqin..."

Xuanxuan frowned, and said hello to the two of them very politely: "Good morning Haozi Shushu."

Haozi Shushu is naturally Xu Hao.

Originally Xuanxuan called him "Mouse Shushu", which made him very embarrassing, but after he explained carefully that this "Haozi" was not the other "Mouse", Xuanxuan corrected it from "Mouse" to "Haozi".

But the title of uncle cannot be corrected by life or death.

Don't ask why?
The question is that he looks like Shushu, not like his brother!
And Xuanxuan can't lie!

Because lying is not a good boy!
And don't ask why you don't call him by his first name.

Asking is so polite!
Although he has only known Xuanxuan for less than a day, he can tell that Xuanxuan is a well-behaved and sensible child.

As innocent as a little angel.

So he respected her heart and accepted the title.

Anyway, even if he is not called uncle now, he will still be called uncle in a few years.

He just enjoyed it early.

Both of them were smiling: "Xuanxuan is so good!"

"Xuanxuan, Dad is going to be busy..." Huang Tao knelt down and said apologetically.

"Yeah, papa, you can go, don't worry about me, I will take care of myself."

After finishing speaking, she patted Dad on the shoulder sensiblely, and then took Mimi to play.

Huang Tao smiled, walked into the kitchen, and seeing that the preparations were almost done, he couldn't help but feel relieved and grateful: "Yo, you two are fast enough... everything is almost ready... you have worked hard..."

"The boss is polite, this is our duty..."

Although it was his job, but they worked diligently, he still saw it in his eyes and remembered it in his heart.

"Then we're going to prepare, and it's time to open later."

Huang Tao joined the busy team.


"Hello passengers! Please insert coins when getting on the bus, hold on to the handrails, and please give up your seat to passengers who need help. Thank you! The next stop is Chengxi Old Street. Passengers who are going to get off the bus, please get ready. Please ring the bell..."

The bus announcement sounded.

Song Cailian and Huang Yide, who were still squinting for a while, suddenly regained their energy when they heard "the next stop is Chengxi Old Street".

Song Cailian patted Huang Yide's arm eagerly and urged: "Old Huang, hurry up, ring the bell."

"Got it, got it, don't rush..."

He got up, reached out and rang the bell.

The old couple just looked out of the window eagerly, waiting for the arrival of the old street site in the west of the city.

As if afraid of missing out.

The old couple who have always cared about their sons and granddaughters!

In order to see them earlier, I got up before five o'clock!

After simply tidying up, I went to the bus stop with my big and small bags and waited.

The old couple planned to go to the residence of their son Huang Tao first, and put away the big and small bags they were carrying.

But then I thought, when they got to their son's side, it would probably be past 7 o'clock.

By then, the son should have taken Xuanxuan to the store long ago.

So, they temporarily decided not to go to their son's residence.

Go straight to my son's shop.


The site of Chengxi Old Street has arrived.

Immediately, the broadcast notification sounded: "Chengxi Old Street is here. Passengers who get off the bus, please bring your belongings and get off through the back door..."


The door opened.

"Old Huang, take these..."

Huang Yide and his wife, carrying big bags and small bags, got out of the car one after another, and went all the way to the old street in the west of the city, looking for really delicious restaurants.

Just around the corner.

They saw the queue like a long dragon from a distance.

"Hey! Whose shop is it? The business is so good?"

Huang Yide couldn't help opening his mouth wide, and his eyes couldn't help showing surprise.

Near his unit, there is a very popular grilled fish restaurant. The taste is very good, and it is very popular among nearby residents and office workers. There are often people queuing up.

But at most there will be no. 30 people.

No more!

Other guests who come to eat will leave without hesitation and do not participate in the queue.

As for the front door of the store in front of you, there are at least 100 people in line at the front of the store!
It looks quite spectacular, and the style of painting is also very strange.

There are quite a few people in line, who seem to be sitting on folding chairs!
"This store is really hot!"

Song Cailian was surprised, but she couldn't help feeling worried: "Ah... If our Xiaotao's shop is opened next to this shop, won't the business be affected?"

"Huh? Why do I look at this shop, it seems that they also sell fried buns...Look, those people who came out of the shop, did they eat raw fried buns?"

Song Cailian wiped her glasses and put them on again.

Look from afar.

She saw many diners standing at the door of the store, holding food bags in one hand and pan-fried buns in the other.

They all looked like they were eating with gusto.

Indeed, with this kind of popular store, they still sell the same products.

How can this be a competition?
Wait ~
Son said.

The pan-fried buns he bought were very popular, and the guests lined up to buy them.

Is it possible that this store belongs to her son?

She reached out and patted Huang Yide on the side, and asked uncertainly: "Old Huang, tell me, could this store belong to our son?"

After she said this, he felt belatedly that it was really possible...

But my heart is not very sure.

"Isn't it? Go and take a look and you'll know."

"That's right. Is it our son's shop? Let's go and see the signboard."

Song Cailian nodded in agreement.

The two of them carried big and small bags and ran over all the way.

When they were approaching the door of the store, both of them looked up at the signboard on the door of the store in unison.

Really delicious!
Ah ya!


How long has it been since your son started business?
It's not been a week yet?

This business is already so hot!
Song Cailian's face was filled with a bright smile, and her words were full of excitement: "Old Huang, Lao Huang, this is really our son's shop! He really didn't lie to us, the business in his shop is It's really good!"

"It's really good! Although I knew he would be able to do it well, I never thought that he would do it so well!" Huang Yide's face was also filled with a joyful smile, happy for his son, and for having such a proud son.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look. By the way, let our son help..."

Thinking of how hard it must be for my son to work alone in the store!
The two hurried towards the door of the shop.

Customers at the back see someone and go straight ahead.

The more impatient customers stopped them directly: "Uncle, Auntie, what do you want to do? Don't jump in line! If you want to buy, you have to queue from the back of the line."

This is all due to the fact that the two of them are getting older, it's polite.

If it was a younger one, it would definitely explode directly.

When the customers standing in front of and behind the male customer heard this, they all looked away from their mobile phones and looked at Huang Yide and his wife, all of them agreed.

The raw pan-fried buns and preserved egg and lean meat porridge are limited in quantity.

One more person walking forward means that they are less likely to buy.

In front of delicious food, no one is willing to give in.

Some impatient customers asked directly: "Uncle and aunt, don't you know that it is immoral to jump in line?"

"Don't worry, Boss Huang said that anyone who jumps in line will not be sold."

"Boss Huang still has rules! Give Boss Huang a thumbs up."

Huang Yide smiled cheerfully, and explained his identity to them: "I am Huang Tao's father, and she is Huang Tao's mother. The old couple came here specially to see."

I strangled it!
The flood rushed to the Dragon King Temple, and my family didn't know my family~
The one who reacted the fastest and changed his words was the first customer to stop him. He quickly greeted people with a smile on his face and said, "Oh, it's Boss Huang's parents! Of course you have to go directly to the store, why are you waiting in line?" Really!"

Huang Yide and Song Cailian's heart at the moment: Good guy, Sichuan opera can't change face as fast as you!
The other customers said in their hearts: Your uncle, wasn't you the first one to make trouble just now? !
After a while, those customers all changed their faces in seconds.

"No wonder I thought my uncle and aunt looked very familiar just now. They turned out to be Boss Huang's parents! Sorry, sorry!"

"Uncle and aunt! I don't know Taishan, so I don't recognize you two. I'm really sorry!"

"You two elders said earlier! Come on, I will give you this seat, your elders, please come in..." After finishing speaking, he still stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

"Wait, uncle and aunt, where do you live? I will visit your house when I have time."

"Uncle and auntie, I heard that Boss Huang is single now, and I have a niece who is very beautiful, how about meeting when I have time?"

"Uncle and aunt, I see that the things you two elders are holding are strangely heavy. Come on, let me lift them in for you!"

"Uncle, I have great strength, let me help your elder brother lift it!"

The enthusiasm of the customers made the old couple a little overwhelmed!
"No, no, we can still move, thank you..."

The two quickly walked into the store.

At a glance, my son and two employees are busy.

Are you recruiting? !


Looking at my son again, he is making fried buns at the moment.

The movement of flowing clouds like flowing water made the old couple show surprised expressions.

Knowing that the small shop sells pan-fried buns, I thought they were finished pan-fried buns wholesaled from the wholesale market.

Never thought that it was wrapped by my son himself!
Look at his highly ornamental movements, it is very pleasing to the eye!

and many more!

When did my son learn how to make pan-fried buns?
In their memory, although their son can cook, he has never made pan-fried buns!

Did you learn it in school?

But didn't he study finance at university?
Do schools still teach this?

Besides, if he really learned it in college, it is impossible for him to never show his skills at home after so many years!

"Fuck! This marinated egg is delicious, it's really good..."

And marinated eggs?
After hearing the words, the old couple set their eyes on the diners dining in the store.

Good guy!
Beside the plate of every dining guest, there are several marinated eggs.

It looks like a very ordinary braised egg.

But the diners who dine in the store, every time they take a bite, they all show an expression of satisfaction that is worthy of the world.

By the way, is it really so delicious?
However, it smells really good.



Xuanxuan, who was sitting at the exclusive dining table, happily eating marinated eggs, inadvertently raised her head, saw Song Cailian and Huang Yide, jumped off the chair quickly, yelled sweetly, and rushed towards them.

"Oh, my good granddaughter! Do you miss grandma?"

Song Cailian, who heard the shout, immediately showed a bright smile. Seeing the little girl flying towards them, she quickly squatted down, put down the big and small bags in her hand, and hugged the little girl up.


Xuanxuan looked at the smiling grandma, then at the unfinished marinated eggs in her hand, hesitated for a while, lowered her head, and replied slowly and truthfully: "Ms. Ye said that children can't Xuanxuan Xuan was not thinking about grandma just now."

Hearing that, Song Cailian felt a little bit of heartache~
Huang Yide looked at the marinated egg in her hand, and asked jokingly: "Xuanxuan, grandpa hasn't eaten breakfast yet, can you give the marinated egg in your hand to grandpa?"

Xuanxuan was even more embarrassed, her small face was almost wrinkled into a bun, and she subconsciously squeezed the marinated egg in her hand.

Seeing this, Huang Yide also felt a little bit stuck~

The melon-eating customers queuing up at the side couldn't help laughing out loud when they saw this scene.

Song Cailian: ━━∑( ̄□ ̄*|||━━
Huang Yide: (lll¬ω¬)
The old couple looked sadly at the customers queuing up to eat melons.

The melon-eating customers showed awkward but polite smiles one by one, then slowly looked away and looked elsewhere.

Finding topics to talk about one after another.

"Ah, let me tell you, Boss Huang is going to launch a new dish at noon."

"How did you know that?"

Someone asked curiously.

"Boss Huang said it himself last night!"

"Then tell us, what's the new dish for lunch today? I'll queue up early!"

A group of people immediately stopped paying attention to Huang Yide and the others, and all looked at the customer who knew the information in line, all of them were overwhelmed with excitement.

"Crab fried rice cakes."

"Damn it! In that case, it's a good lunch! I have to come here early to line up."

Listening to the name of the dish, a group of people couldn't help thinking of the dish of crab fried rice cakes in their minds, and they could also imagine how delicious the crab fried rice cakes made by Boss Huang are.

This saliva!Almost spilled out.

Looking at those diners, just hearing the name of the dish, they all showed a mouth-watering expression.

The old couple Huang Yide expressed that it was difficult to understand.

It's hard to understand, and it's normal.

After all, the two elders haven't tasted all kinds of delicacies made in their son's shop yet!

This time, Xuanxuan blinked her big eyes, and said in a milky voice, "Grandpa, the teacher said, you can't give food to others, even parents, because it's unhygienic, so Xuanxuan eats the stewed eggs." After that, you can’t give it to grandpa. If grandpa wants to eat, you can ask dad for it!”

"Okay, okay, grandpa knows, grandpa was just teasing you just now, Xuanxuan eat it!" Huang Yide stretched out his hand and rubbed the little head of his good granddaughter lovingly.

Song Cailian asked with concern: "How is Xuanxuan doing recently? Are you happy? Did you go to school well? Is school fun?"

"I'm very happy! It's very happy to be with Papa every day."

Xuanxuan said happily: "Grandma, I also went to school well! There are a lot of fun things in school, and I also made good friends..."

(End of this chapter)

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