Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 73 Seriously Doubtful that the Recommended Mother Received Money

Chapter 73 Seriously suspect that the recommended mother took money...

Xue Kai abided by the agreement with his wife Lin Ruoyi, got off work early, and drove a small BMW to the old street in the west of the city.

In fact, in the afternoon, I suddenly received a WeChat message from my wife, asking him to buy nourishing fish soup at the delicious restaurant in Chengxi Old Street after get off work.

He was shocked for a while and didn't speak.

If you want to drink fish soup, just ask the confinement center to make it, and you're done!

Why go far and wide to buy here!

However, thinking that his wife was still in confinement and had to follow her heart, he agreed without asking much.

Just looking at the queue like a long queue made him feel like he had strayed into a certain milk tea shop.

"I'll go, there are so many people queuing up, this is an online celebrity shop, right?"

He seriously suspected that his wife asked him to come to this store to buy fish soup. What he bought was not fish soup at all, but to show off capital for taking pictures and sending cards to Moments.

It's outrageous!

"Keep running, with the pride of a child, how can you see the brilliance of life if you don't persist to the end, it's better to burn to your heart's content than to linger on, for the sake of the beauty in your heart, don't compromise until you grow old..."

After Lin Yuru finished her afternoon class, she sweated heartily on the playground.

It may be that the chat with her mother yesterday eased her emotions, or it may be that the steamed pork ribs with glutinous rice in lotus leaves really has that kind of charm, which makes her feel happy and clear-headed.

In short.

She has completely walked out of the shadow of failing the exam, and has re-entered the intense study.

Thinking that her mother would come over to bring her dinner after a while, and that dinner was steamed pork ribs with glutinous rice in lotus leaves that she had hand-picked. Just after reminiscing about the taste of steamed pork ribs with glutinous rice in lotus leaves, the glutton in her heart was aroused, and she couldn't help it. He licked the corner of his lips.

Looking at the time, the time agreed with her mother was almost here, so she left the playground and ran all the way to the corridor at the school gate.

Just arrived at the corridor.

She saw the waiting mother at a glance, greeted her happily, and called out affectionately: "Mom..."

"Look at you, you are sweating profusely, and you don't know how to wipe it off. What if you catch a cold and catch a cold..."

Sister Ling quickly took out a tissue from her handbag while nagging, and wiped the sweat from her forehead and neck.

Listening to the nagging voices full of concern, Lin Yuru didn't feel the noise, but felt very cordial.

She reached out and hugged her mother: "Mom, thank you for caring about me so much."

"You silly child, mother doesn't care about you, who can mother care about!"

Sister Ling took Lin Yuru's little hand and sat down on the stone chair next to the stone table next to the promenade.

She put the food bag on the stone table, opened it, took out the packing box inside, and moved it in front of her daughter.

"It's delicious at noon today. There is a new dish in the store, which is nourishing fish soup. I heard that this nourishing fish soup is very good and can nourish the body. I thought that you have worked hard in studying and you should also supplement it, so mom said I also bought a bowl for you, so you won't blame Mom for making her own decisions again, will you?"

"Mom, as long as it's from a really delicious store, I won't blame you for making your own decisions. Just go and buy it with confidence."

"Okay, Mom understands."

"Mom, thank you for working so hard to line up for me."

These words are like a warm current wading through Sister Ling's heart.

This child is sensible and knows how to love her mother!

She reached out and touched Lin Yuru's head, with a happy and loving smile in her eyes: "Eat it! It won't taste good when it's cold."


Lin Yuru nodded, she was habitually planning to open the packing box containing lotus leaf glutinous rice steamed pork ribs, but she paused when she reached out her hand, turned around and opened the nourishing fish soup first.

The nourishing fish soup is as mellow as milk, dotted with chopped green onions, making the slices of white fish extra attractive.

She smelled the fresh fragrance wafting from the bowl of fish soup in front of her.

The fragrance is rich and sweet, without a trace of fishy smell.

She scooped up a piece of fish and tasted it.

This fish, without any fishbone, is tender and not fishy at all.

Every piece of fish is as thin as a cicada's wing, and it tastes great when you eat it in your mouth!

She was stuck by a fishbone when she was a child, so she was very, very careful every time she ate fish, for fear of being stuck by a fishbone.

And this bowl of nourishing fish soup has no thorns, let her not mention how much she likes it.

While eating the fish, she drank some fish soup with a spoon.

Delicious beyond compare!
"Mom, this nourishing fish soup is really delicious, you should try it too."

Sister Ling took a sip and nodded in praise: "It's really good! No wonder there are more people in line today than yesterday. I heard that everyone basically came for this bowl of nourishing fish soup."

This taste is clean and healthy to drink, very natural and fresh, it is the freshness of the food itself, and there is no trace of fishy smell, unlike some restaurants, the ingredients are not fresh, and there is a taste of seasoning when drinking, add a little A messy pile in an attempt to cover up the staleness of the ingredients.

It is also because of the fresh and delicious ingredients in the delicious store that Sister Ling would rather have her salary deducted than ask for leave and queue up to buy for her daughter.

Otherwise, she wouldn't dare to let her children eat these every day!

The mother and daughter chatted and laughed. For Lin Yuru, it was the most relaxing and warm moment after intense study.

And Sister Ling watching her eat from the sidelines can be regarded as a kind of companionship!

"Little Yu! Remember, the body is the most important thing. There is no rush to study, you can slow down a little."

Sister Ling stroked her daughter's hair, and exhorted: "Actually, in my mother's mind, no matter whether you do well or not in the exam, mother thinks you are the best."

"Mom, don't worry, I will grasp the rhythm, and I will never get into the horns again. Besides, once I fail, it doesn't mean that I will always fail in the future. I will go through many exams in the journey of my life. It's just one of them, I won't be knocked down by this defeat, I believe that I am the best, and I also believe that I can learn well." Lin Yuru stretched her eyebrows and showed a bright smile.

"Well, Mom always believed that you were the best!"


Although Xue Kai complained in his heart, he obediently lined up to buy a bowl of nourishing fish soup and came back.

After all, now, the wife is the biggest!

As soon as he arrived at the confinement club, he went straight to the room where his wife Lin Ruoyi was.

As soon as he entered the door, he smiled and said, "Honey, I bought you the nourishing fish soup you asked for."

Lin Ruoyi remembered that a treasure mother in the treasure mother group said that there are many people queuing up for this delicious restaurant, and it is difficult to buy.

Can't help typing curiously: "Husband, are there many people when you go to buy nourishing fish soup in the evening? Will there be a long queue?"

"Not to mention that there are quite a lot of people here. I got off work early at 4:50 and rushed there. I arrived at about [-]:[-]. There was already a long queue, but the movement speed was still very fast. There was no queue. Soon it will be my turn."

After she asked this question, Xue Kai recalled: "I just heard the customers in front of me complain that the nourishing fish soup was sold out in a short while at noon, and I didn't buy it. Fortunately, the boss made more nourishing fish soup at night. I was lucky enough to buy some, I didn't expect this nourishing fish soup to be so popular."

Xue Kai shook his head amusedly.

"I told you that I also wanted to go there after get off work. I guess it would be difficult to buy it, so I wanted you to go there early. Fortunately, you went early, otherwise you might not be able to buy it!"

Thinking that the confinement center can also provide fish soup, but the wife's practice of looking far away is really puzzling, Xue Kai couldn't help but ask the question.

"Honey, why did you ask me to buy this nourishing fish soup?"

"Isn't it because I don't have milk? I heard a recommendation from a mother in the mother group, saying that this nourishing fish soup has the effect of stimulating milk and promoting lactation. After drinking a bowl, there will be full milk, so I want to buy it Give it a try."

Xue Kai: "..."

This effect...was it exaggerated? !

He seriously suspected that the recommended mother had taken money...

After all, that store, he looked left, right, up and down, no matter how he looked at it, it looked too much like an online celebrity store.

Besides, his wife drank all kinds of fish soup and didn't see any milk coming down, so she just drank a bowl of nourishing fish soup, and the milk was full. Who would believe it?
Anyway, he didn't believe it until he saw the effect.

However, this nourishing fish soup smells quite fragrant, but I don't know if the taste is pure or not?

Even if Xue Kai didn't say anything, Lin Ruoyi could still read a thing or two from his expression.

"Actually, I don't quite believe it. I just want to try it with a glimmer of hope. After all, this bowl of fish soup is not expensive. If it works, then we have made money. If it doesn't work, the cost of trial and error is not expensive." Expensive, right..."

Xue Kai nodded in agreement: "That's right, it doesn't cost a lot to try, and my wife is wise."

 Thank you for all the rewards and votes yesterday and today

  (There are too many people to write, please forgive me -_-||)

(End of this chapter)

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