Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 499 How many people must go hungry for a day?

Chapter 499 How many people must go hungry for a day...

On the old street in the west of the city, in order to be able to eat the breakfast at the delicious restaurant, the neighbors also worked hard as always.

In the winter, everyone got up early without fear of the severe cold, and arrived at the door of the really delicious store before dawn.

But I didn't expect...

He's more ruthless than himself, grab a lot!

There are already many customers waiting in line at the door of the store to open for business.

The other restaurants that serve breakfast are also brightly lit and busy.

But the shop was full of people, which was in stark contrast to the long queue at the door of Huang Tao's shop.

That's right.

Only in front of Huang Tao's store, there were still as many people queuing up!

Windshield by windshield, the line got longer.

Almost from the entrance of Huang Tao's store, the line was directly lined up to the entrances of other shops around the corner.

"Boss Huang, good morning!"

"Boss Huang, Xuanxuan, you are here. Today's weather is much colder than yesterday. You two must wear more clothes, keep warm, and don't catch a cold."

"Yes, the flu is quite serious recently. You have to protect yourself, wear more clothes and drink plenty of hot water to prevent colds."

The neighbors are very concerned about Huang Tao's body.

After all, Huang Tao controls their stomachs!
If Huang Tao rested for a day, how many of them would have to go hungry for a day...

Huang Tao's heart warmed slightly, and he said with a smile: "Okay, I will pay attention, thank you for your concern."

"Thank you."

"Look at what you said, it's too outlandish, you are a big baby on our street! Shouldn't you be concerned about you!"

"You invited the big guy to drink and eat ginger eggs, but the big guy didn't say thank you, it's okay, it's cold outside, go in and clean up, I'm so hungry!"

After chatting briefly with these neighbors, Huang Tao walked into the store with Xuanxuan in his arms.

"Boss, happy birthday."

This was the first sentence that Ding Suqin and several other old employees said to Huang Tao when he entered the store.

"thanks, thanks……"

While thanking Huang Tao, he was a little surprised: "But how do you know that today is my birthday?"

In my impression, he has never mentioned when his birthday is to these employees!
Ding Suqin said with a smile: "Didn't my aunt help me make cold drinks together a few days ago! When we were chatting, she mentioned it casually, and I wrote it down."

She was telling the truth, and she almost forgot.

But when she was looking at the calendar this morning, she suddenly remembered this matter. After she came to the store, she talked about it with several other colleagues.


Everyone sent blessings to Huang Tao.

Huang Tao smiled.

His own birthday, on the contrary, is known better by others.

The main reason is that he felt that if his birthday was not his birthday, it was not much different from usual, and it didn't matter if he passed it, so he didn't keep this date in his heart.

Besides, every time he celebrated his birthday before, his wife prepared surprises for him, but since she passed away last year...

There is one less person in this world who misses his birthday!
At this time.

Jiang Chao came out of the back kitchen with a large plate of steaming noodles. He smiled and said, "Boss, I wish you a happy birthday. This is the longevity noodles we specially made for you."

"Thank you!"

Huang Tao was quite surprised. He didn't expect that these employees even prepared longevity noodles for him.

Maybe the sixth day of December every year in the future is destined to be different!

He smiled gratefully.

Jiang Chao put the Longevity Noodles on the dining table, and said with some embarrassment: "The taste will definitely not be as good as yours, but this is our heart, you can make do with a few bites!"

"I can rest assured of your cooking skills, the taste will definitely not be bad."

Huang Tao smiled slightly, and asked immediately, "Does anyone have the phone number of the cake shop? Give me one, and I'll order a cake. Let's celebrate and share tonight."

Li Chengzhan hurriedly said: "Boss, don't worry about the cake, I've already ordered it for you."

"Don't worry about other things, we promise to take care of your birthday party properly." Lin Qiyu promised with a row of chests.

"Yes, as a birthday star, you can just prepare a few dishes, and leave the rest to us!" Lin Zifeng echoed.

"Okay, that's all up to you, and I can rest assured that you will handle the matter."

Huang Tao immediately asked Xuanxuan to eat together: "Xuanxuan, let's eat longevity noodles together!"

Xuanxuan took a sip, and felt that it was not as delicious as what her father made, so she took a few mouthfuls and went to play with Mimi.

Huang Tao didn't force it, he finished the bowl of noodles and the soup by himself, feeling hot sweat all over his body.

Really comfortable.

Of course, the most important thing is to be happy in the heart, and everything is beautiful.

jingle bell~
At this moment, his cell phone rang.

Picking up the phone and looking at the caller ID, he immediately connected: "Mom!"

It was his mother Song Cailian who called him: "Xiaotao, happy birthday!"

Needless to say, this was another unexpected surprise.

Huang Tao smiled and said, "Thank you mom, you and dad got up? Have you had breakfast yet?"

"I just ate it!"

Song Cailian said with a distressed face: "Your dad and I don't have time to go there, so you can cook a bowl of longevity noodles by yourself, and have a good birthday with Xuanxuan tonight!"

"Mom, don't worry, I've eaten longevity noodles just now, and the staff cooked them for me..."

Compared with mom's birthday wishes, he is more concerned about whether his dad has passed the test. The store is a bit busy these days, so he forgot to call to ask.

Knowing that Dad has passed Subject [-] and will learn to drive in the next two days, he is also happy for Dad, asking him to study hard and strive to pass Subject [-] once.

After a brief phone call with his mother, seeing that it was getting late, Huang Tao hung up the phone and devoted himself to the great business of breakfast...

Accompanied by the crunching sound of the hot oil, a large handful of chopped green onion is sprinkled on it, and a pan of fried fried buns with green onions is about to be freshly baked. With the hot white air from the steaming tray rushing upwards, mixed with the aroma of soup dumplings floating out...

It also means that the delicious store is about to usher in the opening hours.

Arrive at 7 o'clock.

Huang Tao was ready and opened for business.

"Short oil, the door is open! Wait until the glutton in my stomach is screaming so loudly!"

"I'm not you, let me tell you, I dreamed that I was eating in Boss Huang's shop last night, but when I was about to take a bite, Temiao woke up..."

"Hey, hey, stop talking, go in quickly, with the time to talk, let's have dinner early."

"Yes, yes, eat early, so you can eat early."

The customers in the neighborhood in front couldn't help sniffing while rushing into the store in an orderly manner.

It's still a familiar recipe, and it's still a familiar taste!

In a flash,

They feel themselves alive again.

"Give me 5 pan-fried buns stuffed with pork, a cage of steamed buns, and a bowl of preserved egg and lean pork porridge."

"Two steamed buns filled with soup, two bowls of eight-treasure porridge, five pan-fried buns stuffed with beef, five pan-fried buns with three delicacies, and four stewed eggs."

For a while, there was a constant sound of ordering food in the store.


(End of this chapter)

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