Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 437 Don't Stay Here For Long

Chapter 437 Don't Stay Here For Long
Just entered kindergarten.

Xuanxuan was already looking at the high signature wall and shouted excitedly: "Papa, I want to sign my name on the highest and highest position..."

"Okay, Dad will arrange for you now..."

Infected by the little guy's emotions, Huang Tao laughed, then squatted down and said, "Come on, Dad hugs you."

Um, shouldn't it be a hug?

Xuanxuan didn't understand, so she obediently walked around Huang Tao's back and jumped on him.

Her arms wrapped around Dad's neck deftly.


Huang Tao smiled and said, "Don't hug Dad's neck yet."

As he spoke, he stretched his hands back, grabbed Xuanxuan's slender waist, and lifted her up high.


Although it was not the first time that he was lifted high by his father, when he felt the feeling of flying through the clouds again, he screamed a bit impertinently, and immediately understood what his father was going to do.

Before Huang Tao could open his mouth, she immediately stretched her feet forward, pinched Huang Tao's neck, and sat firmly on his broad and strong shoulders.

Huang Tao put down his hands and held Xuanxuan's legs to make her sit more firmly.

"Papa~ In this way, Xuanxuan can sign her name at the highest place..."

Xuanxuan giggled happily.

This silver bell-like laughter immediately attracted the attention of other children at the autograph booth!
They immediately cast their eyes on Xuan Xuan who was sitting tall, and the envy in their eyes was almost overflowing.

They also want to ride on Papa's horse!
Seeing such a situation, many parents smiled knowingly.

There are even parents taking pictures with their mobile phones.

And Xuanxuan completed her signing ceremony under the envious gaze of everyone.


To be precise, it should be a name-printing ceremony.

The little guy still doesn't know how to write his name. In order to solve this problem, Mrs. Ye and the others thoughtfully engraved a name stamp for every child in the class, so as to relieve their trouble of signing.

Wait until the signing ceremony is completed.

Huang Tao carried Xuanxuan to the wishing tree.

Xuanxuan knowingly hung the wish card that she had written with her father on the top of the wishing tree.

Just then!

Lin Weiliang's family of three walked in holding hands.

In a glimpse...

Lin Jiadong saw the tall and burly Huang Tao, and Xuan Xuan who had a sweet smile on his neck.

The greedy Lin Jiadong took his father Lin Weiliang's hand and said, "Papa, I want to ride a horse on my father's neck like Xuanxuan..."

Lin Weiliang: "..."

Lin Weiliang looked at Huang Tao's father and daughter who were the instigators, and looked at his own son's physique. He almost scolded the idiot in his heart. He shook his head, expressing his reluctance: "Don't make trouble, sign it quickly."

"No, no, I want my father to drive a horse."

Lin Jiadong, who was already depressed because he couldn't eat the breakfast in the delicious restaurant in the morning, felt even worse after hearing his father's refusal, and pestered him to ask for it.

so loud...

Even Huang Tao and his daughter, who were immersed in the joy of hanging the wish card, couldn't help but look sideways.

Just by taking a look, Huang Tao suddenly understood why the boy's father didn't want to!
Look at that little boy, he is about six or seven years old, but his figure is chubby.

It's exactly the kind where one person can stand up to two children!

As for his father, not only was he not tall, but he was also very fat, and with his belly that seemed to be seven or eight months pregnant, it was very difficult for him to squat down.

Really let the little fat man climb up, I'm afraid his father can't lift it!


After all, this matter was caused by him. After Xuanxuan hung up the wish card, Huang Tao left the scene of the crime quickly, leaving Lin Weiliang alone to face a son who was unhappy and cried loudly.

Xuanxuan looked back curiously, her eyes full of puzzlement: "Papa, that brother's papa, why don't you want my brother to hang his neck?"

Huang Tao: "..."

Without looking back, Huang Tao could feel the eyes full of resentment from behind...

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, slipping is the best plan!

The father and daughter came to the stairs of the teaching building.


Xuanxuan put her arms around her father's head, and said sweetly, "Let me down, I can go by myself."

Xuanxuan didn't want her father to carry her upstairs, lest her father get tired.


Huang Tao nodded lovingly, reached out to hold her waist, lifted her up, and put her down.

Then he reached out and took her little hand.

Pick up the ladder and go up.

Go to the floor where the small class (4) is located.

along the way.

From time to time, there were bursts of laughter and chatter from other classrooms.

Through the glass windows of those classrooms, you can still see the lights and festoons in the classrooms, full of joy.

In many classes, teachers in charge of make-up were invited to change the clothes of the children who sat obediently on the chairs, and let the make-up artist smear on their faces.

It looks very lively!


"Xuanxuan Papa!"

In a corner of the classroom, Xuanxuan saw the friends who came earlier.

Qianqian, Qiqi and the others were all there, as well as Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Xu, as well as some matriarchs who came early, busy making up the children.

Although there is still some time before their class will perform, it is necessary to put on makeup for every child in the class.

In terms of time, it is still very urgent.

The two teachers and several parents were all very busy.

Look carefully!

You can see that the two teachers and parents are all dressed up very delicately today.

Teacher Ye smiled gently, with a faint blush on her pretty face, her eyes smiled and greeted Huang Tao: "Father Xuanxuan, you are here!"


Huang Tao nodded. Seeing that everyone was busy, he also wanted to contribute, and said with a smile, "Ms. Ye, why don't I braid the children's hair!"

Teacher Ye thanked him with joy, "Okay, I'll trouble you then!"

Today, she asked many matriarchs who can make up to come over early to help make up the children, but there are too many children, which still makes her very busy.

What troubled her again was the hairstyle.

Many parents don't know much about it.

Now that Huang Tao offered to help, it would be great.

Besides, Huang Tao's hair weaving skills completely crushed their two teachers and all their parents!

She couldn't help thinking, how could there be such a perfect man in this world, who is not only handsome, but also a good cook, can make all kinds of hairstyles, and has a strong ability to make money.

The boyfriend of my dreams~
Thinking of this, her pretty face turned red...


Xuanxuan took Qianqian's hand, and ran to Huang Tao together: "Let my papa tie your hair!"

Sissy has been obsessed with Huang Tao's hair-tying skills for a long time.

Every time she sees Xuanxuan changing her new hairstyle, she gets greedy for a while, and even dreams that one day Xuanxuan's father can tie her hair.

Didn't expect it to happen today!

She happily and politely said, "Thank you, Shushu!"

"Sissy is good..."

Huang Tao smiled and patted her little head: "Sit down first, uncle will prick you right away."

"Shu Shu, Shu Shu..."

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, several little girls ran towards him and shouted in unison: "We want to tie our hair too."

That's right!

Like Sissy, they have been hungry for a long time!
Now is your chance to make it happen!
Naturally, I couldn't wait for Huang Shushu to braid them a beautiful hairstyle.

Besides, Huang Tao is very popular in this class.

Now these little girls are about to fight for Uncle Huang!
If dad can change it.

They can't wait to replace their father with Uncle Huang Tao who can cook delicious food and braid the baby's hair!

"Everyone, don't worry..."

Huang Tao hurriedly said: "Come one by one, everyone line up first."

Xuanxuan also stood up and acted as an orderly officer to maintain order: "Cissy is the first, Qiqi you are the second..."

Under the support of Xuanxuan, the little orderly, the children cooperated very well.

One by one, they lined up obediently for Huang Tao to braid their hairstyles.

After braiding their hairstyles, they looked at each other and felt very beautiful, and they all giggled in satisfaction...

(End of this chapter)

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