Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 423 The Ingredients Are Only Raw Milk

Chapter 423 The Ingredients Are Only Raw Milk

"Once upon a time, there was an old woman who couldn't walk anymore, so she sat on a chair and knitted wool every day."

"A kitten kept her company."

"The grandma has many balls of yarn of various colors, and she keeps knitting beautiful clothes for her loved ones."

"The little cat likes to watch the old lady knitting. He often secretly practices when the old lady is dozing off..."

At night, after returning home to wash Xuanxuan, Huang Tao still coaxed Xuanxuan to sleep by reading stories from a new picture book.

He read it so vividly that Xuanxuan couldn't help but hold her breath, her watery eyes fixed on her father, and she listened to the story with all her attention.

Huang Tao continued to recite the following story:

"One day, the old lady fell ill and was admitted to the hospital."

"So the kitten started knitting at home. He knitted a big bow for his sister kitten. He knitted a long scarf for the little rabbit."

"He wove a round hat for Brother Puppy, he wove from one side of the hat to the top of the hat, a round ball and then the other, and finally he finished the brim too! "

"He also knit a pair of gloves for his mother. It took him almost three days for the five fingers."

"Several days have passed, and the old lady has never come back."

"The kitten missed the old grandma. He started knitting with the leftover yarn. No one knew what he was knitting. From day to night, and from night to day. I don't know how long it has been..."

"A large shawl was quietly draped over a chair."

"The kitten is really tired..."

"The kitten opened his eyes and saw the old lady smiling at him with that big shawl on!"

At last.

The ending of the story is very happy, and Xuanxuan is also happy for the kitten and the old grandma. When she smiles, she also thinks of Mimi, who is also a kitten.

"Papa, do you think Mimi can knit wool?"

Although Xuanxuan was very tired, she still hugged the group Peppa doll tightly and looked at her father expectantly.

That's right.

She also hopes that she has a kitten that can knit.

Huang Tao could see through her little thoughts at a glance, and he couldn't help laughing.

My silly girl~
How can there be a kitten that can knit wool in reality!
Some are just cats who can play with balls of yarn!

Besides, our lazy Mimi probably doesn't even bother to play with the ball of yarn, let alone knitting...

Even if it wants to weave, it will only be entangled in wool.

He shook his head with a smile, and told the truth helplessly: "Xuanxuan, there should be no cats who can knit in reality, including our Mimi."

Hearing her father's answer, the longing in Xuanxuan's eyes turned into disappointment.

um~ yeah~
That guy Mimi is so lazy, he definitely can't knit!

Can't learn it!

Just like Xuanxuan, there are many things she can't do, but after learning, she will!
Her eyes lit up involuntarily: "Papa, if Mimi can't, we can let Mimi learn~"

"Papa, doesn't grandma know how to knit sweaters? Let grandma teach Mimi how to knit..."

Let grandma teach Mimi how to knit?
Huang Tao was speechless.

If Song Cailian heard what her precious granddaughter said, she would probably be speechless.

He even shouted: Xuanxuan, you should spare grandma, don't torment grandma's old bones!

Regarding his daughter's request, Huang Tao was really scratching his head, his mother definitely didn't want to stop this job...

Even though he and his mother couldn't stand Xuanxuan's plea, they agreed and dared to teach.

Mimi, does it dare to learn?

Even if you bite the bullet and learn, it can only be a piece of wool...

Huang Tao thought about it, one head and two big, so he had no choice but to say truthfully: "Xuanxuan, grandma is getting old, her eyes are bad, she can't knit anymore, and she can't teach Mimi anymore."

"That's it... forget it then!"

Xuanxuan thought that she had said before that she would take good care of grandma, but she couldn't let grandma's eyes get worse, so she gave up her idea.

Huang Tao reached out and rubbed her little head: "Okay, it's getting late, go to bed!"

Xuanxuan put down the Peppa Pig doll, stretched out her little hand and said, "Papa, I want you to hug me."

"Okay, give me a hug, Dad."

Huang Tao reached out and hugged the little guy in his arms.

In her father's arms, holding her father's big hand, Xuanxuan was very comfortable and at ease. Gradually, she breathed steadily and fell into a deep sleep.

Huang Tao waited for Xuanxuan to fall asleep before taking her Peppa Pig doll and slowly replacing his own hand.

Then he picked up Xuanxuan and let her sleep back in her original position.

Sleep more comfortably.

Just when Huang Tao loosened his hands and was about to cover the quilt again, Xuanxuan twisted.

Huang Tao quickly stopped his movements.

I saw Xuanxuan shrinking her hands, holding the Peppa Pig doll tightly, her long eyelashes pressed tightly against her face, she muttered vaguely: "Baba, Xuanxuan doesn't want Mimi knitting, as long as grandma My eyes are good..."

hey hey~
The little guy is actually worried...

"Don't worry, grandma's eyes will be fine."

He lowered his head, kissed Xuanxuan gently on the forehead, and said softly: "Xuanxuan, don't worry."

As if she heard her father's words in a dream, Xuanxuan gradually loosened her slightly frowning brows.

After coaxing Xuanxuan to sleep, Huang Tao checked Weibo.

Weibo is full of excitement.

Whoops: The happiness tonight was given by the delicious shop. The mung bean paste milk made by Mr. Huang is really delicious~ The smoothie is dense, the mung beans are soft and sweet, and the milk taste is also very mellow. In the warm air-conditioned room in winter, it is really comfortable to have such a cold cup of milk with mung bean paste!I have to say that Boss Huang's craftsmanship is really beautiful.Figure jpg.

I’m a fairy: The weight-loss party simply loves this cup of mung bean milk milk given by Jiang. Once you drink it, you will know that it is pure and natural, and there is no added sugar. The mung bean tastes good and the milk is delicious.

Aunt Rong’s daughter is in our class: Hey, it’s delicious tonight. The store sells meat, fish, eel and shredded mung bean paste, and milk with mung bean paste. I’ve already drank it. Very good, low sugar and low calorie super healthy~”

You can become a queen by yourself: I was lucky enough to get a piece of milk with mung bean paste from the delicious shop today, not to mention, it is really delicious!The milk taste is very fragrant and strong. I want to buy milk of this quality for the two children in my family, but I don’t know which milk Boss Huang uses?Ask Boss Huang weakly, can you tell me about the milk in the mung bean paste milk, what brand of milk is used? (If it’s not convenient to tell, just pretend I didn’t ask!)

Below this comment, many people replied.

There are those who are equally curious.

Some also said that the other party didn't point out the numbers, and the questions they asked involved commercial secrets.

All in all, it was fun.

Huang Tao saw it, so he replied casually.

Super delicious and delicious restaurant: It’s Sichun, the ingredients are only raw milk, the taste is particularly mellow and fragrant~
In the era of self-media, as long as you know how to surf the Internet, you can easily find a lot of tutorials on mung bean milk with a search on the Internet.


High-quality raw materials such as mung beans and milk are not difficult to find.

The reason why the mung bean paste milk in the store is delicious is mainly because of the dense smoothie.

The smoothies produced by the fully automatic shaved ice machine are naturally extraordinary.

At least in terms of taste, it is absolutely perfect.

Many people know that he bought Sichun's milk in Jiang Guowei's store.

What's more, in the future, making mung bean paste milk in the store will also be open, and will not avoid customers.

These netizens and customers will know sooner or later.

Why don't he take the initiative to say it now, lest they spend a lot of brain cells to guess.

Besides, the reason why the cold drink shops outside make so much money is essentially because the customers are lazy and don't want to do it themselves.

Happiness that can be bought with more than a dozen dollars, few people will toss it with their own hands.

After all, after tossing, there is no guarantee that I will not overturn!

The conversation in the building is going on vigorously now!

The blogger's comments will always be at the top.

No matter if they were watching after replying, or just came in to reply, they all saw Huang Tao's comment.


Many people replied:

◤City ↑Sky Lonely Song◢: Damn~ Is this really something I can watch without spending money?

Leg hair 1.8 meters: To count the atmosphere, we have to look at our boss Huang!He actually told us netizens the brand of the main raw material so bluntly.

Kaka~hi, baby: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.No, no, what we're drawing is Boss Huang's craftsmanship!

The 1999th disappearing true heart〓: I went, it was actually Sichun... In my impression, this is a small domestic brand!However, if the ingredients are only raw milk, the nutritional value is quite high!After I get off work tomorrow, I will go to the supermarket to see if it is sold. If there is any, I will buy a box and try it out.

The fan who first asked about Huang Tao's milk brand, saw that he was actually answered by Huang Tao...

At first, I was taken aback for a moment, and then I became excited.

Quickly reply to the message:

You can become a queen by yourself: Wow... Boss Huang is alive, my God, Boss Huang can also read Weibo besides cooking, and even replied to me. I am really flattered!Code live in Sichun, quickly place an order online to buy a box, and give it to the children at home to try.

The reactions of other customers and netizens were similar to hers.

First stunned.

He never expected that Huang Tao would say so generously that the milk used in the store was Sichun's brand.

of course.

They couldn't deny that they were already attracted by Huang Tao's words that "the only ingredient is raw milk".

If there is only raw milk in the ingredients, it means that the milk is extremely pure.

No wonder the milk flavor in the mung bean paste milk in the store is so fragrant and mellow!


These netizens, with curiosity and anticipation, started discussing this issue under the official account.

Those netizens who trusted Huang Tao or impulsive netizens opened a certain treasure without saying a word, and placed orders in Sichun's flagship store.

Some netizens with strong mobility rushed to the convenience store downstairs and bought a few boxes to take home.

He lay on the couch and drank while watching TV.

Followed by.

The group of netizens who have already drank it will feed back their feelings after drinking it on Weibo one after another.

Drowning in your heart ζ: It is indeed the milk recommended by Boss Huang!It is very mellow and fragrant, and what is written on the ingredient list is exactly the same as what Boss Huang said. It is indeed only raw milk!The taste is also exactly the same as the milk taste in the mung bean paste milk in Boss Huang's shop.Boss Huang sincerely does not deceive me!
Gu Liang who loves to laugh: With the idea of ​​giving it a try, I rushed to the convenience store downstairs to buy a few boxes of Sichun pure milk and came back. After drinking it, I was instantly amazed by its taste. You can also drink such mellow and nutritious pure milk in China. If Boss Huang didn’t share it generously, I would definitely miss it with Sichun in my life. Fortunately, I know now. It’s just that I have missed so many years with Sichun. Still a little regretful.

Non Chenyan ※: I absolutely love Boss Huang's Amway.Guaranteed by my property of 8 yuan all over the body, Sichun's milk tastes really good, just go for it blindly, if you don't go for it, you will definitely regret it for a lifetime.

Good guy!
This wave of feedback is undoubtedly a reassurance for netizens who are still in the wait-and-see stage.

Then I couldn't sit still.

Open the major shopping software one after another.

Search for Sichun.

Finally, place an order without hesitation.

Anyway, the price of a box is not expensive, only about 40 yuan, plus the discount voucher, it is only 38 yuan.

This price...

Even if it doesn't taste good, it's worth it!

Many people even went to the deserted Sichun Weibo official account to comment on it after they placed an order passionately and were bored and couldn't sleep because of their excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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