Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 378 Their Lucky Star!

Chapter 378 Their Lucky Star!
It's not yet 3 o'clock!

Those customers from other cities came to line up again.

This time they all came with queuing artifacts.

That's right.

They also imitated the neighbors at noon.

I deliberately bought folding chairs, cushions and windshields in the shops near the old street, sat at the door of the shop, swiped my phone, and drank happy soapy water.

While it was so leisurely, it was also rare to relax.

Of course, the sales of nearby vendors also increased a lot because of their arrival.

Even Jiang Guowei's small convenience store, today's business is more prosperous than in the past, with a constant flow of people.

Earned a lot!

And all of this is thanks to Boss Huang!
Boss Huang is not only the treasure of this street, but also their lucky star...

Not only these customers from other cities came early and queued up.

There are also many neighbors and rich second generations, as usual, came early.

Even the four female high school students also brought their own queuing artifacts and came to line up early.

They were thinking of coming here to have a good meal before going back to school for evening self-study!

This is one of the happiest days of their week.

Of course, every Wednesday is also a happy day for them.

After all, that evening, their parents would bring them a delicious food from the restaurant to satisfy their cravings.

This time, they sat at the back of the line, wearing headphones, listening to English words.

It can only be said that now it is not only the study volume.

Even the queues of customers are getting more and more crowded!
You come to line up at four o'clock, and I will line up at 03:30.

If you come at 03:30, then I will come at [-]:[-].

It's good now, even the guests from other cities have followed suit, arriving before three o'clock.

In order to be able to eat the food in Huang Tao's restaurant, he is more active than usual in clocking in at work.

I wish I could just come to Huang Tao's door and wait after lunch.

Jiang Guowei and Chen Wenli are sitting in front of their shop, basking in the sun while guarding the shop!
There is no backlight here in the afternoon, and it is quite warm facing the sun.

"Boss Huang's business is getting better and better, and even our entire old street in the west of the city is becoming more and more lively. We never saw so many young people and so many foreigners before!" Chen Wenli basked in the sun, Holding it in my hand, I couldn't help sighing as I watched the queue getting longer and longer.

Fortunately, Aunt Lin finally changed her mind and rented the house to Huang Tao, allowing him to successfully expand the store, thus indirectly keeping Boss Huang.

But talk about it.

She didn't expect that Aunt Lin would have to change her mind because of her son and daughter-in-law and rent the ground floor of the old house here!

After thinking about it, it makes sense.

After all, the rent of nearly 1 yuan a month is really exciting.

This rent is equivalent to a young man's salary for one month.

Thinking about how stressful they are, I can understand it, but I couldn't help but sigh at the time.

When Aunt Lin met her that time, she couldn't help scolding her son and daughter-in-law.

Until dinner, Jiang Guowei ordered some meals from Boss Huang to entertain Aunt Lin,
After Aunt Lin and his wife tasted it, they didn't feel so upset, and felt that it was valuable to rent it to Huang Tao to expand the store.

Since then, her old couple have also fallen in love with Boss Huang's food.

When I am free, I will also come here to play the tooth-making festival!
Jiang Guowei said happily: "That's right. In the past, they were merchants like us or old people living nearby, or tenants who left early and returned late. Now it is lively and lively, and it looks angry."

This change in Chengxi Old Street is very gratifying!

Not to mention that quite a lot of residents in this neighborhood like to eat really delicious food. During this period of time, it is because of the traffic brought by the really delicious restaurant.

Not to mention that the rents of shops in the old streets have increased a lot, and even the housing prices in the vicinity have increased a lot, and the sales of new properties are very tight.

The business of each merchant is also rising all the way!

Now, even people from other cities are willing to go all the way to come here to eat really delicious food on the weekends.

Look at this posture, these customers from outside the city have become loyal fans of the delicious restaurant!
Definitely will come here more often in the future!

While Jiang Guowei and Chen Wenli were also happy for Huang Tao, they also hoped that Huang Tao could continue to drive in the old street in the west of the city for a long time.

In this way, small merchants like them can also get rich and live a good life.


It's 5 o'clock.

Huang Tao's shop is also open for business again.

The customers from outside the city who were in the front row were the first to bear the brunt and rushed into the store.

"I can finally eat it, it's not easy!"

"Who said no! I came late at noon, so I couldn't eat the food in this restaurant. I came here early in the afternoon and queued up for more than two hours! I can finally taste it, you don't know , I’ve been hungry all afternoon.”

"I ate it at noon, but I only ate a stewed chicken wing rice and a bowl of fish ball soup. The taste, um, was really delicious. I have never eaten such a delicious meal since I grew up. What! No, I am still full of ideas, so I come to eat again, after all, it will be difficult to eat again after I go back, and I will not be able to come to eat until next Sunday."

While talking, they lined up in front of the automatic ordering machine in an orderly manner, ordering meals one by one.

Ordered all the delicacies in the store.

While wanting to taste all of them, I also want to eat all at once.

By the way, let me comfort the regret of not being able to eat at noon!

After Huang Tao saw the order, he couldn't help but reminded: "I order so much, you can't finish it."

After listening to these guests from other cities, they all smiled and waved their hands:
"It's okay, if you can't finish eating, take it away, but you must not eat enough!"

"Boss, I'm coming to your restaurant for dinner, and I'm ready to walk out with the help of the wall."

Now that the guests have said so, Huang Tao can't say anything more.

Immediately start cooking.

Fortunately, his cooking speed is very fast.

In less than 10 minutes, the dozen or so customers from outside the city who lined up got their ordered meals.

"Wow! This is too fragrant, this roast duck is so fragrant and delicious! It's better than Quanjude's, and this honey sauce fire recipe is also delicious..."

They put their heads down and started cooking.

I feel that I have come all the way from afar, and it is worth waiting outside for another day.

Such delicious food is worth the wait!
Together with the three chef assistants, Huang Tao continued to cook food for the neighbors and the four high school students who ordered food later.

The old couple Song Cailian and Huang Yide accompanied Xuanxuan to paint.

It was cold outside in the evening.

But the business in the store is very hot.

There are more and more customers queuing outside.

From the front of Huang Tao's shop, the queue went directly to the corner of the road.

The owners of other restaurants, while drooling enviously, also admired Huang Tao from the bottom of their hearts.

Huang Tao's food is really delicious.

What's even more outrageous is that it has always been so delicious, and it even gets better and better!

Unlike restaurants like them, they obviously cook according to the ratio every day, but the taste is not stable!
This craftsmanship is outrageous, outrageous!

Before 7 o'clock, all the ingredients prepared in Huang Tao's shop were also sold out.

It also means that today's evening market is over!
Seeing that Huang Tao had finished his work, Huang Yide smiled and said, "Xiao Tao, it's getting late, your mother and I should go back too, we have to go to work tomorrow morning!"

"Grandpa, grandma, I don't want you to leave!"

After hearing this, Xuanxuan raised her face and said pitifully.

She loves having all her family around.

Song Cailian reached out and rubbed Xuanxuan's little head, and said lovingly: "Grandpa and grandma will come to see you again next week!"

Xuanxuan blinked her beautiful big eyes: "Really?"

Song Cailian and Huang Yide nodded solemnly at the same time: "Really!"

Xuanxuan nodded obediently: "Okay!"

At this moment, the taxi that Huang Tao booked for his parents had already arrived at the door.

That's right, the taxi driver he hired was Lin Jinsong.

Huang Tao helped his parents put their packed luggage into the trunk of the taxi.

Song Cailian got into the car after exhorting Huang Tao and Xuanxuan a few words.

"Grandma, Grandpa, see you next week!"

Huang Tao and Xuanxuan watched the tail lights of the taxi disappear around the corner, bowed their heads and said to Xuanxuan, "Let's go home!"


(End of this chapter)

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