Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 332 Wherever you go, you are treated like a VIP!

Chapter 332 Wherever you go, you are treated like a VIP!
In the store, in order to eat more dishes cooked by Huang Tao, the old smokers suddenly had the determination to cut off their addiction to smoking all at once, and threw all the remaining cigarettes and lighters into the trash can beside them.

The determination is so great that the world can learn from it...

As soon as they thought that the remaining money for cigarettes would contribute to future meals, so that they could eat one more meal or a delicious meal in the store, their cheerful voices spread throughout the store one after another: "I My happiness is back, and I can finally eat another dish made by Boss Huang..."

The cheerful sound fell in Huang Tao's ears, which made him a little surprised, but he couldn't help pursing his lips into a smile.

He never expected that this group of old smokers and customers would even give up the cigarettes they had been with for many years in order to eat an extra serving of his delicious food.

I have to say, they are all ruthless people!

He smiled and continued with his work.

Outside the store, Jiang Mingtao, who had been waiting for a long time, got a little annoyed.

Ouch, my old leg...

Almost numb!
Oops, my old waist...

It's almost off!
At this moment, his face drooped, with impatience written on his face.

He has never been in line for such a long time in his life!

Wherever you go, you will be treated like a VIP!
Never would I have thought that there would be a line for hours at this small restaurant.

If it weren't for his father's determination to continue waiting in line here, or if his father didn't allow him to call Jiang Chao and arrange a seat.

Why did he bother to be tortured by the cold wind here, and he was so tired and panicked!
He reached out and pulled the clothes on his father Jiang Shouyi's arm, and asked with a smile, "Dad, are you tired? How about..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Shouyi interrupted him.

He quickly shook his hand and said, "I'm not tired, I'm not tired."

In the end, I thought that my son didn't like the noisy and noisy queue environment, so he patted the hand holding his clothes with a smile and said, "If you're tired, go back with Hongxia first, and I'll give you a treat later." Bring food."

Got it!
It is hopeless to ask for foreign aid!
Seeing the expression on his father's face, Jiang Mingtao knew that he had misunderstood, and he quickly denied it: "Dad... I didn't mean that, I just..."

"Okay, I know what you want to say, if you are willing to wait with me, you can stay and wait." Jiang Shouyi stopped talking nonsense with him.

Seeing that the wheel was about to turn, I wanted him to give up, but there was no way.

Jiang Mingtao said helplessly: "Okay, I'll wait with you, even if the cold wind has been blowing for so long, even if it's my turn, I won't have any appetite."

As soon as Jiang Shouyi heard this, he knew that his son had lost his temper. It was because he hadn't eaten in the queue for so long, and he was unhappy!

He smiled and said: "Master Huang's craftsmanship is absolutely good. The pan-fried buns made this morning are just right in size, with thin and transparent skin. You can vaguely see the delicious soup and firm filling inside. The outside is sprinkled with scallions, and after frying, the scallion fragrance lingers for a long time, and the dough is soft, and the bottom is fried golden, burnt and crispy. Yo..."

Jiang Mingtao and Chen Hongxia were all flushed and radiant when seeing the old man describing it, and even swallowed inadvertently when describing the soup.

They know better than anyone else how much their old man loves face and pays attention to his image.

"Dad, look at what you said, it's like eating ginseng fruit..."

Chen Hongxia said something jokingly, and she became more and more looking forward to the delicious food of this restaurant.

After all, a small pan-fried bun is so delicious, so it goes without saying.

Jiang Shouyi responded with a smile: "This is much, much tastier than the tasteless ginseng fruit!"

Jiang Mingtao knew his father's temperament, so he didn't say anything, but reluctantly compromised, and continued to wait.

In the store.

Uncle Cheng who entered the store first and the group of people who want to quit smoking have already received their meals.

Sitting in the store, I enjoyed it happily.

Of course, the first thing everyone tastes is naturally the new dish... The dry fried bell is ringing.

This dry-fried bell sounds when picked up with chopsticks.

Each dipped in some of their favorite dipping sauces.

When you bite down, it creaks and sounds like a bell.

Crisp on the outside and tender on the inside, delicious.

The taste is not heavy.

good to eat!

The taste is not complicated, but it is particularly crispy in the mouth!

Uncle Cheng was full of enjoyment, and praised: "This taste is too good! Boss Huang, the dry fried bells you made taste so good!"

"Boss Huang, the fried bell you made is the best I've ever eaten in my life. It's the best in the world. It's not an exaggeration at all." The middle-aged man with a big belly also praised him vigorously.

Hearing the compliments, Huang Tao kept moving his hands, raised his head and smiled and said thanks: "Thank you, as long as you like to eat."

Old Liu said with a smile on his face: "Old Qin is right! This dry fried bell is really good, if you have another glass of wine, it will be even more beautiful."

"When did my views on food become worse?"

Lao Qin shook his folding fan lightly, and the old god said: "This is really a good side dish to accompany wine! You stay here, I'll go buy a bottle of wine."

After speaking, he got up and went to the drink cabinet to buy wine.

And everyone talked about it.

"Tell me, why is Boss Huang's cooking so delicious?"

Aunt Li will also make this dish at home during the New Year and festivals, for a good start.

But in terms of taste, compared with Huang Tao's, it's too far behind, it's a world apart!
Of course, it's her!

"It can only be said that Boss Huang is not an ordinary person. How can ordinary people do so well!" Uncle Li smiled happily and expressed his opinion.

"It can only be said that Boss Huang's craftsmanship is good!" Lao Liu admired it from the bottom of his heart.

Huang Tao listened to the chats of the neighbors, smiled and hurried to work.

And the customers who took the package left happily with the package box.

While walking, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message, spreading the news that the Xinqian bomb rang at noon today.

As for whether you can buy it when you come over later, it's hard to say.

Estimated hanging!
At the same time, after reading the news from the official account of the delicious restaurant on Weibo, many people were relatively close, and immediately closed the store and stopped doing business, and drove to the old street in the west of the city.

I also drove in a hurry, for fear that it would be gone if it was too late.

After all, it was the plate of dry fried bells that tempted them.

Who made Huang Tao's photo so tempting, you can feel its delicacy through the screen!

It was not enough for them to act on their own, and they did not forget to share this news with their relatives and friends.

After seeing the new product content posted on Weibo, some office workers only hope that they can buy a copy when they come over after get off work.

The college students of Linjiang University have always been very concerned about this delicious restaurant.

Whenever there is any trouble in the store, it can appear on the campus forum.

At this moment, a post floated on the homepage of the campus forum:
"A new product called dry frying is ringing?Quantities are limited, so hurry up! "

Many students who are still studying in the dormitory after class, when they see this kind of headline, they don't need to click on it, and they immediately understand that the delicious restaurant has launched a new dish.

Heart is worse than action.

I didn't even bother to turn off the computer, so I immediately took the key and went out with my mobile phone.

On the way, they clicked on the post and began to read, and were instantly tempted by the food photos posted by the host.

Not to mention, the poster also used all kinds of beautiful words to describe the beauty of the entrance of the dry fried bell.

Seeing them hungry, they hurried to run.

As soon as I arrived, I saw the queue at the door of the store, and the old elders were long.

"Damn, there are too many people, but unfortunately I saw the news too late, I don't know if it will be our four's turn later, can we still buy it?"

"Although it's only [-]:[-], I guess it's still a little bit late. Every time Boss Huang makes new products, they don't have much weight..."

While a few people were talking, a lot of people lined up behind them.

The cold weather can't stop everyone from wanting to eat dry fried bells and enemies!
It's cold now, but if you eat dry fried bells later, your happiness will definitely be doubled!

When the students in Linjiang University were thinking of eating after class, they clicked on the campus forum and came across this hot post.

It even built hundreds of floors!

56l: I'm still wise!In the morning, after breakfast without going to class, I strolled in the old street, and queued up a little after 9:1.Figure 2.jpg, Figure [-].jpg.

57l: Upstairs, I saw you, but I came a little later than you by 5 minutes, so it's already 10 people away.

You don't need to look at the pictures to feel the huge team and the crowdedness of the store.

98l: Woohoo, it's another day of making money. This fried bell is particularly crispy. The crispy tofu skin and the delicious meat filling are perfectly combined. It's amazing, even better than the fried bell in the hotel outside. delicious!

99l: No, no, no, I’m already hungry. I’m queuing up now, and I hope there will be more when it’s my turn.

100l: Envious!I don't know if I will rush over after class, if there are any!

All the way down, I bought dry fried bells and showed off the photos in the building to share my feelings, which made people more and more greedy, and there were also some envious and bitter comments about not being able to go to the queue immediately because of class.

Of course, many people still take a gamble, maybe they can still buy it.


Everyone flocked towards the delicious store...

This time, the traffic policeman Wang Zhoubin and Sun Linhai were very busy. Not only did they have to maintain the order of the vehicles, but they also had to maintain the order of the queuing.

It's all Boss Huang's fault, and a new dish was released, causing a street to be blocked again...

(End of this chapter)

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