Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 282 Do You Want To Marry Him?

Chapter 282 Do You Want To Marry Him?
The warm sunshine shines on the old street in the west of the city, bringing with it the laziness of the afternoon.

It's delicious. The back kitchen of the restaurant is starting to get busy at this time.

Ding Suqin led Li Chengzhan and Lin Qiyu, busy cleaning all kinds of ingredients.

Huang Tao led the three chefs to prepare all the ingredients for the evening in advance.

Xuanxuan sat at the exclusive dining table with her grandparents.

Huang Yide picked up Mimi, put it on his lap, and stroked its cat head.


Mimi cried lazily.

The afternoon sun shone warmly on its body, and tiredness hit it unexpectedly, making it close its eyes comfortably.

So comfortable meow~
Song Cailian sat on the sidelines and watched an emotional live broadcast of an Internet celebrity.

As for Xuanxuan!
Now, there is a new way to play with Barbie dolls.

Play house!
She is the mother, and the Barbie is the baby.

She pretended to hold the bottle to do breastfeeding: "The baby drank grandma, and went to bed after drinking."

After Barbie finished drinking milk, she laid the Barbie gently on the dining table, and found a small handkerchief to cover her body as a quilt.

She stretched out her chubby little hand, gently stroked the Barbie doll's hair, imitating her father's tone, and said softly: "Baby, go to sleep!"


She lifted the small handkerchief and said with a smile: "Okay, the baby is awake, he is two years old now."

"Baby is learning to walk, so walk carefully!"

She supported the arm of the Barbie doll with one hand, and broke the leg of the Barbie doll with the other hand, allowing him to learn to walk.

"Wow, the baby is so good! He has learned to walk..."

"Well, the baby is three years old, it's time to go to kindergarten, come on, take the small water bottle and schoolbag on your back, Mama will take you to school~"

Playing and playing!

I feel a little bored.

After all, it's boring to direct and act alone.

"What's wrong with Xuanxuan? Is it boring to play alone? How about grandpa playing house with you?"

Huang Yide noticed that she was silent, so he couldn't help asking with concern.

"Grandpa, no need, I don't want to play house now."

She shook her head, put down the Barbie doll, then poked her head and looked at grandma's mobile phone. Seeing that grandma was watching the live broadcast again, she fluttered her beautiful big eyes and asked wonderingly: "Grandma, you always look at this boy. Do you like him? Do you want to marry him. "

Song Cailian was taken aback.

Huang Yide couldn't help being taken aback.

Immediately, both of them were amused by the words of their precious granddaughter, and they both let out "hahaha" laughter.

Xuanxuan: ⊙(◇)?

She felt that what she said seemed inappropriate!

It can be seen that grandparents are all smiling cheerfully, and feel that it should also be a happy topic.

Then he also smiled happily.

For a while, there was constant laughter in the store.

Hearing the laughter, Huang Tao couldn't help but looked up curiously, and then looked at Xuanxuan's table through the glass panel in the kitchen.

The little guy covered her mouth and smiled very ladylikely.

The parents looked like they almost laughed out loud.

Mimi lay bored on Huang Yide's lap, drowsy.

When Huang Tao's attention was shifted, Xuanxuan looked sideways at him with a tacit understanding, just in line with her father's gaze, her beautiful big eyes were bent into crescent moons.

Huang Tao winked at her to give her peace of mind, and then re-invested in the preparation process.

Time passed quietly like this, and it was already 3 o'clock in a blink of an eye.

The 9 rich second generations came to line up early again.

They are also influenced by the neighbors, and they all bring their own folding chairs, cushions and windshields. They sit in a row at the door of the store, and while they wait, they browse the webpage or videos to pass some boring time.

It's just that they never dreamed of...

I would stand in front of the door of a small restaurant regardless of the severe cold, waiting in line to buy.

It's still the kind of three meals a day without interruption!
Not only them.

The group of high school students at noon also came to line up again.

Just to take advantage of the weekend holidays to satisfy myself a few more times.

There are also many neighbors who have come here ahead of time.

The current guests are really getting more and more voluptuous.

You come to line up at four o'clock, right?
Then I'll come and line up at 03:30!
If you come at 03:30, then I will come at [-]:[-]!

In order to be able to eat the food in Huang Tao's restaurant, the 9 rich second generations and many neighbors came to line up one by one as if clocking in for work.


I have never been so active in clocking in at work!

They even wished they could wait in front of Huang Tao's shop just after lunch.

As time passed, at 4:[-], Huang Tao's preparations were ready.

By the way, the staff's dinner is also ready.

"Let's eat first, and when we are full, we will have the strength to work later."

Huang Tao asked a few employees to deal with their own Wu Zang Temple first, so that they would not be able to take care of their Wu Zang Temple when they got busy later.

"Okay, boss..."

All the employees were busy serving the dishes prepared by Huang Tao to the table.

Then I went to cook.

Huang Tao smiled and asked his precious daughter and parents: "Xuanxuan, parents, what kind of rice do you want to eat? Rice with braised chicken legs, rice with chicken wings, or rice with braised trotters?"

Huang Yide said with a smile: "I can do it, I like to eat it!"

Song Cailian thought for a while and said, "Braised chicken wings and rice!"

"Papa, I want to eat all of them."

Xuanxuan tilted her head to look at her father, expressing her own desire, and then said with a troubled face: "But I can't eat so much at once, what should I do?"

Want to eat all of them?

Huang Tao pondered for a moment.

He also heard that many customers said that they were very entangled when buying food!
Confused whether to eat braised pork trotter rice, braised chicken wing rice or braised chicken leg rice?
Because the three are all delicious in the world, I want to eat them all, but I can only choose one of the three for a meal.

It would be great if there is a three-pack meal, so they don't have to worry about it anymore.

Thinking of this, Huang Tao's eyes lit up, and he said with a slight smile, "This is simple, Dad will make you a bowl of three-in-one stewed rice."


A slight dimple appeared on Xuanxuan's cheek.

Huang Tao smiled and stretched out his hand to hook her little Qiong's nose, nodded and said, "Of course it's true, when did Dad ever lie to you!"


Dad never lied to Xuanxuan.

She bowed her eyes and thanked, "Thank you, Papa!"

"You're welcome, you're so good!"

Huang Tao smiled slightly, looked sideways at his parents, and asked, "Mom and Dad, would you like a three-in-one braised rice?"

"Okay! Yes!"

Huang Yide and his wife readily agreed.

To be honest, deep down in their hearts, they also want everything, but they don't have a big appetite. If they eat so much at once, they won't be able to eat other dishes.

Very tangled!

Now my son proposed to make three-in-one braised rice, which naturally won their hearts.

Li Chengzhan and other employees all pricked up their ears.

They also really want to know, how is this three-in-one braised rice rice legal?
of course.

They also want to taste the taste of this three-in-one braised rice.


They are not Boss Huang's family...


Just when Li Chengzhan and other employees let out a long sigh helplessly, the boss's inquiry came to his ears: "You guys, do you want to have a bowl of three-in-one braised rice?"

These words fell into the ears of Li Chengzhan and other employees, they were very pleasantly surprised and moved!
In his heart, he called Huang Tao a good boss of Huaxia, and he always thought of them in everything.

Li Chengzhan and the others nodded in haste, and said with joy, "Okay, okay, I wish for it!"


Huang Tao smiled and walked into the back kitchen.

Xu Hao and the other three kitchen assistants hurriedly put down their chopsticks and went to help.

Help cook the rice.

Cut stewed trotters Cut stewed trotters.

Cut marinated eggs cut marinated eggs.

Huang Tao scalded the vegetables in the pot.

Then he took Lin Zifeng's rice plate, and placed the sliced ​​braised pork trotters, a chicken leg, a chicken wing, half a braised egg, and two vegetables beside the rice.

Wait to set the plate.

He took another spoonful of the marinade and sprinkled it on the meat. While the aroma was overflowing, the color became more and more beautiful.


Plates of three-in-one stewed rice with all colors, flavors and tastes are presented perfectly under his skillful hands.


Everyone helped to bring it to the table.

Huang Tao put three plates of three-in-one stewed rice in front of his parents and Xuanxuan.

Xuanxuan looked down at the plate in front of her.

In the middle of the plate is a round white rice. On the left side of the white rice is trembling marinated pig's trotters. On the side are attractively colored chicken wings and drumsticks, and then green vegetables in a half circle and darkly marinated marinated eggs.

White rice is like the stars holding the moon.

There are also some black sesame seeds sprinkled on top.

She used chopsticks to stir the rice first, then fully stirred the rice and marinade, so that the white rice was covered with marinade before eating.

It tastes even better that way!
"Well, it smells so good!"

She licked the corner of her lips, endured the greediness, mixed some white rice and tasted it, it was really fragrant and delicious.

Then she was immersed in the deliciousness of the three-in-one stewed rice...

So do everyone else!
While indulging in the delicious three-in-one stewed rice, they couldn't help showing satisfied little expressions.

Ding Suqin asked while eating: "Boss, will this three-in-one stewed rice be served in the store tonight?"

A word to wake up the dreamer!
Huang Tao was only thinking about satisfying his precious daughter's request before, but he forgot whether to add three-in-one stewed rice tonight as a new question.

Thinking that there are many customers who also have the trouble of wanting to eat every meal despite not having a lot of food.

For such customers, this three-in-one braised rice is very suitable.

He thought for a while and said: "Well, let's order it tonight! The small plate sells for 50 yuan, 40 servings, and the large plate sells for 55 yuan! Let's serve 60 servings! Just satisfy those who want to eat but don't eat much Customers, it can also just satisfy those customers who are a bit difficult to choose."

The most valuable part of the three-in-one lo mei rice is that it is sold together. It seems that the profit is not much, but in fact it is still a lot of money.

"Okay, then I'll get the price up later."

After finishing speaking, she waited to eat with her head down, and she swallowed the meat and vegetables within three chews.

Huang Tao was afraid that she would swallow, so he quickly persuaded her helplessly: "Eat slowly, don't worry, don't choke later."

Seeing that the boss said so, she slowed down a little, but it was much faster than before.

(End of this chapter)

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