Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 250 Straight to Huang Tao's Softest Part

Chapter 250 Straight to Huang Tao's Softest Part

next morning.

It's still sunny and sings "Protagonist".

Although the sky is clear, the wind is increasing and it is still cold. It seems that it is almost 8 o'clock now, and the temperature is around 5°C.

If it was the past, Huang Tao would definitely be full of worries.

Worried about this terrible weather, riding a battery car to send Xuanxuan to school will make people shiver.

But now, he is not afraid.

Because he has an electric car in hand.

"Let's go, let's go to school~"

Xuanxuan walked, bouncing around, like a happy little rabbit.

Huang Tao held a small schoolbag in his left hand and a small water bottle in his right. While following her closely, he couldn't help but turn on the old father's nagging mode, and told her aloud: "Run slowly, be careful."

"I know it's spicy, Baba~" Xuanxuan turned her head to look at her father, raised a smile, and bent her eyebrows.

to the car.

Huang Tao helped open the door of the back seat.

"Thank you, Papa~"

Xuanxuan sat on the child safety seat in the back row with crooked eyebrows.

This child safety seat was newly bought recently. It is a top-level configuration model of a major domestic brand, and it cost Huang Tao more than 3000 oceans!
But for the sake of Xuanxuan's safety, it is worth spending this little money!

"You're welcome, sit still..."

Huang Tao turned on the air conditioner, put on his seat belt, and started the car.

Xuanxuan was blowing on the air conditioner, lying on the car window, looking at the passing vehicles on the road through the window glass, as well as the flowers, plants and small trees bent over by the cold wind.

Her big black eyes fluttered, and she said sweetly, "Dad, it's really great to have a car, so you don't have to be blown by the wind."

Huang Tao smiled: "Yes, it's windy outside, so having a car is really quite reassuring."


Xuanxuan nodded her head, then gave two thumbs up and said, "Baba is amazing."

In her heart, it is super powerful and awesome that Dad can buy a car so soon!


The car was parked in the parking area near the kindergarten.

But this time, Xuanxuan declined her father's offer to send her to the school gate.

"Baba, Teacher Ye said that the children have grown up, and they should learn to carry their schoolbags and water bottles to the school gate, and don't let Baba Mama help them carry them to the school gate. Teacher Ye also said that children can not let Baba Mama deliver For those at the school gate, you can try to enter the school gate by yourself, so Baba, you should stay in the car and don’t get out of the car, I can enter the school gate by myself.”

While Huang Tao was amused by Xuanxuan's little appearance of obeying Teacher Ye's teachings, he suddenly understood.

Teacher Ye wants to cultivate children's independence!

As a parent, he naturally couldn't hold back the teacher.

It has to be supported!
He hesitated, and decided to let her go.

Although he really wanted to send Xuanxuan to the school gate, he also knew very well that there is a kind of love called letting go.

After all, Xuanxuan is going to grow up to be independent and have her own life.

No matter how much He gives, it cannot be replaced.

Letting her enter kindergarten independently is only the first step.

He nodded and agreed: "Okay, then Papa will pick you up in the afternoon and cook something delicious for you in the evening."

The little greedy cat Xuanxuan, when she heard these three words, her eyes seemed to twinkle like stars.

She grasped the back of Huang Tao's seat with both hands, poked her head, her big blinking eyes were full of expectation: "Papa, what's so delicious?"

Huang Tao didn't sell melon seeds either, and said directly, "Braised prawns in oil!"

"Yeah, yeah, I like shrimp the most~"

Her little face is like a blooming white orchid, with a smile written on her face, overflowing with excitement.

Looking at her now, Huang Tao's old father's heart really melted. He couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch her little face, and said with a smile, "Go to school first, and I'll make it for you after school."


Xuanxuan nodded vigorously, carried her schoolbag and water temperature on her back, waved at Huang Tao, opened the door and got out of the car.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to remind Huang Tao again: "Papa, I'll go first, so you can pick me up early in the afternoon~"

"Know spicy~"

Huang Tao intentionally imitated her tone of voice, which made the little girl giggle like silver bells. Then, under Huang Tao's watchful eye, she hopped towards the school gate.

But I didn't take a few steps!

The little girl turned around suddenly.

Huang Tao:? ? ?
Lost something?

Should not be!

Just when he was puzzled and was thinking about whether to get out of the car to check the situation, he saw his precious girl not far away raised her hands above her head, tilted her head and made a big love gesture to him.

God, my heart is melting~
This sudden gesture of empathy directly hit the softest part of Huang Tao's heart.

While feeling warm in his heart, he quickly smiled and stretched out his hand to grab it, then put it on his chest, squinting his eyes slightly, with an intoxicated look on his face.

"Hee hee~"

Xuanxuan was amused.

Smiling until his eyes were narrowed into a slit, two shallow dimples appeared on his face, which made people feel warm.

Many parents who passed by looked at the car with some envy when they saw Xuanxuan comparing their hearts.


Whose girl is so beautiful, cute and heart-warming!

Huang Tao watched Xuanxuan bouncing up to the school gate, measured her body temperature on the thermometer beside the school gate, and then walked into the school gate before he drove away with confidence.

As soon as Xuanxuan entered the school gate, she used a hand sanitizer to clean her hands.

Then come to the health care practitioner for daily morning checkups.

"Come on, ah... open your little mouth."

"Very well, spread the palms of your two little hands upwards."


"Okay, now you can go to your own classroom..."

After the inspection, Xuanxuan, carrying a small schoolbag and walking towards the teaching building obediently on her small legs, saw a little girl with two Nezha heads in front of her, bouncing towards her with her schoolbag on her back. walking forward.


Xuanxuan, who felt that the other party was very familiar, called out uncertainly.

The little girl with two Nezha heads turned her head suddenly when she heard the shout.

That's right!

The other party was her good friend Sissy!

The moment Qianqian saw Xuanxuan, her eyes showed joy, and she quickly stopped and waited for her.

Xuanxuan went up to meet her.

The two little people are holding hands, like a pair of sisters.

Xuanxuan happily shared what happened this morning with her good friends: "Cissy, I entered the school by myself today, and I didn't let my father send it to the school gate~"

Qianqian opened her mouth slightly, and said with admiration: "Oh! Xuanxuan, you are so amazing! I still dare not go alone. I still asked my dad to take me to the school gate today."

Hearing her good friend say that she is amazing, Xuanxuan couldn't help showing a sense of pride on her face.

Feel great too!

She said the most mature words in a childish tone: "Sissy, you have grown up, you have to learn to enter the school alone, don't let your dad send you know? Let me tell you, in fact, you don't have to be afraid at all, okay?" Okay, look, there are uncle security guards and teachers on duty at the school gate, there will be no bad money..."

The timid Qianqian was dubious: "Really?"

She nodded seriously: "Of course! My dad said so."

Xuanxuan's sentence "my papa said it" has a special weight and credibility, which made Sissy believe it all at once.

Seeing Qianqian nodded with a smile: "Then I will enter the school gate by myself tomorrow, and I don't need my dad to see me off."

"Such a good boy!"

She frowned, and then said: "Qiqian, my daddy said that after school, I will cook braised prawns and eat mud for me!"

Qianqian turned her head to look at Xuanxuan's eyes, full of envy: "Xuanxuan, your papa treats you so well and makes you a lot of delicious food, unlike my papa who can cook instant noodles And order takeout..."

Another day of envying Xuanxuan!
It's another day to change your papa!
If Jiang Ling knew that his daughter had such thoughts, he would probably faint in front of the shelf crying, right?

Do not!
He will not!
Because he still wants to change into a "little padded jacket"!

(End of this chapter)

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