Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 232 Soul Painter

Chapter 232 Soul Painter
More than 7 o'clock in the evening.

The sky is getting darker and darker, the moon is dotting the deep sky, and the rows of street lamps on the street have already been lit up. While dressing up the whole earth, they also silently send light to passers-by.

The customers of the delicious restaurant gradually dispersed because the ingredients were sold out.

During the business hours in the evening, a not-so-satisfactory sentence was drawn accordingly.


Huang Tao, who was completely idle, walked to Xuanxuan who had been sitting at the exclusive dining table, and called softly.

In the evening, when he was busy cooking for the customers, Xuanxuan brought colored pens and a blank picture book by herself, and sat there, painting and drawing.

It's been almost two hours of painting!
When Xuanxuan heard her father's voice, she hurriedly raised her little head, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and she was full of smiles, even her voice was sweet: "Papa~"


He bent over and gently touched Xuanxuan's little head, looked up at her picture album, and asked curiously: "Xuanxuan, what are you drawing? Can you let Papa see it?"

Xuanxuan generously handed the picture album to her father, and pointed to the little people on the picture, "I'm drawing Baba, and there are Haozi Shushu, Brother Zifeng, and Aunt Suqin."

"Ah, I have it too?"

When Ding Suqin, who was busy mopping the floor, heard her name, she came over curiously and asked with a smile: "Xuanxuan, can Auntie Suqin take a look?"

Xuanxuan nodded: "Yes!"

Ding Suqin took the picture album from Xuanxuan's hand and looked at it, laughing so hard that her flowers trembled.

"Ah, Xuanxuan draws really well..."

She covered her mouth and smiled slightly: "Especially you, Haozi Shushu, the painting is so similar."

These words fell into Xu Hao's ears, making his curiosity overflow even more.

out of curiosity.

He and Lin Zifeng came over to watch at the same time.

He even asked excitedly: "Really, is it really similar?"

As a result, they saw...

Lin Zifeng almost laughed out loud.

Xuanxuan's painting skills can be called a soul painter.

As for the style, it can be described as "soul style in the soul".

What she drew in the picture album is the scene of the restaurant’s opening at night. Not only are Huang Tao, Xu Hao, Lin Zifeng and Ding Suqin not alone, but even the customers are all outlined by her childish brushstrokes. come out.

The characters are all distorted and deformed.

However, deformation is deformation, and the head, body, and limbs can still be distinguished at a glance.

Although quite funny, but also childlike.

Among them, Xu Hao is undoubtedly the one who painted the most vividly.

No need to guess, you can see it at a glance.

Thin body, long head with a circle of short, distinct black hair, matchstick limbs, big and round eyes, and a big mouth that looks like a slice of watermelon. The ecstasy gesture of chopping meat with a kitchen knife is too much to make people laugh.

Coupled with the skin color painted with the brown paintbrush, Xu Hao's black and thin crew-cut features were all drawn out.

Lin Zifeng smiled and praised: "Sister Suqin is right, the painting is really like it! Awesome."

What else could Xu Hao do about this?

I could only look up at the light bulb at a 45-degree angle silently, and two lines of tears flowed silently in my heart.

Brother's handsome image...

Huang Tao smiled slightly, took the album returned by Ding Suqin, and put it in front of Xuanxuan's desk.

Xuanxuan glanced at the painting, raised her little head, fluttered her long eyelashes, and asked, "Papa, do you think my painting is good?"

Compared with Ding Suqin and Lin Zifeng's praise, she hopes to get her father's praise.

Huang Tao leaned over and picked her up, his eyes lovingly said: "Auntie Ni Suqin and brother Zifeng are both right, Xuanxuan, your drawing is really great!"

Although the characters in Xuanxuan's paintings are all slightly exaggerated, but fortunately she has captured the appearance characteristics of each character, for example, her father is the tallest, Xu Hao is dark and thin, and Ding Suqin is a woman ...

For a child who has just entered the kindergarten, it is not easy to grasp these characteristics.

Moreover, her color painting is very straightforward and enthusiastic. The innocent and jumping colors collide with rhythm and layering in the tones. The picture looks very strong, very eye-catching, and also reflects the consciousness creativity.

What is talent?

This is talent!
Therefore, his praise to Xuanxuan was not an empty talk of pampering the child, but an affirmation and encouragement to her.

After being praised by her father, Xuanxuan showed a happy smile on her little face, and she still had such a little bit of pride.

Huang Tao kissed her pink side cheek as a reward.

Xuanxuan giggled and said, "Papa, I still want to draw a Barbie doll."


Huang Tao put her back on the dining chair.

The little guy let go of the new drawing paper and started to draw.

Huang Tao sat down on the chair beside her and accompanied him.

Not long after, Xu Hao and others said goodbye to him and left after cleaning up.

He glanced at the clock on the wall.

It was past 7:[-].

He took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found out the phone number stored at noon, walked aside, and dialed the number.

That's right.

He was going to make a call to Aunt Lin.


The phone is on.

The other party is a hearty aunt.

As soon as he explained his purpose, Aunt Lin repeatedly said that Chen Wenli had already called her in the afternoon.

After getting a general understanding of the other party's concern about those things, Huang Tao told her how he would renovate the two-story building after expressing that he wanted to rent a house.

"If you are willing to rent the first floor to me, then you can lock the second floor in advance. For the first floor, I want to open the wall and decorate it into an integrated restaurant. The changes will be relatively large... ..."

Huang Tao didn't intend to hide it, even if he really wanted to rent out the next door right now, but if there were conflicts and other troubles caused by the renovation later, it was completely unnecessary.

Now that he has shown enough sincerity, it is also a kind of respect for the other party.

Besides, when he rented the current shop, he also told the landlord about the renovation of the shop, including opening the walls, and the landlord agreed.

And both of them are also specified in the contract.

There is no need to call another landlord about this matter, just explain it to Aunt Lin.

But obviously, the other party was silent.

One minute later, Huang Tao heard an exclamation from the other end of the phone, saying: "Boss Huang, you are very sincere, and the monthly rent of 1 yuan is indeed very attractive, but this two-story building is considered a One of my thoughts is that if the first floor is remodeled, I still don't want to, please forgive me, sorry."

The monthly rent of [-] is very attractive.

The houses on Chengxi Old Street are also rented out to some migrant workers. A room is more than 1000, and they have to be equipped with a small kitchen for cooking.

Now, the downstairs floor alone costs 8000 yuan, which is almost a month's salary for his son.

But the life of Aunt Lin's family is not bad.


Just enough.

She still wanted to keep this two-story old building for thought, so she was unmoved by the [-] rent.

To be honest, if Chen Wenli hadn't called in the afternoon to tell her about it, and Huang Tao was very sincere, Aunt Lin would have expressed her intentions directly as soon as Huang Tao expressed her intention to come. unwilling.

Huang Tao, who had already expected the result, was far from disappointed.

He still smiled and said, "Okay, Aunt Lin, if you change your mind, you can contact me on this phone at any time. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me. Excuse me."

End the call.

He returned to Xuanxuan's table and sat down beside her.

Xuanxuan turned her head to look at her father, saw her father frowning slightly, and asked with concern: "Papa, did something unhappy happen to you?"

"It's okay, you can concentrate on painting!"

He smiled and didn't tell Xuanxuan about it.

He didn't want the little girl to be troubled by it!

Xuanxuan blinked, lowered her head and continued to draw, but her thoughts were obviously not here.

Huang Tao opened the rental software.

Here you can see the surrounding houses and shops for rent.

No way!
Aunt Lin next door had already rejected him, so he naturally had to find another source.

He picks and chooses carefully.

He didn't recover until he was called to say that the painting was finished and he wanted to go home.

"Okay, let's go home!"

He took Xuanxuan to close the store, rode on the battery car, and drove her towards home in the dark.

(End of this chapter)

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