Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 2 The owner of the convenience store next door is crying!

Chapter 2 The owner of the convenience store next door is crying!

Back to the store.

Huang Tao packed up the things he just bought.

Sweet and sour light soy sauce, star anise pepper, etc. are all ready to be put into bottles and cans, and onion, ginger, garlic and meat are all placed on the stove for later use.

"Papa, do you need help? Xuanxuan can help you wash the vegetables and break the green onions!"

Xuanxuan was very sensible, so she followed in and wanted to help Huang Tao with work.

Huang Tao pampered Xuanxuan's little Qiong's nose: "Okay, then help Dad break the onions!"


After arranging Xuanxuan, Huang Tao washed his hands and started to work.

First make the pork skin jelly.

Take the washed fat meat with skin, remove the pig skin, shred the pig skin, cut the green onion and ginger slices, and put them in the pot.

Then add star anise and peppercorns, and pour in an appropriate amount of water.

Bring to a boil.

Then set up another pot and prepare to boil lard.

Pour the pieces of fatty oil cut into squares into a pot, add half a bowl of water, and bring to a boil over high heat.

The lard boiled in this way will be white and fragrant.

Then add ginger slices to remove fishy smell and enhance fragrance.

"Zizi la la..."

The white fat meat slowly squeezed out all the oil from his body, floating, crowded, and churning.

Until it shrinks into a small piece of golden-yellow and fragrant lard residue, it diffuses in the room with the tempting aroma of oil...

Huang Tao, who was struggling to endure, heard the rustling of footsteps.

Look sideways.

The smell of lard dregs caused my baby girl to stand on her toes, poke her head curiously to look into the pot, and greedily stick out her little tongue to lick her mouth.

"Little glutton."

Huang Tao smiled, put a few pieces of lard residue into a bowl, and handed it to Xuanxuan.

"Be careful it's hot..."

Xuanxuan quickly took one and put it in her mouth.

It's delicious!
"It's delicious~ Papa, you should try it too."

Xuanxuan picked up a grain of lard and fed it to Huang Tao.

The crispy, crispy fragrance seems to melt people's hearts.

In particular, the lard wrapped in the oily residue is sprayed out after the oil residue is crushed, and the fragrance is overflowing. A packet of oil slowly slides down the throat in the mouth, feeling that the long-dried intestines and stomach are instantly moistened happily .

Really great!

"Papa, I still want to..."

"it is good!"

He put some lard dregs for Xuanxuan and asked her to eat at the guest table.

After the oil residue is processed, the boiled pigskin is filtered out of the soup with a sieve, blown by a discharge fan, and then put in the refrigerator to freeze and solidify into a skin jelly.

Once this is done, let's start making pan fried buns.

The steps of making fried buns are actually similar to making steamed buns.

The first step is to meet up.

The crispy, soft and fluffy skin is the key factor for the delicious pan-fried buns.

Huang Tao brought a stainless steel basin and poured flour into it.

Slowly pour the yeast powder water dissolved in warm water into the flour.

After the warm water and flour were mixed together, he used chopsticks to stir the flour clockwise into cotton wool.

I also added a little sugar and lard to it.

Some warm lard is added to make the flour ferment more expanded.

This point is generally a skill only used by master craftsmen.

And Huang Tao, who is systematic, naturally knows this special skill of kneading dough.

After adding lard, all he has to do is rub it vigorously.

Let the flour fully ferment.

After a few minutes...

Basin light, face light, hand light.

He stopped what he was doing, covered the plastic wrap and started to wake up.

Taking advantage of the fermentation time of the dough, Huang Tao can just make the filling.

Put the washed pork leg on the chopping board and chop into finely minced meat stuffing.

The purely hand-chopped meat will not only make the meat finely chopped, but also ensure the taste of each grain.

That's why Huang Tao didn't let the owner of the pork stall use a meat grinder to grind the stuffed meat.

"Da da da……"

Huang Tao took two kitchen knives and chopped the meat evenly and powerfully.

For a better taste, he didn't chop the meat very finely.

Chop the minced meat and place it in a container.

Mince the onion, ginger, and skin jelly, and put them in the container together.

Add light soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, pepper powder, and pour in two tablespoons of water.

Stir clockwise until the meat is firm.

After the meat filling is adjusted, the dough is fermented successfully.

He lifted off the plastic wrap, and the dough had fermented to twice its size. When he poked it with his finger, it wouldn't retract.

The inside of the dough has a honeycomb shape, which proves that the dough has fermented.

Transfer the dough to a chopping board and knead evenly to deflate.

Pull the kneaded dough from the middle, knead it back and forth with both hands into a cylindrical shape, cut it with a knife from the middle and knead it evenly, and knead it into long strips.

Then divide the dough into small noodles of the same size, which look like they were caught by a machine.

He used a rolling pin to roll out the dough, wrapped it with meat stuffing, and made pleats along the edge...


A round, chubby pan-fried bun with plenty of meat.

Rapidly formed in Huang Tao's hands, the top was twisted into the shape of flowers.

When he woke up again, Huang Tao started to deal with crucian carp again.

Before the system, he also knew how to cook.

It's just that I can only cook some simple dishes.

Since having the system...

Well, he still only knows some simple dishes.

So I cooked an appetizing crucian carp soup.

When the fried buns were ready to rise again, he took a pan and brushed it with oil.

Place the proofed pan-fried buns neatly one by one on the flat table.

Fry over low heat.


Perfectly inspired by the hot oil temperature.

The oil in the pan was bubbling golden yellow, gathering around the bottom of the pan fried buns.

The bottom of the pan-fried buns began to slowly turn brown at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Pour in the batter water, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

The batter water can make the fried buns more crispy.

Don't ask Huang Tao why he knew.

Asking is the secret recipe given by the system.

The guy simmered until the batter water dries up, accompanied by the continuous sound of "Zi La" in the pot.

A thick, steaming white mist, mixed with the aroma of oil, and the delicious aroma of fried buns, drifted out towards the kitchen, and then quietly drifted towards the outside of the shop with the wind...


The fragrance is so strong that when the wind blows, the shops near the old street and the pedestrians can smell it.

"Wow... what is it, it smells so good..."

This sudden fragrance made the people who were already a little hungry immediately salivate.

One by one, they wondered which shop this tempting aroma came from, and wanted to try it out.

Some can't help but search for the fragrance, and look for it...

And Jiang Guowei, the owner of the convenience store next door to Huang Tao, smelled a faint smell of meat earlier, but it was not obvious.

At this moment, the tempting strong aroma of pork and the fresh aroma of sesame and scallions rushed straight into the throat, and the stomach also became hungry.

He couldn't help swallowing the already flooded saliva, walked to the small kitchen, and said to his wife Chen Wenli who was cooking dinner: "Is the restaurant next door open? Why did I just smell a strong smell of meat? "

"I never heard it opened today!"

Chen Wenli was taken aback when the braised pork was finished, and then said with a small expression of "I see through you" with a smile, "Old Jiang, just tell me if you are greedy for my braised pork."

After finishing speaking, he picked up a piece of braised pork and fed it to Jiang Guowei.

I usually think that the braised pork cooked by my wife is delicious, but Jiang Guowei always feels a little unsatisfactory when he eats the braised pork.

Go back to the counter.

The familiar and alluring smell of meat came again, and Jiang Guowei smacked his mouth, as if he was even more greedy.

"Honey, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be right back..."

Before waiting for a response, Jiang Guowei went to the store next door.


Jiang Guowei pushed open the door of "It's delicious" and walked in: "Boss, my name is Jiang Guowei. I opened a convenience store next door to yours. We will be neighbors in the future. If you need help with anything, just ask." .”

"Okay, let's help each other in the future, my name is Huang Tao, how about a meeting?"

"I won't sit down anymore, I have to go back to look at the store." Jiang Guowei hesitated for a moment, and said shyly, "I'm not afraid of your jokes, Boss Huang. I came here looking for a taste. I don't know what you are doing? This smell , so fragrant..."

"Fried buns."

"What? Fried buns? It's so delicious?" Jiang Guowei exclaimed.

Fried buns in the pot: ヽ(._°)ノ

Why do you look down on my fried buns?
If you don't believe me, you bite me!

Xuanxuan raised her head, and said with a proud face: "Of course it can be so delicious, because this fried bun is made by my dad~"

Huang Tao's heart warmed when he heard it.

"It's really fragrant, just smelling it makes people hungry."

Jiang Guowei nodded in agreement, bent down, and asked Xuanxuan with a smile: "I just don't know if you sell these pan-fried buns?"

"Shushu, my daddy told me that it won't open until tomorrow morning~"

Jiang Guowei sniffed it vigorously, and said with some regret: "Oh! The sorghum will come to buy it tomorrow morning."

"Yeah~" Xuanxuan nodded like a pounding garlic.

"Boss Huang, you are busy, so I'll go back to the shop first."

Huang Tao took two pan-fried buns into the bag and walked out of the kitchen: "Boss Jiang, take these two pan-fried buns and try them..."

"Boss Huang, what a shame! Let me pay! How much?"

"They're all neighbors. It's okay to treat you to two pan-fried buns! If you come to buy them tomorrow, I'll collect the money."

"Then...thank you..."

Jiang Guowei was a little embarrassed, holding the pan-fried buns, thinking as he walked out of the store, what can he give in return?

Back to the store.

His wife complained: "I have already cooked, why did you go out and sell two pan-fried buns?"

"It was given by Boss Huang, the "best eater" next door."

"How can you take it for nothing? I heard that he is a big man with a little girl, life is not easy..."

"I said to give money, but he insisted on not accepting it. Why don't I help spread the word among relatives and friends later, and then bring some snacks to his girl tomorrow..."

"Okay, you can figure it out..."

(End of this chapter)

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