Daddy's Gourmet Store

Chapter 100 So She Wanted To Get Away!

Chapter 100 So She Wanted To Get Away!


The Fulin community on the west side of the old street.

Uncle Li's house is also bustling.

My daughter Li Tong's family of four came to see them both.

"Hi, grandma..."

The two children, Lele and Xiaoxiao, smiled shyly when they saw Aunt Li open the door, and shouted in unison.

Aunt Li looked at the two grandchildren, her eyes narrowed for joy, and she said lovingly, "Yo, Lele, Xiaoxiao, you are here..."


Meng Zhiqiang, who came to the door officially for the first time, smiled honestly, and handed over the gift box in his hand a little embarrassedly: "Mom, this is a nutritional product for you and Dad."

"Zhiqiang, it's good if you come, why are you still buying gifts?" Aunt Li understood her son-in-law's intentions, and smiled and stretched out her hand to take it.

"I don't know what you and Dad like, so I just bought some, I hope you two like it."

Seeing his mother-in-law took over, Meng Zhiqiang became a little less nervous.

"I like it. We like whatever you buy for us." Aunt Li greeted with a smile on her face, "Quick, let's all come in and sit down..."

The family sat on the sofa in the living room.

"Come on, smile, Lele, eat a banana first, pad your stomach..."

Aunt Li smiled and broke a banana for the two children.

"Thank you grandma..."

Xiaoxiao smiled shyly, thanked him, peeled off the banana peel, and handed it to Li Tong, "Mom, you eat..."

"Well, good boy, mom is not hungry, you can eat..." Li Tong smiled sweetly, and stretched out his hand to gently touch his daughter's little head.

"Mom, just take a bite, take a bite~"

Xiaoxiao handed the banana to her mother's mouth, her black eyes were full of expectation, and she said coquettishly.

"You child, take a bite, mother." Li Tong curled up his mouth and held her in his arms, bowed his head and took a bite.

Xiaoxiao saw her mother eating, and was as happy as a 200-jin fat man, happily eating the remaining bananas.

Aunt Li looked at the pair of "mother and daughter", although they were not related by blood, they still got along so intimately and warmly, and she was very pleased.

At such an old age, she has nothing to do.

I just want my daughter to live happily ever after!
"Mom, where is my dad? Where did he go?"

Li Tong has never seen his father, thinking that his father will hide again, right?So I wondered.

Aunt Li smiled and said: "Your dad knows that you like to eat really delicious pan-fried buns, and I heard that your family is coming over today, thinking that it just so happens that the delicious store has new crab fried cakes and duck necks yesterday. Your dad I’m going to pack some and come back for you to eat.”

Li Tong froze for a moment.

Dad has always seemed to be a domineering character, not good at talking, and always doing more than talking, so that sometimes, she feels that Dad doesn't love her.

It turned out that she had been thinking about it all along!

Now calm down and savor carefully, only to find that everything is not because of her father's care and love for her.


It's delicious. The store is already full, and a line is slowly forming outside the store.

In the kitchen, Huang Tao was busy frying fried crab cakes, while Xu Hao helped.

Ding Suqin was busy cooking and packing.

Huang Yide and Song Cailian are in charge of taking care of Xuanxuan.

And the old men who were waiting in the store chatted to pass the waiting time.

"Hey, old man Li, you are in a good mood today! This smile almost pierces your ears, tell me, what is there to be happy about, so that everyone can enjoy themselves too!" With Uncle Li Uncle Jiang, who was standing together, saw the smile on Uncle Li's face, and kept asking curiously.


The smile almost reaches the ears?

Is it that obvious?

Uncle Li touched his face subconsciously.

It seems that it is indeed obvious!
"Old man Li, are you so happy because your wife didn't come with you, and you can steal food behind your back as much as you want?" Old Liu joked.

It is impossible to steal food, and it is impossible to steal food in this life.

Uncle Li glared at Old Liu: "Go, go, what are you talking about! I'm happy, because my daughter's family is here! I'm here to pack some food for them, so that they can try something new, don't you guys?" I know, my grandson likes to eat fried buns made by Boss Huang."

These uncles understand!
I am also happy for Uncle Li!

"That's right! That's a good relationship! Old Li, you can be regarded as keeping the clouds open to see the moon! From now on! Everything will be fine, the most important thing for a family is to be neat and tidy..." Old Liu had a happy face .

"My daughter's family is here, so it's time to buy some delicious food to go home." Uncle Jiang, who felt deeply, nodded in agreement.

Lao Qin waved his folding fan and said with a smile, "Old Li, after buying it, let's hurry back and reunite..."

"I know I know..."

Uncle Li nodded.

Thinking that my daughter's family should be home for a while now!
Thinking of the little grandson calling him "grandpa"!

The corners of this mouth can't help but turn up...


Ding Suqin yelled at him: "Uncle Li, I've packed all the meals you ordered, come and pick them up..."

"Hey! Here we come..."

Uncle Li was carrying a food bag, humming a little tune all the way, as if he married a second wife, not to mention how happy he was.


He returned to Fulin Community.

Go upstairs.

As soon as he entered, his son-in-law Meng Zhiqiang greeted him with a smile, "Dad, you're back..."

"Hey! Zhiqiang, you are here. I bought you some fried crab cakes. Let's eat together..." Old Li nodded,
"Thank you Dad!"

Meng Zhiqiang took the food bag from Uncle Li's hand, and then called to his son and daughter who were watching TV: "Lele, smile, come and say hello to grandpa. Look, grandpa treats you so well! I even bought fried crab for you." Cake back."

"Grandpa! Thank you for buying us crab fried cakes."

The two children quickly turned off the TV and ran over to get close to Uncle Li.

"Hey! Lele smiles so well. Grandpa is happy. What is it called? Oh! It's called sharing something delicious. Grandpa told you that the fried crab cakes here are delicious." Uncle Li She squeezed the cheeks of the two children lovingly, smiling all over her face.

"Is there any delicious pan-fried buns?"

Lele is still thinking about the deliciousness of the pan-fried buns!
Uncle Li nodded affirmatively: "Of course! However, grandpa also bought you fried buns, so you can choose whatever you want."


Lele was very happy after hearing this.

I didn't forget to describe the deliciousness of the fried buns to my sister with a smile.

Although the words are very scarce, the small expression is very well interpreted.

Successfully aroused my sister's gluttons.


To be precise, she was enticed by the bursts of aroma emanating from the food bag.

Uncle Li smiled and watched the two children playing together, just like brothers and sisters.


Li Tong, who was helping in the kitchen, poked his head out: "Dad, the dishes in the kitchen are ready, you take the children to wash your hands together, and we can eat."

"it is good!"

Uncle Li took his little grandson with his left hand and his granddaughter with his right hand, and went to wash his hands.

Take them to the table together.

"Dad, Mom, this is the fried pork I made, try it..." Li Tong smiled as he picked up food for his parents.

Holding two bottles, Meng Zhiqiang asked with a smile, "Dad, do you want the red one or the white one? I'll pour it for you."

"It's red!"

For a while, Weng and his son-in-law exchanged cups, talking and laughing.

 Thanks to Mingyue & Qingfeng for rewarding 1666 reading points (*^ω^*)
(End of this chapter)

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