Chapter 85 The Broker

As the night passed, there were more and more discussions about "Produce 101".

The brokerage companies behind the trainees worked hard to find topics for their own players.

Of course, the strength of the company varies from weak to strong, and the topics that come up naturally vary from big to small.

In addition to the topics found by the brokerage company, there are also many topics found by netizens.

The popular self-media is constantly pushing streams.

Among these topics, the most eye-catching one has to be the opening show of Xu Chuan and Qiu Yicheng.

The CUT video of "Happy Worship" has exceeded [-] million views on the entire network overnight, and nearly [-] comments.

For a while, there were more people claiming to be fans of Xu Chuan on the Internet.

Xu Chuan's fan support club seems to have grown a bit.

For Xu Chuan, this is a good thing but also a bad thing. Fan circles are inevitable in today's internal entertainment, but Xu Chuan's problem is that he can't find anyone to help him manage the fan circle. .

Fans must be managed.

I don't want to cut leeks in the rice circle, I just ask them not to make trouble for themselves.

At that time, [Chuanbei] will be the one who will make trouble, and Xu Chuan will be the one who is unlucky.

If one day fans come to fight against the whole world for themselves, they will vomit blood.

Therefore, Xu Chuan tried to manage his fans.

At present, he has three choices. One is to quickly find someone to set up his own studio, and manage fans through the studio's operation team.

The second option is to sign a contract with a big company, and someone from them can help Xu Chuan manage it.

These two options are unrealistic now. If you sign a company and sell yourself for the sake of managing fans, that would be ridiculous.

So Xu Chuan is now looking for his third option.

He is now in the office of Jiang Shijun, the head of the operation team. Logically speaking, the operation team should also be the core of the show.

But Jiang Shijun really has no status, because all the work at hand is outsourced, and he is the person in charge of connecting with outsourcing and distributing tasks.

"President Xu, don't worry, our Fuhu's business capabilities are recognized in the circle, and we will definitely arrange your affairs." In Jiang Shijun's office, a man named Yin Fei said to Xu Chuan with a smile.

The current situation is that Xu Chuan gave them money and asked them to manage fans on their behalf. Fan management is a relatively meticulous job, and naturally there are professional companies doing it.

For example, Fuhu Consulting has cooperated with many artists and even organizations. It is an operation supplier of Tengshi. It does have strength, otherwise it would not be included in the supplier list of Tengshi.

As for the company's business, they can do anything that everyone can think of that is related to fans. For example, Xu Chuan wants someone to pick him up at the airport tomorrow, and they can call as many as they want.

As long as the money is in place, not to mention people coming, I can show you on the spot to see Xu Chuan faint from excitement.

As for doing some water military control and evaluation, that is the basic operation, so Fuhu is not only docking with Jiang Shijun, but also docking with Xiao Lingye.

The reason why Xu Chuan came to Jiang Shijun instead of Xiao Lingye was because he wanted to show his presence in front of different people in charge of the program group, which was good for him.

However, having said that, it is only temporary for fans to operate on behalf of Fuhu. It is best to have their own people to operate it. Their other services can be purchased.

After coming out of Jiang Shijun's office, Xu Chuan originally wanted to go to the trainee dormitory to see the rehearsal situation.

But on the way, he happened to bump into Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan is 28 years old this year, a few years older than Xu Chuan. To be honest, Xu Chuan still has a good impression of this girl. She does things neatly, has a high EQ, can speak but can be tough when she should be tough.

A typical elite image of a big factory, confident and capable.

"Mr. Xu, I watched the feature film yesterday. It's so handsome." Zhang Yan smiled sincerely. She was not qualified to review the edited feature film, so it was also the first time she watched the feature film yesterday.

"Haha." Xu Chuan smiled, "I'm overwhelmed."

"But it seems like your fans are going to have sex with Xiao Sizhu's fans." Zhang Yan hesitated and reminded.

"I know." It is because Xu Chuan knew this that he temporarily found someone to manage his fans today. He is not in the mood to make trouble with Xiao Sizhu's fans now. If he wants to mess with him, he will directly mess with Xiao Sizhu himself. It's a waste of time.

"Haha, yes, this matter is nothing to you." Zhang Yan said with a smile.

"Hey, don't flatter me, I'm going to float away."

"It's not a compliment, your ability is obvious to all."

"Your ability is also obvious to all." Xu Chuan said smoothly, and suddenly stopped in his tracks.

After looking at Zhang Yan, he asked, "Are you interested in changing jobs?"

"Ah?" Zhang Yan didn't quite understand what Xu Chuan meant.

"I don't like to go round and round. I'm going to set up my own studio. I don't need an agent. You happen to be in charge of artists, so I'm familiar with it." Xu Chuan said directly.

After more than a month, the person he had the most contact with in the program group was Zhang Yan. This girl's quality in all aspects was indeed good.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yan didn't ask the whole question, but it was clear what she was asking.

"Yes." Xu Chuan gave an affirmative answer.

After receiving this answer, Zhang Yan's expression was a little surprised, her eyes blinked quickly, and it took a while before she replied: "This... this is too sudden."

"It's okay, you take your time to think about it, don't rush." ​​Xu Chuan nodded to Zhang Yan as he spoke, and then left quickly.

Zhang Yan was left standing there in a daze, thinking about what Xu Chuan said just now.

Invite yourself to be his agent?

Can you do it yourself?
That's right, Zhang Yan's first reaction was not to consider whether there would be a future with Xu Chuan, but to consider whether she could do it.

She has no doubts about whether Xu Chuan has a future.

Such a person has no future, who has a future?
She also talked about this when chatting with many colleagues of the same age, and everyone had the same idea.

"What are you doing here?" After an unknown amount of time, a voice brought Zhang Yan back to reality.

Zhang Yan turned her head and found that it was her leader, Qi He, and hurriedly said, "President Qi."

"What were you doing just now, standing here in a daze." Qi He asked curiously.

"Oh, it's nothing, think about something." Zhang Yan shook her head and said, then changed the subject, "I'm still going to check our data."

"The data is still early, it won't come out until 8 o'clock in the evening." Qi He looked at Zhang Yan suspiciously and said, but he didn't continue to ask.

Everyone has their own secrets, maybe Zhang Yan had a conflict with her boyfriend.

Qi He is not a very gossip person, so he took the lead to move forward after saying this.

Seeing this, Zhang Yan hurriedly followed. She was going to talk to Qi He, but she was confused by Xu Chuan's few words, and now she realized what she was going to do.

Time passed slowly.

It's not just Zhang Yan and others who want to see the daily broadcast data.

Other platforms, including advertisers, are still anxiously waiting.

Finally, at 8 o'clock in the evening, the 24-hour data was finally released.

The official account of the program group sent an announcement around 8:5.

[Congratulations to the first episode of "Produce 101" with a daily broadcast volume exceeding 2 million and a maximum of 2500 million online viewers at the same time. 】

Below this copy, there is also a poster.

Xu Chuan was the first to receive the news. When he was writing novels on Earth, he checked the relevant data.

The original version is 1.9 million per day. Xu Chuan doesn't know if there is water or not, but there must be water.

The 2 million on Blue Star's side actually has water.

However, people in the industry can probably infer the real data by converting other data.

So, as soon as the news was sent out, netizens didn't think it was a big deal. After all, these days, idol dramas performed by streaming actors and the like are on the platform, and a single episode has a single episode of 10 billion views.

It is simply not taking the IQ of the public seriously.

Seeing 2 million, I really didn't feel it.

But after the conversion in the industry, it really exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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