Chapter 48 What! ?These are astronauts! ?
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[? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

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[I wipe! ! !what's the situation! ! ? ? ?Why are there astronauts? ? ? ? 】

[Fuck shit! !I feel like I'm going crazy!Now there are more than 30 people. If there are still astronauts coming, they will be launched into space at one time, that would be outrageous! ! ! 】

【impossible!This is absolutely impossible! !Maybe it's just a farewell party for these astronauts on missions! 】

[What is impossible!I think for Mr. Sucher, these are trivial matters! 】

[Shut up first!I'm coming! !Everyone look! ! 】

[Ward, oh my! !Really an astronaut! ! ! 】

[I rely on it! !Such a long queue!How many people are there! ! ! 】

[Don't make a fuss, think about it carefully, are there so many astronauts in Daxia?Didn't the old astronauts and backup astronauts come out just now? 】

[I think this should be the young generation of astronauts who are being trained. Just take this opportunity to let the old and new astronauts communicate and encourage each other! 】

[It seems to make sense. After all, astronauts are not ordinary professions. They require special training and simulation day after day, year after year! 】

[Please open your eyes and see, please! ?What a young generation of new astronauts! ?Many of this team are older than the first generation of astronauts! ! 】

[I wipe!Really!Watch it carefully brother! ! 】

【What the hell!Could it be that things have turned around! ? 】

【Don't guess!Let the facts speak for themselves! ! 】

Under the gaze of tens of millions of eyes in the live broadcast room.

Two long teams came to the back hall with neat steps.

The number of these two teams of fresh faces wearing space suits is almost twice as many as the old astronauts just now! !

Some look at least five or sixty years old!
Some look even less than 20 years old!

And there are tall, short, fat and thin!

This confuses people even more!

You must know that astronauts have extremely high requirements for body shape.

If you look at it by that standard.

Almost half of these people wearing space suits are unqualified!

But beyond people's expectations.

Not only are these people wearing the same formal space suits.

And they all lined up to the side of the team of active astronauts.

Re-arranged into a larger team.

And right now.

Suche's figure finally appeared in the waiting hall.

accompanied by.

It is Master Yang of Daxia Aerospace.

The two came to the team of astronauts talking and laughing.

The arrival of Sucher.

It completely detonated the enthusiasm of the audience in the live broadcast room!
[Troughing!Boss Sucher! !Groove!Master Yang! ! ! 】

[Boss Su Che has a meeting! ! ! 】

[Boss Su Che, can you tell me what's going on now! ?Why am I a little dizzy...]

[Yes, Mr. Su Che!Are all the people in the waiting hall now astronauts? ! ? ? ? 】

[What I want to know is... Are these astronauts in the hall performing a manned space mission together this time? ? ? 】

【I also want to know! ! 】

【I want, too! !I want, too! ! ! 】

【Me too! ...]

Countless people looked at Sucher eagerly.

But Su Che didn't say anything at this time, but stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation to Chief Master Yang.

Master Yang declined.

With Sucher's persistence, he came before many astronauts.

"On the occasion of the dragon's take-off, on behalf of Daxia Aerospace, I would like to send the most sincere blessings to our upcoming warriors!!"

"I wish you all the best in your work and life on the space station!"

"I wish you all the best on your journey of deep space exploration..."

After Master Yang finished speaking.

He looked at Sucher again.

It means, I'm done talking, you can say a few words! ?

Su Che couldn't resist, so he could only pick up the microphone.

"That what..."

"I wish you all a happy time playing with our factory's space series toys~!"


He handed the microphone to a staff member next to him.

However, whether it is in the back hall or the audience in front of the live broadcast room.

All stunned!
I wish you all a happy playing! ?
On our toys! ?
Mr. Sucher, what does this mean!
Isn't it for the astronauts! ?
Why are you still playing! ?
【Ha ha ha ha! !Killing me! ! !Boss Sucher, do you want to be so funny! ! 】

【puff!Have fun in space... I love this blessing! ! ! 】

[What do you know, this is the deepest obsession of a factory manager!Hahahahaha, I also wish our astronauts a happy time in space! ! ! 】

【understood!It turns out that Boss Sucher is really out of control! ! 】

[Don't tell me if you see through, friends can still do it!Your kid's speech is very dangerous! 】

But they had just said a few words, and they suddenly reacted.

Master Yang of Daxia Aerospace has spoken just now, and blessed the astronauts present!
The hundred and ten people in the waiting hall.

It turned out that they were all official astronauts in this space mission! ! !

Mother Ward!
100 manned space launch! !
This is unprecedented in the aerospace history of the entire world! !
It is estimated that even if there is someone behind.

That should also be the person who came from Daxia! ! !

After seeing all this clearly.

All netizens are boiling! ! !

Even with Daxia Aerospace diverted a lot of traffic.

Finally, when countless barrages appeared on the screen.

The inevitable lag still appeared! !

Countless bullet screens.

Submerge the entire live broadcast room!

Until the super tube appeared, the screen was cleared and processed.

The live broadcast room returned to normal.

[I said brothers, calm down!Be sensible, please! ? 】

[If you do this, everyone will not be able to watch the live launch! ! 】

[Fuck, shit, shit! !You still have the mood to care about this!I stepped on the horse and exploded on the spot! ! !A manned space launch with hundreds of people! ! 】

[I wipe! !No sci-fi works dare to act like this! !Boss Sucher is really awesome! ! ! 】

[I won't watch sci-fi movies anymore!Just look at Mr. Sucher! ! ! (dog head)]


But when the netizens in Daxia were still immersed in the huge surprise and shock.

In the huge conference hall far away on the other side of the ocean.

The whole audience was silent! ! !

All the people present were staring at the scene on the big screen!
Hundreds of astronauts, divided into several teams, gathered in the huge waiting hall!

That spectacular scene.

Beyond everyone's imagination! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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