People are writing diaries in Douluo, Qian Renxue is spoiled

Chapter 77 Bo Saixi is Surprised, Tang Sancheng is Poseidon?

Chapter 77 Bo Saixi is Surprised, Tang Sancheng Is Poseidon?
This Wei Feng...

How dare you say anything!
Lord Bo Saixi is the High Priest of our Sea God Island!

The Demon Soul Great White Shark King was a little speechless.

It's been two days since I got a copy of the diary.

I saw Wei Feng teasing other women before, yelling at each wife, she just spit on a stinky hooligan and a disciple.

But she never expected it.

They who are on the ocean can be named by Wei Feng.

In particular, Bo Saixi, the contemporary High Priest of Sea God Island, was directly ridiculed for being very powerful.

It's just...

The Demon Soul Great White Shark King spat again as usual.

Looking at Bo Saixi who was still calm and calm, he asked in a low voice: "Master High Priest, aren't you angry?"

Poseidon smiled slightly.

With her smiling, the red dress on her body seemed to be a bit overshadowed.

"Xiaobai, why does the reaction need to be so great?"

"What kind of person Wei Feng is, isn't it clear from the contents of the diary a few days ago?"

"A person who dares to tease his own teacher, what do you think he can't tease?"

"Don't worry about these, just keep reading."

Bo Saixi stroked the Demon Soul Great White Shark King.

The turbulent sea water in the inner sea seemed to have turned into a palm, gently caressing the Demon Soul Great White Shark King.

The Demon Soul Great White Shark King let out an oh, and fell silent under Bo Saixi's touch.

[However, it is a pity, so what if the holy text is so powerful, it will only disappear in the end. 】

[The dignified High Priest of Sea God Island, a Level 99 Limit Douluo, an absolute powerhouse in the sea, but cannot control his own destiny. 】

[After more than 100 years, since she took the position of high priest, it must have been a kind of torture for her! 】

【In other words, for the sake of the people of Sea God Island, she can only choose to endure such torture. 】

【Take care of all the people of Sea God Island, but can't take care of herself. 】

Level 99 Limit Douluo?

How could the High Priest of Sea God Island be so strong?
When all the girls saw this, they were all surprised on the spot.

In their cognition, Title Douluo is already a very powerful existence.

Those who can reach the level of Title Douluo at level 95 are already among the top batch on the entire continent.

He never expected that there would be a Title Douluo at level 99 in Sea God Island, an island in the sea.

According to the rumors, one hundred level becomes a god.

This is one step away from becoming a god!
In the Heaven Dou Palace.

When Qian Renxue saw this, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but rippling.

Under the ripples, there was also a lot of surprise.

"So the High Priest of Sea God Island is so strong?"

"It's no wonder that Grandpa led the Spirit Hall to attack Sea God Island but couldn't succeed."

"There is a strong man in the same realm, and he is also a sea soul master. Grandpa really can't take advantage of it!"

"What Wei Feng said made me understand everything that happened back then. Is it a surprise?"

Sea God Island, on the side of the inner sea.

Bo Saixi took the Demon Soul Great White Shark King here to read the contents of the diary.

Seeing these things mentioned in the diary, she didn't show the slightest surprise on her face.

Even, his emotions have not been affected much by this, and his state of mind has long been detached.

"As expected of a traveler, he knows so much about our world, and he also knows all my secrets."

"It seems that he understands what I have been enduring all these years."

The Demon Soul Great White Shark King didn't understand anymore.

Half of his body protruded from the sea water, trying to get as close to some Bo Saixi as possible.

"Master High Priest, what is Wei Feng talking about?"

"Master High Priest, are you in trouble?"

Bo Saixi caressed the Demon Soul Great White Shark King.

The faint smile on the corner of his mouth was so gentle and moving.

"Keep watching."

"Since Wei Feng has mentioned these things, according to his past habits, he will definitely say all these things."

"After reading all those contents, you can understand, and there is no need to ask in advance at this time."

The Demon Soul Great White Shark King stared at the copy of the diary in front of her thoughtfully.

Seeing that Bo Saixi did not deny these things, she became even more curious about the things about her high priest.

As a protected citizen of Sea God Island, it's really damned that he doesn't know what happened to his high priest.

[However, if I haven't made any changes to this world, Bo Saixi's torture should be coming to an end soon. 】

【The person she was waiting for will appear in just a few years, and her mission should be over. 】

[Damn it, when it comes to these things, I still can't help dissing Tang San, this little wolf cub, he is obviously an old silver coin, a master of double standards. 】

[Simply, relying on the protagonist's aura to thrive on the Douluo Continent, you can bump into any good things, obviously you are only a land soul master, but in the end you become a sea god, who can believe this? 】

[Thinking that Bo Saixi is going to sacrifice for this guy, he is really angry. It is nothing more than a soul beast sacrifice. A strong man like Bo Saixi will also sacrifice for him. His Tang family is so amazing. ! 】

【Can Bo Saixi be weak?Today's invincible existence in the sea, if not because of the status of the high priest, would not be able to become a god for life, and it is not impossible for him to become a god, but he can only become the victim of Tang San's little wolf cub becoming a god. 】

[If Tang San is really such a bright and stalwart person, I won't talk about it, if he can really grasp the ethics that a god should have, that's all. 】

[Old silver coins, double-labeled people, one thing on the surface, another thing behind the scenes, who only knows how to scoop up good things from their own homes, what qualifications do they have to be a god? 】

【If Bo Saixi knew that the sea god she made by sacrificing herself is such a trash thing, she would probably be so angry that she would come back to life after death. 】

Bo Saixi was dumbfounded.

Seeing this, her mind went blank for a while.

Knowing that Wei Feng understands her understanding, since hearing Wei Feng say that her torture is coming to an end, she also knows that the person she is waiting for will appear soon.

Burn your body, sacrifice your life, and forge the coming of the sea god!

For her, this is the shackles of the status of the high priest, and it is the shackles that prevent her from aspiring to become a god for the rest of her life.

Similarly, this is also the sacrifice she has to bear in order to protect the people of Sea God Island.

For more than 100 years, she had acquiesced to such a thing, and knew that she could not resist such a fate.

But with the contents disclosed by Wei Feng.

There was no peace in her heart.

She already knew that Tang San would become a god mentioned in the copy of the diary earlier.

But that Tang San turned out to be Seagod in the end? !
(End of this chapter)

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