The Heavens: Falling Ink From Douluo

Chapter 493 Seven Parallel Universes

Chapter 493 Seven Parallel Universes
In three years BC, Dou Yi unified the universe.

In the first year of the Christian era, the Federation was established.

In the same year, Dou Er unified the universe.

In the first year of the Christian era, high-yielding grain became widespread.

In the same year, the City of Killing was built.

In the second year AD, all roads were smooth.

In the same year, the Federation Army visited every small world in Dou Er's universe.

In the third year of AD, people's livelihood was restored.

In the same year, the new generation of talents ushered in their first brief explosion.

Younger generations such as Ma Xiaotao, Ling Luochen, Xiao Hongchen, and Meng Hongchen graduated from Shrek Academy and joined the federal military. They accepted the command of Marshal Orange of the federal armed forces and took charge of each military region, each corps, and each ace regiment. Head of the group.

In AD 360, Lin Chaoci, who was the sole leader of the Federation at that time, had more than [-] decision-making seats and [-] five permanent seats. After leaving office, Lin Chaoci, who was permanently banned from the position of leader by later generations, sounded the final call to unify the multiverse. horn.

Raise 50 troops, all of whom are soul masters.

Divided into five frontal corps.

Each legion controls one hundred thousand men.

The commander of the first legion: Bibi Dong.

Chief Staff Officer: Qian Renxue, Hu Liena.

Deputy Chief of Staff: Qian Daoliu, Ning Fengzhi.

The commander of the second legion: Yan Shaozhe.

Chief staff officer: Xian Lin'er, Cai Mei'er.

Deputy staff officers: Ye Xishui, Long Xiaoyao.

The commander of the third legion: Kong Deming.

Chief Staff Officer: Jing Hongchen, Xu Tianzhen.

Deputy Staff Officer: Xiao Hongchen has a lot of money.

The commander of the fourth legion: Zhu Zhuyun.

Chief staff officers: Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong.

Deputy staff officers: Ye Lingling, Bai Chenxiang.

The commander of the fifth legion: Yang Yuer.

Chief Staff Officer: Ye Qingwu, Huo Yuhao.

Deputy staff officers: Wang Donger, Wang Qiuer.

The human world versus the human world.

The world of gods versus the world of gods.

Lin Chaici governs the gods in the divine world, a total of 540 gods, including god kings, first-level gods, second-level gods, third-level gods and divine attendants.

Open a space-time tunnel to the third parallel universe.

Devouring the third parallel universe with absolute superiority.

Take a god-king into custody.

The remaining two divine kings are willing to surrender.

The two dead god kings have long since died.

All the gods in the divine world are willing to surrender to 370 two people.

The rest will be trapped and killed.

Destroy his divine body, break his divine soul, and lock his reincarnation.

Never be reborn.

In the seventh year of AD, after the battle of the fourth year of AD, and more than two years of recuperation, he completely won the hearts and minds of the people of the third parallel universe.

In the eighth year of AD, 70 troops were raised.

Two new legions have been added.

Another new generation of talents has arrived.

The commander of the Sixth Legion: Ma Xiaotao.

Chief Staff Officer: Ling Luochen, Ye Guyi.

Deputy staff officers: Xuanzi, Xiao Xiao.The commander of the Seventh Legion: Huo Yuhao.

Chief Staff Officer: Nan Qiuqiu, Ji Juechen.

Deputy Staff Officer: Nan Shuishui, Moon Demon God Agares.

And because the commander of the Seventh Army, Huo Yuhao, was once the chief staff officer of the Fifth Army, the Star Demon God Vasak took over as the chief staff officer of the Fifth Army.

Soldier to soldier.


Make great progress all the way and conquer the four universes.

In the tenth year of the Christian era, after two years of recuperation, transportation had been supplemented, and all space tunnels had been repaired. Lin Chaoci raised 70 troops, plus 30 soul beasts provided by Gu Yuena, the silver dragon king of the soul beast clan. , a total of one million, nearly 20 Ultimate Douluo, nearly 30 Titled Douluo, more than 50 Soul Saints and Soul Douluo, [-] Soul Emperors, nearly [-] Soul Kings and Soul Sects, conquering Douwu Universe.

Complete the great cause of unifying multiple parallel universes.

It took 13 years since the army was launched.

Since AD ​​history, it took ten years.

The speed of the advance, the stability of the advance, the few sacrifices, the support of the people and the army, and the good conditions of the army and the people are unprecedentedly good.

When the troops returned, heaven and earth celebrated together.

The people of the five universes all welcome him.

It is the first day of October in the tenth year of AD.

In three years BC, the scene of Shrek's military parade was repeated again in front of everyone in the five parallel universes. One hundred thousand troops were mobilized, and Hanhai City in Douyi Universe was selected as the venue for this military exercise.

Lin Chaoci also reached level 99 in this year.


Falling ink.

This brings an end to this journey.

"One: The divine realm that houses all universes, integrates the five divine realms together, and forms a universe of its own, which is parallel universe number zero!"

"Two: Create eighteen levels of hell, and the core of No. 19 Youdu, together named Youdu, also known as Hades, as Parallel Universe No. [-]!"

"Three: The planet configurations of the five universes should be exactly the same. The first, second, third, and fourth parallel universes will use the planet configuration of the fifth parallel universe as a template. The missing ones should be filled in!"

"Four: Divide Parallel Universe No. 360 and Parallel Universe No. 360. The time flow rate of Parallel Universe No. [-] is [-] times five times that of Parallel Universe No. [-] to [-]. The time flow rate of Parallel Universe No. [-] is [-]. One-fifth of the [-] ​​parallel universes No. [-] to [-] follow the order of yin and yang. All dead people enter the parallel universe No. [-]. Any living being in the parallel universe No. [-] to No. [-] cannot be alive. Enter parallel universe No. [-]."

"Five: Give the law enforcement officers of Youdu in Parallel Universe No. [-] the right to enter and exit Parallel Universe No. [-] to Parallel Universe No. [-] at will. Parallel Universe No. [-] and Parallel Universe No. [-] are eternal sequences. The law enforcement officers of Youdu are Personnel may not, for any reason, judge the life or death of any living being in the eternal sequence.”

"Six: In Parallel Universe No. 24, no living beings are allowed to go to Parallel Universe No. 10 to Parallel Universe No. [-] in any way. Only during the annual Chinese Valentine's Day can they leave the current universe and go to Parallel Universe No. [-] to No. [-]. Parallel Universe No. [-] to Parallel Universe No. [-], they must return at [-]:[-] that night; those who disobey will be reminded three times. After three reminders, if they do not return within [-] minutes, they will be punished with forced deportation and deprivation. In the next ten years, there will be an annual qualification for the lower realm; on Qixi Festival, the person in the lower realm of the parallel universe No. [-] is prohibited from taking action against any living being, but he will be given the right to fight back."

"Seven: Connect the origin of the seven parallel universes to the lives of Tunri and other seven puppies, and make Tunri and other seven puppies permanently reside in the sixth parallel universe, No. 19 of Youdu, with the responsibility of suppressing the universe and eternal life. Immortal, if the body dies, the realm will be destroyed.”

"Eight: Create a merit system, abolish the restriction that soul masters must obtain soul rings to break through, and give soul masters the right to condense soul rings by themselves. Killing too many people for their own selfish desires will be riddled with sin. Every ten levels, they will be punished by heaven. Lei Juzhi, those who have self-condensed soul rings can choose soul skills. Doing good deeds can gain merits. If the merits reach 99, you can evolve a martial soul. If the merits reach [-], you can obtain an Eye of God. You can select attributes and merits. Tens of thousands. After death, he will become a law enforcement officer in the Youdu in the sixth parallel universe. He will be immortal and have more than [-] merits. After his soul power reaches level [-], he can fly to the zero parallel universe and be free and easy. In addition, he will have [-] merits. Above that, for every [-] additional merits, you can select a blood relative to ascend with you. There is no upper limit. However, after you ascend, the merit value will be automatically closed and you cannot select anyone to ascend with you."

"Nine: Create seven parallel universes. Parallel universe No. 50.00 is the eternal sequence. Parallel universe No. 50.00 is the human race sequence. Parallel universe No. [-] is the human race sequence. Parallel universe No. [-] is the alien race sequence. Parallel universe No. [-] is the alien race sequence. Parallel Universe No. [-] is the Orc Sequence, Parallel Universe No. [-] is the Orc Sequence, Parallel Universe No. [-] is the Eternal Life Sequence; all humans in Parallel Universes No. [-], [-], and [-] are ordered to relocate to No. [-] within three years. In the parallel universe No. [-] and No. [-], the non-human and non-beast races are unified into alien races. Within three years, they will be moved to the No. [-] parallel universe. The beast race in the No. [-], No. [-] and No. [-] parallel universe will be Moved to parallel universe No. [-] and No. [-]; those who meet the current sequence can enjoy the special blessings of increasing the cultivation speed by [-]%, increasing the recovery speed by [-]%, and reducing physical consumption by [-]% in the local area; those who are immortal sequence , will not be interfered by the other three sequences and enjoy the same blessing."

Lin Chaoci slowly put down his brush.

Look up at the sky.

The feeling of emptiness has already told him whether he has succeeded or not. Maybe his thinking is still immature, but these nine basic rules are the result of his best efforts.

Later, there are some private matters.

Including giving an explanation to many beauties...

Arrange a position for many subordinates...

Give Su Yuntao a special status...

Determine the core group of each universe...

Such as Bai Yue and Gu Yuena.

It cannot be arranged casually.

Perhaps this bias is unfair.

But who made these people choose him?
Who makes him the final winner?

What he said is the truth!
Winner takes all, that’s all!
 It’s not over yet, there will be extra chapters later.

  After the extra chapter, there is the mixed martial arts chapter.

  It’s not over, it’s not over…

(End of this chapter)

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