Douluo: Angel Martial Soul at the beginning, was hunted down by Tang Hao

Chapter 138 Such an outrageous soul ring ratio must be simulated!

Chapter 138 Such an outrageous soul ring ratio must be simulated!

Above Qian Yu's body, a terrifying soul ring light was released.

At this moment, an incomparably brilliant light instantly filled the entire Soul Arena.

On Qian Yu's body, five soul rings gradually emerged.

When they saw Qian Yu's soul ring, Yu Tianheng and the others showed incomparably surprised expressions on their faces.

Because Qian Yu's soul ring is really incredible.

Five soul rings appeared on Qian Yu's body, namely black, black, black, red, red!
Three 10-year spirit rings, and two [-]-year spirit rings.

Seeing such a soul ring configuration, everyone's eyes were filled with shock, and they couldn't believe it.

"Three thousand years, two 10 years!"

"God, what did I see?"

"Is this his soul ring?"

At this time, the members of the Huangdou team were all stunned and surprised. They couldn't believe that this Qianyu's spirit ring could be so terrifying.

Whether it was the three on the field or the few who were knocked down by Qian Yu, they were all extremely shocked.

This kind of soul ring ratio, who has seen it, who will not be frightened?
At this time, the master looked at Qian Yu and murmured: "Although I heard you say it before, it is still shocking to see it now!"

However, there was obviously a hint of doubt on the face of the master.

The master immediately said, "No!"

At this time, both Flender and Tang San looked at the master and asked: "What's wrong?"

The master slowly explained: "Qian Yu's soul ring is wrong!"

Flender immediately said, "Xiao Gang, have you seen something?"

The master explained: "His soul ring is very different from my ten competing theories of martial arts.

Logically speaking, the first soul ring has a lifespan of 420 and three years,

The second soul ring is 760 years old,

The third spirit ring has a lifespan of 760 years,

The fourth spirit ring has a lifespan of 5000 years,
The fifth soul ring has a lifespan of 1 years,

The sixth spirit ring has a lifespan of 2 years,
The seventh spirit ring has a lifespan of 5 years,
The eighth spirit ring has a lifespan of less than 10 years,
The ninth spirit ring has a lifespan of about 10 years.

Each of Gu Yu's soul rings has exceeded the limit by a lot, unless there is a possibility, that is to sacrifice, otherwise, it is impossible for him to have such a terrifying soul ring ratio! "

Flender immediately said: "The ancient feather is related to the legendary Ditian. Is it possible that Ditian forced those soul beasts to sacrifice for him?"

The master shook his head and said: "Since it is a sacrifice, then it must be done willingly. If it is persecuted, the spirit ring must have the consciousness to resist."

"Then what happened to his soul ring?"

At this time, the master said slowly, "Have you observed Gu Yu's martial soul carefully?"

At this time, the Shrek Seven Monsters shook their heads.

The master explained: "It seems that Gu Yu's martial spirit is not fixed, but can change. His martial spirit sometimes appears in the form of trees, and sometimes exists in the form of vines.

In other words, it is clear that Gu Yu's martial spirit can change!

Then, maybe, the color of his soul ring can also change? "

The master looked at the crowd and continued to speak: "I have seen a kind of soul skill before, the name of that kind of soul skill is simulation, and that kind of simulation can simulate various forms based on one's own form.

Maybe, this Gu Yu has this simulated soul skill, and he changed the color of his own soul ring, which is why this happened. "

Hearing this, the eyes of the Shrek Seven Monsters all released a gleam.

Tang San was surprised immediately: "Teacher, what do you mean, is Gu Yu's spirit ring fake?"

The master nodded and said: "That's right, I think you are too sensitive, because he released such a terrifying spirit ring after being defeated by him before, which gave you psychological pressure and caused you to be afraid of him all the time.

Therefore, over time, you have already lost to him psychologically, so naturally you dare not fight him again.

Otherwise, if you think about it carefully, it is simply impossible for him to have such a soul ring ratio.

The reason why I was able to discover this is because I have been studying Wuhun for half my life. In terms of the theory of Wuhun, no one in this world can compare to me!
So, from now on, you have to change your attitude towards Qian Yu, don't be too afraid of him!

You have to believe in yourself, how can there be so many geniuses, he let you see this just to break your psychological defense, so that he can always take advantage. "

After hearing the master's explanation, the Shrek Seven Monsters nodded, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang San also nodded and said: "I thought that Gu Yu was abnormal before, but after listening to the teacher's analysis, I finally understand.
Before, we were indeed too afraid of him. "

Dai Mubai nodded and said: "That's right, although this Gu Yu is very powerful, but there are seven of us, we don't need to be afraid of him!"

Ma Hongjun also nodded and said: "If his spirit rings are all fake, then I think we have the strength to fight."

Tang San nodded, and continued: "That's right, moreover, we've found so many Gu Yu's weaknesses, when the time comes, we'll attack his weaknesses, and we'll definitely win him!"

Just as the people from Shrek Academy were analyzing Qian Yu, at this time, Qian Yu's soul ability had already been released.

In an instant, the arena was filled with terrifying coercion, and huge trees appeared out of nowhere on the entire arena.

In an instant, the entire arena had turned into a forest.

I saw the terrifying vine stretching out in an instant, and in an instant, the remaining three soul masters were already bound by Qian Yu.

At this time, Yu Tianheng, Duguyan, and Ye Lingling were completely shocked.

Qian Yu's soul skills can grow so many trees on this ring out of thin air.

How can this be?

It was such a shock to them.

When they were shocked, they had no ability to fight back at all, and their bodies were bound by Qianyu in an instant, and they couldn't break free at all.

Qian Yu waved his hand lightly, and immediately, the vine threw the three of them out.

So far, the entire Huangdou team has been eliminated.

So, Chiba, victory!

At this moment, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

As for Yu Xiaogang, sitting on the seat with a gloomy face, his whole body was not well.

Although Yu Xiaogang had prepared for a long time, when Qian Yu won a team, he was still a little shocked.

After all, he knew very well in his heart that the captain of the Huangdou team was his nephew.

He was well aware of the strength of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, and also knew that the Huangdou team's team battle coordination was tacit, but they still lost.

Lost in the hands of one person.

That also means that if his Shrek team fights with Qian Yu, the winning rate is not high?

Although the master was shocked, he was already prepared. After today's analysis, he understood that it was not impossible for Gu Yu to win!

He looked at Qianyu and said coldly: "We Shrek will definitely defeat you!"

(End of this chapter)

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