Master of Fast Transmigration, put down the knife

Chapter 19 on the correct antidote (8)

Chapter 19 On the Correct Antidote ([-])
"What innocence?" Ye Chenyu was a little at a loss, she was doing it for her mission.

"You..." Yue Liying sighed, "Forget it." Until now, he still couldn't understand Ye Chenyu.

But at least, Yue Liying lowered her eyes, Ye Chenyu didn't want to harm her.

The system is very happy, the host is willing to speak for the task target, and the task target is also moved!
System: 【You finally know how to attack!Right, that is it.You have to be nice to him, trust him when everyone distrusts him, and stand by his side when everyone is against him...]

Ye Chenyu: […] Is that so?
She didn't speak, and the eloquent system suddenly realized something was wrong: [You don't think so at all, do you? 】

Ye Chenyu: [He wants to correct his evil ways, how can he poison him? 】

System: [He didn't put the poison in the first place... Forget it, helping him keep his reputation is also a strategy. 】It's just... It looked at Yue Liying, who was tilting his head to the side, feeling a little complicated. He might have succeeded in self-raiding.

Ye Xun and his wife had already searched the corpse, but they couldn't find the antidote for Ruanjinsan, so they had to search Liu Shan again.After searching all over the person, Liu Shan was questioned again, but he didn't get the antidote.

Fortunately, after such a long time, the effect of Ruanjin Powder has passed, and everyone gradually recovered their strength.Most people sat in their seats and discussed in low voice, glanced at Ye Chenyu from time to time.Several people went to examine the corpse, turned around for a while and exclaimed: "This is a member of the Bliss Sect!"

The speaker was holding the Gu Master's arm, and under the raised sleeve was a black tattoo, which was the symbol of Bliss Cult.

"People from the Bliss Sect actually raise Gu and use Gu to manipulate corpses."

"The thief of the Bliss Sect!" A mournful voice suddenly rang out from the crowd. Elder Xu of the Meishan Sect's eyes were red and his canthus cracked. ..."

Ye Chenyu couldn't help but glanced in his direction, and saw that the middle-aged man who was full of spirit before now had moist eyes, and he looked ten years older.

Who is Changfeng?Just as this question came to Ye Chenyu's mind, she heard Yue Liying say, "Liu Changfeng, that's the Gu corpse you killed first in Lin'an. I left the corpse at the gate of the Meishan faction, and the Meishan faction probably discovered it at the time." Liu Changfeng's body was used to raise Gu, and I only found out today that it was made by the Bliss Sect.

Ye Chenyu remembered the voodoo corpse, but she didn't remember which faction the Meishan faction was, she only remembered the Bliss Sect.

"Liu Changfeng is his apprentice. After all these years, he raised such a promising child. I don't know how hard it is to die." Yue Liying said harshly.

He spoke in a low voice, and it was not obvious when he was drowned in a group of discussions, otherwise the people from the Meishan faction might rush up and beat him.

Ye Chenyu hummed, as if he had agreed with him, but in fact, with one hand on the knife, she was already wandering away.

"Sinking fish..."

After Elder Xu finished crying over there, the chaos in the flower hall finally became smaller, and the sound fell very clearly in Ye Chenyu's ears.Shen Feixue came over and looked straight at Ye Chenyu: "Are you really Chen Yu?"

Even if she didn't know her daughter any more, she could faintly feel the strangeness of the people in front of her.

Ye Chenyu held the knife and said, "I left from the courtyard of Shenjian Villa."

She thought for a while, and then added: "There is no one outside the yard, and there is only one maid inside. She slept in the wing room and didn't see me leave. In this world, there will be no one with the same appearance as me, the same as me." name." So even if Shen Feixue said that she is not Ye Chenyu, there is no evidence to prove that she is not Ye Chenyu.

Shen Feixue's face turned pale immediately, she just felt that these few words were as sharp as a knife, if she didn't take good care of her daughter, how could the side courtyard not even have a night watchman or a guard?Even the maid who was close to her was lying in the wing room and slacking off.

After Chen Yu disappeared, she called all the people in the side courtyard together, and after interrogation, she found out that these maids were secretly lazy, and often only one person was left in the yard to take care of Chen Yu, and even the guards in the courtyard rarely came to the side courtyard Patrol over there.

She only thought about this, two lines of tears rolled down from the corners of her eyes: "Chen's my mother who is sorry for you."

Holding the knife in her arms, Ye Chenyu was a little puzzled: Why is this person crying?
Shen Feixue wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: "I have two daughters in total. The elder daughter is weak and sick, obedient and obedient, but I have neglected to take care of her, which has caused her to disappear now. The younger daughter is lively, playful and talented. I think she will be able to Inherited the Excalibur Villa, but let the Bliss Cult kidnap her."

"Maybe it's because my mother didn't do well, and God can't see it, so she punished me like this."

Ye Chenyu looked at her calmly, without saying a word.

Shen Feixue looked at her with red eyes: "I did not take good care of Chen Yu, but I know that my daughter is weak and cannot practice martial arts."

"Since you know the situation at that time, can you tell me where my real daughter went?"

Ye Chenyu felt that this question was not easy to answer.In order to escape the rules of the world, she cannot tell Shen Feixue the truth, but she will not lie.Ye Chenyu thought about it, and finally decided to tell the truth: "Let's treat her as dead." It is impossible for the system to kill a person beyond the rules of the world. The original Ye Chenyu in this world must be dead.

If even Shen Feixue and Ye Xun didn't know, then she died of illness in that remote hospital without anyone knowing.

Shen Feixue seemed to be struck by lightning, her body shook and she was about to fall down.Ye Xun, who just walked over, hurriedly supported her: "Feixue, calm down, I don't know if something happened to Chen Yu."

Shen Feixue shook her head: "She blames me..."

Ye Xun held her tightly and said: "There is no reason why a daughter blames her mother, don't think about it."

After comforting Shen Feixue, he looked at Ye Chenyu with a blunt and serious attitude, completely different from Shen Feixue: "This heroine, Chen Yu is the beloved daughter of Ye and his wife. As you can see, Shen Yu's disappearance makes her feel sad So far. If you know about Chen Yu's disappearance, please tell Ye."

Ye Chenyu looked at them, the man and woman supporting each other were really sad.Shen Feixue couldn't stand steadily, Ye Xun looked fine, but his fingertips were trembling.It's really strange, Ye Chenyu thought, if you really care about the original Ye Chenyu, why don't you even know how she died?
"If Ye Chenyu is really your daughter," she said, "then you should be the first to know where your daughter is." Even if she replaced Ye Chenyu, her temperament and hobbies are completely different. one.The moment she replaces her identity, she will be found to be a fake by those close to her.

In so many worlds, she has completely replaced the identity of the original body, and has been identified as a false original body many times.Without exception, those people had noticed when she had just changed her identity, and tried their best to prove that she was fake, and would never ask "are you?"

Because they knew from the start that you weren't.

 Make up for yesterday's update, there will be another update later.

  Because I started to go back to work, I was too tired on the road, so I didn’t update yesterday. I feel that no one is chasing the update, so I didn’t issue a single chapter to ask for leave. If there is, please tell me orz
  Ye Chenyu is so difficult to write, can't she think a little more like Anyan! (Unreasonable and strong.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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