The host also wants to be a boss today

Chapter 438 The Bamboo Horse Deskmate Hello 65

I don't know if her movements were too obvious, Zhi Nai felt the waiters around her looking at her from time to time.

Blinking her eyes, she silently took out her phone, pretending to be watching a video.

But in fact, everyone just thought she looked too cute.

The delicate-looking little girl was sitting by the glass, and it was snowing scattered outside, and the falling snow could still be seen through the light.

Because in the room, the little girl took off her coat and put it aside. She only had a white knitted sweater on her body. Her jet-black hair was casually scattered on her shoulders, and she looked very beautiful against that small face.

Because the Chinese New Year is approaching, the weather is cold, and there are no people on the street. Many shops simply closed their doors and went back to rest. Most of the shops that are open are shopping malls and some shops selling New Year’s goods. The rich second generation party and have fun.

After all, this is the legendary Haicheng City.

So in the coffee shop, apart from the few of them, there were only occasional people who came in to take a break with laptops in their hands, apparently white-collar workers who worked nearby.

The waiters are free, and they don't play with mobile phones during working hours. When they suddenly see a beautiful and cute girl, it is inevitable to take a few extra glances.

In addition, since she was sitting there alone, everyone didn't have to worry about offending the privacy of the guests, so they couldn't help but want to get closer.

In other words, Zhi Nai was busy eating melons, otherwise she would definitely find that the waiter who came to deliver the food had changed several times.

"Miss, your afternoon tea is ready, please take it easy."

"Thank you."

Zhi Nai nodded, took a bite out of the cupcake, and got some cream on the sides of her mouth, then leaned over to drink with a straw.

After a few seconds, seeing that she was still standing here, the little girl tilted her head in a daze.

"Anything else?"

The man was stunned for a moment, and found that he blushed a little after staring blankly, and explained dryly.

"Well... I want to ask if you want to get a membership card for our store."

Zhi Nai turned her head to look at the name of the store, then shook her head reservedly.

"I already have it."

At the banquet before, those rich second generations gave her a membership card in all the places under their name to show their friendship. It was only later when the little girl saw that there were members of the milk tea shop inside.

Now the waiter couldn't stay any longer, so he greeted politely and left.

As soon as I went back, I was asked in a low voice by several colleagues.

"How is it? Isn't it obedient and beautiful."

"Looking at it makes me want to hold it in my arms, and the skin condition looks good. I really want to know what brand she uses."

She smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Well, it's even more amazing when you look at it up close."

The others sighed softly.

"Hey, is this youth?"


Zhi Nai didn't know that they were discussing herself, only when she looked at the phone, she realized that she accidentally touched the button and planned to hang up.

As a result, the opposite side was already connected in the next second.

In fact, they have to be sorted by initials, and it is impossible for Yu Qichi's phone number or message to be at the top, so when he saved his contact information, someone deliberately put an a before his remarks.

In this way, no matter when, the little girl can see him immediately.

What popped up was a WeChat video call. He should be in the study and could see a row of bookshelves behind him.

Ever since he had the right to speak in the Yu family, it was equivalent to a quarrel in the open, and they ignored each other at home. Zhi Nai thought about letting him live in her own house, but was rejected by the young man, saying that he was not at home. We must meet.

Seeing her like this, Yu Qichi raised his eyebrows.

"Accidentally pressed it?"

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