Chapter 132 Looking for wild ginseng

One can imagine the difficulty of finding wild ginseng.

"Brother, if you go to the mountains to find medicinal materials, it's pretty reliable. There are indeed many wild medicinal materials in the mountains, but let's forget about ginseng. It's too difficult."

"It's not your turn to be easy."

"The huge group of ginseng diggers in Changbai Mountain used to be almost unheard of now, and most of them have changed careers."

"If you want to find ginseng, you need luck against the sky, eh."

Director Xixi heard that Lin Yi was looking for wild ginseng, so he did not know where to find an experienced ginseng digger, and planned to come for a remote connection and technical guidance.

Lin Yi thought about the kindness of the program group, and then connected.

After connecting, I found out that it was the owner of the pharmacy who was looking for medicinal materials in the live broadcast room. I had contacted him twice before and knew his surname was Zhang. Other than that, I didn't know his identity or information.

Co-authored a circle, still an acquaintance.

Doing business is like this, the first time is born and the second time is familiar.

"Haha, brother, this is the first time I've connected online. Hey, can you hear me?" The boss is relatively old, and he must have just learned how to play with a smart phone, and he is still relatively new to live broadcasting.

After connecting, it was like making a phone call. After a couple of hellos, all the water friends in the live broadcast room were petrified.

"This should be an old man."

"The old man is quite up to date."

"Listen to the voice, it should be more than 60, 70 years old."

"The id has also revealed his age, and his life is safe."

The water friends in the live broadcast room also greeted the old man one after another.

"Mr. Zhang is going to live a long life this year?" Lin Yi felt a little more respect when he heard the hearty laughter in the live broadcast room.

Respecting the old and loving the young are our Chinese traditional virtues.

"I am in my 60s this year, and I have been practicing Chinese medicine for 13 years. I was an apprentice with my grandfather when I was [-], and I became a grandfather myself in a flash." Mr. Zhang said with emotion.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, I still need your advice."

Soon, Ji Dong also learned that Mr. Zhang is the shopkeeper of Xinglin Medicine Hall, and Xinglin Medicine Hall is a well-known medicine hall in the northern region, and even the whole country. Its chain stores must have more than a thousand.

So Mr. Zhang is really hiding something.

The water friends in the program group and the live broadcast room were all stunned.

Hearing the identity of the old man's family of traditional Chinese medicine, Director Xixi is in awe again.

In fact, Director Xixi himself was very confused.

He didn't know the identity of Mr. Zhang either.

Good guy, this wave belongs to the four second-band king bombers.

The old man has been dealing with medicinal materials all his life. When he was young, he also organized a team to go to the mountains to dig ginseng. He is very familiar with ginseng.

Although Ji Dong has treasure-appreciating skills and basic medical skills, he has a specialization in surgery. Just talking about ginseng's habits, growth conditions, and theoretical knowledge, it is still not as good as the old man.

Lin Yi also learned a lot from this connection.

From the perspective of the falcon, the old man analyzed the possible locations of wild ginseng from the terrain outside the forest and the dense and sparse surrounding vegetation.

I have to say that an old family is like a treasure.

Of course, Ji Dong knew what the old man said.

But still listen respectfully.

Although the water friends in the live broadcast room couldn't understand, they didn't know it.

My heart was greatly shocked.

By looking at the terrain and the vegetation, you can tell if there is ginseng?


The old man is old and not very talkative. Sometimes when he talks about something exciting, there is no follow-up.

Therefore, Ji Dong will occasionally explain to the water friends in the live broadcast room.

In fact, what the old man said is based on the inferences made based on the growth conditions of wild ginseng.

The reason why wild mountain parameters are rare is that the growth conditions it needs are very harsh.

Ji Dong only needs to glance at most places, such as sunny hillsides, he doesn't need to look for them, there must be none.

The water friends are confused, isn't the sunny place a good place?Sufficient light and rain are conducive to plant growth.

These are all common sense.

Even when buying a house, you have to consider facing south, with plenty of sunshine.

But there is a little misunderstanding here.

That is, medicinal materials are also divided into attributes, there are yang-loving attributes, and there are yin-loving attributes.

Just like some people like to bask in the sun and some don't.

Many medicinal materials grow on the shady side of the mountain.

Among them, wild ginseng is one of them.

"What you said is absolutely right. Many people may not know that when looking for wild ginseng, you don't go to the sunny side of the mountain, but to the shady side." Mr. Zhang said with deep approval.

Many "precious" medicinal materials are very expensive and afraid of the sun.

Sun exposure, medicinal properties will be lost.

Mr. Zhang judged that there might be wild ginseng in this old forest.

Mainly because he also watched the live broadcast in the past few days. Lin Yi went into the mountains twice and picked a lot of precious medicinal materials, including Ganoderma lucidum.

This is a good proof.

Ginseng is the king of all herbs. It is conceived by gathering the aura of heaven and earth, so other precious medicinal materials will multiply near the growth of ginseng.

Hearing Mr. Zhang's words, all the water friends in the live broadcast room became excited.

"I lost it, is there really wild ginseng?"

"This time the little brother won the hemp."

"My God, the program team really knows how to choose places. This mountain forest is a treasure land of geomantic omen for the program team."

"If you find wild ginseng, it will be amazing."

"Don't blow it up, as long as you can find wild ginseng, this wave will be the ceiling of domestic variety shows, and survival in the wilderness is worse than anything."

Lin Yi commanded the eagle to shuttle through the mountains and forests, vividly showing the whole picture of the deep mountains in front of everyone.

In fact, he didn't show up much.

The main thing is that the mountains are high and the forests are dense. The eagle's perspective is from top to bottom, and you can only see the whole picture.

Unless it is said that Ji Dong asked the eagle to stop on a tree, it was because he found the medicinal materials and then broadcast live to dig the medicinal materials.

Generally don't do this.

If he encounters that kind of precious medicinal material, Ji Dong will directly use the system to ingest it, and transplant it to the farming space. Why dig it up, it is a waste of effort and effort.

It is the kingly way to keep wealth secret.

However, the farming space is limited, and it can hold more than 100 medicinal plants at most, so only very precious or very old medicinal materials can enter Lin Yi's eyes.

The rest of the medicinal materials were of good quality, but they were not very precious, so Ji Dong dug them up for the water friends in the live broadcast room.

It is not bad to increase the popularity value.

He hasn't reached the Tang Dynasty Medicine Garden mentioned by the system yet, so Ji Dong hasn't excavated much yet.

However, at this moment, Ji Dong saw a few tall and straight trees not far away, towering into the clouds.

It contrasts sharply with the trees next to it.

His eyes lit up immediately, and he walked towards those trees.

The water friends in the live broadcast room are a little puzzled, what do these trees have to say?Why did my brother's eyes shine when he saw these trees.

"Brother, you planted these trees? Why are you so happy?"

"Haha, this tree must be hundreds of years old, I must have planted it in my previous life."

"Mr. Zhang, is there any difference between these trees?"

(End of this chapter)

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