Entertainment: let you work hard, not let you take white work

Chapter 121 If Chickens Are Not For Eating

Chapter 121 If Chickens Are Not For Eating

Lin Yi told everyone that these chickens and ducklings are actually not expensive.

Because more than half of them are gifts.

Huang Xiaochu and the others were all shocked.


"Yes, because the chickens and ducklings are only the females asking for money, and the male chicken farms don't want them. We plan to throw them away, so we took back those roosters and ducks. The geese don't distinguish between males and females. It requires money, and it is the most expensive among chickens, ducks and geese." Reba explained to everyone.

Huang Xiaochu and the others suddenly realized that this was the case.

"It's so small, how can you tell if it's a rooster or a hen?" Sister Zifeng didn't understand.

And why is the cock thrown?
There are also many water friends in the live broadcast room who are confused by this question.

When the chicks are just hatched, the characteristics of the sexes are not yet obvious.

So if you want to buy a pullet and plan to let it lay eggs in the future, how to choose is a technical job.

In fact, just now in private, Lin Yi asked the owner of the chicken farm this question.

The owner of the chicken farm taught Lin Yi a few tricks.

In fact, it is very simple. For chickens of the same size, the one with the smaller comb is the hen, and vice versa is the cockerel.

What's more, when catching chicks, the chicks make a cry, the cock sounds sharper, and the pullet sounds relatively low.

And then look at the ass.

Ji Dong caught two chicks for comparison, and sister Zifeng quickly learned too.

Of course, it is still difficult for her to identify it by herself.

Once you learn it, you will lose it as soon as you practice it.

"Native chickens and foreign chickens are actually not that important. In fact, the so-called native chickens are free-range chickens. If they are fed in rural areas in the future, the eggs and nutrition will be very good." Lin Yi told them.

What really matters is the breed of chicken.

For example, black-bone chicken and other breeds of chicken have inherently different meat quality.

These chicks, as long as they are not fed with feed, are fed with rice bran and leftovers.

That is chicken.

Friends of the live stream
"It's really like this. In our rural area, who still hatches chickens? They all buy them door-to-door, and then put them at home for free-range breeding."

"Where are you? Can you still raise chickens? Our chickens can only be raised at home, Ti! If they are in the fields, they will be arrested by the relevant departments."

"I'm rough, don't even chickens have freedom?"

But Mushroom House does not have this trouble.

Feel free to stock up.

A radius of ten miles is the boundary of the mushroom house.

But now these chicks are still too small, so they still need to enclose a piece of land for them to be cute.

After the chicks and ducklings were released, they kept screaming.

It seems to be hungry.

Ji Dong got some rice bran, added some rice and water, stirred it, and served it to the chickens.

The chicks are actually several days old and can eat rice bran and food.

Reba found a small basin and poured some water for them.

"It's so noisy, they won't be chattering like this at night, then I must be so noisy that I can't sleep." Huang Xiaochu muttered.

"No, chickens and ducks can sleep at night." Lin Yi said.

"These little chickens should be raised for a few months. When the filming of the mushroom house is halfway through, they will be ready to eat." Reba pouted, looking at the little chickens running around chirping with little wings on the ground , said with a smile.

Water friends in the live broadcast room! !
"Ah, what you said is so hot!"

"As expected of you, Reba, you actually want to eat such a cute chicken and duckling."

"Chicken: Are you polite? Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick."

"Haha, having said that, if raising chickens and ducks is not for eating, it will be meaningless."

"Our Lady's Triumph, chickens and ducks are human food, / Bajizui"

It is true that these chicks are really cute, but the original intention of Ji Dong and the others to raise poultry is to eat.

"Don't look at their good looks now, that's because they are just born with soft yellow down. When they grow up, the down on their bodies will fade and they will be replaced with hard feathers. At that time, their appearance will decline. It's gone." Lin Yi told the water friends.

The appearance of these chicks is time-limited and time-sensitive.

But it's still available now.

Touching it is much more comfortable than touching a collie.

By the way, there are a few rabbits in the tent.

The staff worked together to build two wooden houses not far away, one for chickens and ducklings, and the other for rabbits.

Let them live here temporarily, and when the mushroom house is built, they can also move to the mushroom house.

"Although chickens and ducks can sleep at night, they will definitely not be able to sleep late in the future. There are many roosters here, and they will crow when they grow up." Director Xixi laughed.

It crows at dawn.

Everyone in Mushroom House! ! !
Happiness suddenly snapped, and it was gone.

"Director, don't tell me, I read a news last time, saying that a big brother in a certain place rescued a rooster, and then took it back to raise it. The way the rooster repays its favor is to fly to his bedside every day and crow. He gets up." Peng Peng shared a piece of news, which is true.

At that time, when Peng Peng saw the news, he almost died laughing.

Good guy, that is to say, its owner has a good temper. If he is angry, he will turn this rooster into a cock pot in minutes.

A walking alarm clock! ! !
360 days uninterrupted wake-up service
The water friends in the live broadcast room were all numb when they heard Peng Peng's words.

"Haha, Peng Peng, you're so handsome."

"Rooster: I have very little ability, so I can only tell you to get up to repay your life-saving grace."

"Good guy, is this counted as revenge in disguise?"

"Laugh and cry."

Not to mention, although the owner of this rooster is a disaster, it also brings joy to those who read this news.

According to the law of conservation of happiness, happiness will not disappear, but will only transfer.

The world is full of surprises.

There are also chickens, ducks and geese as pets.

After looking at the chickens for a while, Ji Dong stopped paying attention to them.

Because it's almost time for dinner, he plans to make dumplings tonight, something simpler.

Just now in the village where the uncle lives, Lin Yi and Reba took some time to go shopping, and they still gained a lot from walking around.

I bought a lot of dumpling wrappers, some green onions, some beef, and pork.

The beef is for Reba.

They eat pork.

Dumplings can be wrapped separately.

"Little brother, didn't the program crew kill a pig last time? Why did they still buy pork?" Reba asked a little puzzled.

"Ask the director if there are any more." Lin Yi smiled slightly.

Just kidding, there are more than 300 people in the crew, and they can eat hundreds of catties of meat in a day or two.

Where is it until now.
Don't look at them raising these chickens and ducks, in fact, the program group consumed more than that in a few days.

Especially for ducks, the daily purchase quantity is more than 10.

She didn't expect that the program group had such a great demand for food.

But think about it, most of the members of the program group are young and strong, young and middle-aged people who are in their prime, and their food needs are much greater than those of the elderly and children.

(End of this chapter)

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