Chapter 108

In the Mushroom House in the previous seasons, although Peng Peng and Zifeng also went to the ground and planted trees, they were doing tasks in exchange for supplies.

And there are various indicators that need to be achieved in order to be rewarded.

No sense of accomplishment at all.

To put it bluntly, it's just for show.

No one likes that model.

But fishing for lobsters and pumping water to catch fish are different.

Experience life and reap happiness.

Ji Dong collected the catches in the small ditch, and stopped catching some finger-sized fish.

There is no need to fish in a dry marsh.

Nor is it his character.

"Dig that side, and let the stream flow in again." Lin Yi called on Peng Peng and the others, and dug up the dam that was blocking the mouth of the stream.

"Why do you want to dig this up?" Sister Zifeng was a little puzzled.

Ji Dong smiled slightly: "It's very simple. If you dig it out, the fish and lobsters in the creek will come here again, and next time we come, we can also catch crayfish."

There are also some reef puddles by the sea, and many people go to catch the sea.

As the tide ebbs and flows, some fish will be stranded in it.

If you want to harvest more, you can also make some stinky fish and rotten shrimps to make nests in it, which can attract some carnivorous fish.

After Ji Dong explained to them, everyone was stunned.

It turns out that I can still play like this.

"Great, then we'll come here to catch crayfish in a few days."

Reba was very excited.

But Ji Dong told her that the harvest this time must be the biggest.

In the future, there will not be so many crayfish on this side of the creek, whether it is fishing or catching.

The growth of crayfish also has a cycle. This time, it will take at least a few months before the scale of so many crayfish will recover.

The crowd nodded.

Just when they were about to go back, Ji Dong suddenly remembered that there was still a ground cage that hadn't been collected yet.

He also remembered the ground cage when he saw the tree.

Otherwise I really forgot.

Today's harvest is too great, and it doesn't matter whether there is a ground cage or not.

But it was still collected.

It can be regarded as an end to this trip to catch crayfish.

Not long after, Ji Dong brought them to the place where he and Reba had put the ground cage just now.

It's marked, so it's still easy to find.

"I'm so nervous." Reba took a deep breath.

She looked forward to it.

It's like buying a lottery ticket and waiting for the draw.

"What kind of metaphor is this? Winning the lottery is a small probability of one in a billion." Lin Yi couldn't laugh or cry.

There is such a joke that a reporter interviews a lottery player who has won a lottery and asks him how he plans to spend the money he has won.

Lottery players: First pay back the money spent on lottery tickets over the years.

Reporter: After it's over.

The face of the lottery player changed slightly: Pay back the rest slowly.

"Reba, you come and collect it." Lin Yi gave Reba the opportunity to open the blind box.

But what can be guessed is that there must be a lot of lobsters in it, and there may be eels in it.

The location of the lower cage was carefully selected by Lin Yi.

Reba picked up the rope for the ground cage and pulled it back, but found that it couldn't be pulled.

It wasn't so heavy just now, she suddenly became excited.

There must be a lot of crayfish in it.

"Little brother, it's so heavy, I feel that there are a lot of crayfish in it." Reba's words made everyone excited.

"Come on, give me a hand." Seeing that Reba was not moving, Ji Dong walked to Reba's side.

Pull up the cage with her.

As the rope was slowly pulled up, the ground cage also exposed the tip of the iceberg in the water, and the inside was black and red.

Full of crayfish.

"My God, so many crayfish."

"Good guy, I didn't expect the ground cage to be so powerful."

Everyone was stunned.

Soon, the ground cage was pulled ashore by Ji Dong.

Dense crayfish spread all over the ground cage.

At this time, they were a little flustered and crawled around.


The water friends in the live broadcast room saw so many crayfish in the ground cage, all of them were stupid
"I expected quite a few, but didn't expect this many."

"Crazy, crazy, little brother, post a location, I'll come to catch crayfish overnight."

"If you buy a few more ground cages and put them here, won't you make a fortune?"

"I've said the word envy countless times, and I'm already numb."

"You guys think too much. Crayfish are not wild monsters in the game. They will be refreshed when the time comes. If you catch one less, there will be so many in the future."

"Upstairs, you don't know much about crayfish. In such a big ditch, you can casually grab a few hundred catties. How much did you catch? There are still 90% at least."

Ji Dong asked Peng Peng to empty a bucket, and poured all the crayfish in the ground cage into the bucket.

In addition to crayfish, there are some fish, eels, snails and so on in the ground cage.

The little fish Ji Dong was thrown into the river again.

As for the snails, Ji Dong stayed.

"Such a small amount of snails is not enough for a plate of frying. I should have touched a little more in the ditch just now." Lin Yi muttered.

There were some in the ditch just now, but they were not many, so Ji Dong didn't even touch them.


A little there, a little here, if you put it together, you will have a catty or two, and you can fry a plate to go with the wine.

Crayfish, snails, beer, and supper are the big three! !

"Junior brother, what kind of snail is this? It can't be the golden snail, right?" Reba saw the snail, which was relatively big and long, and thought it was the golden snail, an invasive species.

But Ji Dong told her, no, the apple snail is bigger than this.

The snail in his hand is a kind of stone snail that lives in creeks and rivers.

Compared with the fields we usually see, it is darker and larger in size, and the taste of this snail is also very good.

In the past, stone snails were quite common, but now they are rarely seen, because stone snails are generally found in small streams and rivers in the mountains.

The requirements for water quality are relatively high.

"Then what to do, these snails are not enough, it would be a pity to throw them away." Reba hesitated immediately.

Ji Dong smiled slightly, simple, took the stone snail back and floated it in the bucket to raise it.

Snails are supposed to float for a few days and spit sand.

This one is like a shell.

After collecting the ground cage, several people also embarked on the return journey.

On the way back, Ji Dong looked at the wasteland near the river and thought about it.

What a place, it's a pity to lose it.

It can be seen that this land was originally planted with crops, and there are still traces of leveling, as well as land boundaries and ridges.

But I don't know why, now it is abandoned and abandoned, and it has become a wasteland that no one cultivates.

But it's normal to think about it, not only here, but also in most rural areas of the country.

Young people have gone out to work, only the elderly and children will stay in the countryside.

The land in a good location is still contracted by someone to engage in mechanized planting, such as the riverside. The terrain is not good, and small fields that do not form a large-scale field are likely to be abandoned.

It's a pity not to plant it, but if you plant it, you can't make much money a year.

or?Reclaimed these lands?

A crazy idea popped up in Ji Dong's mind.

He himself was taken aback by his own thoughts.

This piece of land is divided by rivers, and the area is scattered, but at least dozens of acres.

If it is reclaimed, the amount of work is huge.

(End of this chapter)

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