There's definitely something wrong with my elf

Chapter 357 H252 MEGA evolution bracelet!

Chapter 357 H-252 MEGA evolution bracelet!

"MEGA evolution bracelet!"

Fang Che's breathing became rapid, and his and Zhao Wanxi's eyes were particularly bright.

This is the power they have longed for for a long time!

Fang Che has many elves that can undergo super evolution, including Lucario, Boss Cordora, Giant Claw Mantis, Swampert, and metal monsters that have not yet evolved...

MEGA evolution stones are hard to find, and MEGA evolution bracelets are even harder to get!

Only the direct elite trainers recognized by the alliance have made corresponding achievements, and the alliance will issue them as appropriate.

Even among the security office officers, not all of them have MEGA evolution bracelets!

Because he didn't think there was much hope of getting a MEGA evolution bracelet in a short time, Fang Che never put his mind on the MEGA evolution stone, so that the only MEGA evolution stone in his hand now is a Boss Cordora.

But it doesn't matter, after all, each of the props carried by Fang Che's elves can give them powerful power beyond Mega Evolution. If they are replaced with MEGA Evolution Stones, their strength will be reduced.

Of course, this means that in regular battles and field situations, as long as your body can withstand it, let alone a MEGA evolution stone, even if you bring another Z pure crystal, attach a piece of Gigantamax energy, and carry another Tai Jingshi is no problem.

As the saying goes, in field battles, as big as the heart is, the stage is as big as it is!

"Dad, we got the MEGA evolution bracelet in advance, do we need to hide it?"

Zhao Wanxi thought more. The conditions for obtaining the MEGA evolution bracelet were very strict. She did not want to be judged by others as relying on family power and disregarding the iron laws of the alliance. This would not be good for the reputations of Zhao Weimin and Fang Tianyang.

Zhao Qiansun laughed, "Don't worry, no one will gossip behind you. You and A Che's contribution to the alliance is really great... Specifically, A Che's contribution to the alliance is too great." Big.”

The reason why Zhao Qiansun added this was because he found that if it were other people who followed Fang Che, they would be able to receive such treatment.

Zhao Wanxi helped Fang Che solve the problem of logistical support, but in the early stage, at least before Fang Che had fully grown up, any senior cultivator could help Fang Che solve this problem. It was just up to Fang Che whether he was willing or not.

"If your contribution is converted into the contribution value within the alliance, you can even exchange for two or three quasi-gods."

There was a hint of emotion in Zhao Qiansun's tone. Even many adults and veteran gym trainers may not have made as great a contribution to the alliance as Fang Che.

"I don't want to think about quasi-gods or anything like that."

Fang Che waved his hand. The elf in his hand, even the Explosive Mosquito that had not yet hatched, had the same potential as an ordinary quasi-god.

Moreover, the quasi-gods that the alliance can release are probably the ones left after being carefully selected.

Recalling the shining single-headed dragon he saw at the auction, Fang Che felt more and more that that single-headed dragon was really bad.

If his contribution was replaced by two or three shining single-headed dragons, then he would rather exchange a bunch of attribute gems for his own elves.

"However, being able to obtain the Mega Evolution Stone now was not within my expectation. I only have one Mega Evolution Stone from Boscordora in my hand."

Fang Che frowned and began to think about how to obtain the evolution stones of other elves. The alliance's contribution could definitely be exchanged for some evolution stones, but the MEGA evolution stones were already hot commodities. He wanted to get them from those who stared at the alliance store day and night. It's not easy to grab a MEGA evolution stone from someone's hand.

Zhao Qiansun took a sip of tea, looked in a certain direction and smiled, "I can't guarantee the other MEGA evolution stones, but within a month, I can find you a Mega Evolution Stone of the Swampert. "

"The Mega Evolution Stone of Swampert?"

Fang Che was stunned for a moment, and then he looked in the direction Zhao Qiansun was looking at. It was a wall, the wall of the study room.

However, outside the wall is the direction of the Sima family!

"The Sima family! The Sima family has the Swamp Monster super evolution stone that can be taken out?"

Fang Che showed a hint of joy. He was still thinking about what he should exchange with the Sima family for General Pu Dao's information.

After all, this information may be said to be precious, but in fact it is just that. Those who do not accept Commander Pi Zhan don't care about this at all.

But let's not say it is precious. It can also win the hearts of some trainers who use Commander Pi Zhan in the Sima family. Generally, most of the trainers who can be followed by Commander Pi Zhan are martial arts sects with very fierce temperaments.

The friendship of these people is something the Sima family particularly needs.

"Then please uncle."

Fang Che had no intention of negotiating with the Sima family himself. After all, it was better to leave this kind of matter to professionals.

Even though his current strength is comparable to that of Zhao Qiansun, Zhao Qiansun has been eating oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar tea for more than ten years more than Fang Che, so he must be much smoother in doing things.

In the evening, Zhao Weimin hurried back home. He was quite emotional when he saw General Pu Dao.

Fang Tianyang has a great grandson!
Why has he never encountered this kind of thing like picking up money on the roadside?

Fortunately, a son-in-law is half a son, and a grandson-in-law is worth a quarter of a grandson. After rounding, there is no problem that Fang Che is his grandson.

Compared with his own grandchildren, Zhao Weimin felt that Fang Che was the one who made him happy.

"Ah Che, you want to leave the commander's job to them. Old man, I'm very grateful to you. But one thing is another, and for Wanxi's sake, they can't help them in vain. benefit."

At the dinner table, Zhao Weimin supplemented Fang Che and Zhao Qiansun's plan. He emphasized that at least [-]% of the net profit eaten by the Zhao family's collateral branches must be used to supply Fang Che!

Excluding various investments, [-]% of the net profit is almost [-]%.

Zhao Wanxi had said before that she wanted those from the side line to split the relationship [-]-[-] with Fang Che, but Fang Che refused.

Zhao Qiansun only has one daughter, but his brothers and sisters have many children, not to mention some cousins. The Zhao family is much larger than the Fang family.

As the son of Zhao Weimin, Zhao Qiansun definitely enjoys much more resources than the collateral line and even other direct lines, but this is not the case in Zhao Wanxi's generation.

Previously, Zhao Wanxi's talent as a trainer was not very outstanding, so she was not "qualified" to get involved in many resources.

Fang Che plans to give this opportunity to Zhao Wanxi, so that her status in the family will rise a lot and she will be able to obtain more resources.

After Zhao Weimin listened to Fang Che's thoughts, he sighed softly. A big family has its benefits, but a big family also has its rules.

If you don't follow the family rules, then the people of the family will be unpopular.

When people's hearts are divided, that family will also fall apart.

Throughout the ages, many aristocratic families have been broken from within because of discord.After a sumptuous dinner, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi took their elves to watch the sunset in the backyard, and then lay under the night and watched the stars.

The bright starry sky took away the worries of Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi. The two lay side by side on the grass. The fairy elf, Zoroa, nestled beside their heads, and the other elves also lay on their faces. It protected the two of them from the slight chill of the night.

"The U18 Poké Ball Cup National Competition will be held in two months. Ah Che, what are you going to do after winning the competition?"

Zhao Wanxi stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to hold the stars in her hands.

School will start in two months. Although they basically won't go to school, they still have to participate in the U18 Poké Ball Cup.

Those who achieve good results in the U18 Poké Ball Cup will be admitted to major elf colleges in advance. Fang Che has almost booked the winner of the competition. Zhao Wanxi also feels that she can reach the finals, so for them, high school students There may only be the last three months of my career.

"I don't know, too many things have happened in the past six months."

Fang Che narrowed his eyes and gently stroked Zoroa's soft mane. More than half a year ago, he would not have dared to imagine that he could "break through" to the king level in half a year!
Even excluding the waves, Fang Che dared to say that he had almost no opponents below the Heavenly King level.

The Giant Claw Mantis and Steel Armored Crow, who were originally expected to go to the U18 Poké Ball Cup, are not suitable to play either.

Metal monsters and paper swords will be Fang Che's main training targets in the future. Two months will be enough for Fang Che to train them to the gym level.

By then, the only ones who can play are probably Zoroa and the unhatched Explosive Mosquito.

Oh, if Fang Che finds a treasure that contains a lot of fire and life force, maybe Cosmogu can be born early to play the baby cup.

Well, let a cub of a first-level god play the baby cup. Fang Che is probably the only one in history who has such an idea.

"I'm going to practice in the Bronze Secret Realm."

Zhao Wanxi stretched out her hand and held Fang Che's fingers. After the U18 Poke Ball Cup, she planned to practice alone for a while.

Fang Che looked at Zhao Wanxi in surprise. He did not expect that Zhao Wanxi would make such a decision.

This means that they may have to be separated for a long time. After all, Fang Che's improvement in the Bronze Secret Realm is not that big.

"In addition, I also plan to go to the Dream Realm to ask Gardevoir to help me do a special training for my Gardevoir and Dream Demon."

Zhao Wanxi sat up and stroked the dream demon gently, "Xiao Meng and their potential have exceeded the limit of what I can train. I can't hold them back!"

What the trainer can do is to provide the elves with the best logistical support, but helping the elves make breakthroughs, building a tacit understanding of combat with the elves, and even creating a unique combat system is what trainers must do.

Her talent in training is not very good. She can easily control the elves below the king level, but she has to study hard for the higher level.

"If you feel upset, you can ask Grandpa Zhao to take you to Grandpa Dongfang. The effect of experience in the sea is no worse than that of the Bronze Secret Realm."

Fang Che gently scratched Zhao Wanxi's palm with his fingers, then his voice slowed down and he gradually entered a state of sleep.

Because of the presence of the Demon Fire Red Fox and Nine-Tails, they didn't have to worry about catching cold or moisture while sleeping outdoors, so Lan Ying and Zhao Qiansun didn't wake them up when they saw them sleeping in the backyard.

It wasn't until dawn that Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi woke up under the influence of their biological clocks.


It was not a good feeling to sleep on the grass all night. Fang Che felt that his waist might have been hit with a hammer.

When he saw the metal monster resting beside his waist, the twitching of the corners of Fang Che's mouth gradually became larger.

He just said how he felt like something was resting on him when he was sleeping, what a traitor!

After saying good morning to Zhao Wanxi, the two went back to the room and took a bath to dispel their fatigue.

By the time the two of them returned to the restaurant refreshed, Lan Ying had already prepared breakfast.

Swampert and the others stayed in the backyard to enjoy breakfast. Only smaller elves such as fairies, dream monsters, and Zoroas would follow them to the restaurant to dine with them.

"Mom, Ah Che and I are going to the security office this morning. Is there anything you need us to do?"

At the dining table, Zhao Wanxi asked Lan Ying while drinking porridge.

Lan Ying is not a woman who likes to go out shopping. She prefers to stay at home and study various recipes and elf food recipes, so when she is in need, she usually lets Zhao Wanxi run errands.

Lan Ying put down her chopsticks and thought for a while, "I don't have anything to do, but your Aunt Ye seems to have something to do with you. If you are not busy, you can take Ah Che to see your Aunt Ye."

Fang Che sat and drank porridge silently. The full name of Aunt Ye mentioned by Lan Ying was Ye Qin, and she was the manager of a freight company in the imperial capital.

She and Lan Ying were classmates in high school and college, and the relationship between the two families was very good.

Of course, Ye Qin was not from the Ye family, so she tried her best to ensure that her friendship with Lan Ying was not mixed with any interests. Lan Ying was a little helpless about this.

"Aunt Ye, do you have anything to do with me?"

Zhao Wanxi felt confused. Although Ye Qin was very kind to her and would buy her various plush toys when she was a child, she really couldn't figure out what Ye Qin wanted to do with her.

We can't just ask her to help move the goods!

After breakfast, Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi went to the security office.

They seemed to have become regular visitors here. The guard at the door let them in without even asking. The guard even said hello to them when they arrived, which made both Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi feel so... A bit embarrassing.

Master Zhao waited at the security office early as usual, and Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi also told them everything they could about the paradoxical space.

Of course, they also talked about the evolution of Commander Zhan into the Sword General, but just like their attitude toward Hayashihara Ai, they only talked about the results, but they didn't reveal the more important process at all.

Master Zhao understood that Fang Che and Zhao Wanxi wanted to use his mouth to spread this matter throughout the alliance.

But he didn't care about this little plot. What he cared about more was that Commander Pi Zhan could evolve again!

This is undoubtedly an earthquake for those trainers who have conquered Commander Pi Zhan.

I just hope that the conditions for the evolution of Commander Splitting are not too harsh. Ordinary trainers cannot afford the expensive price of evolution!

(End of this chapter)

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