Chapter 27 [Special: 8 → 10]!
Chen Xing didn't understand the brain circuit of the Jiang family.

But Jiang Pengfei wanted to borrow money, and he was still willing: "Uncle, I respect Nansun's wishes about me and Nansun. However, even if we are no longer boyfriend and girlfriend, if uncle needs money, I can borrow it. As for stock trading, forget it, I don’t understand this.”




When Jiang Pengfei heard that Chen Xing was willing to borrow money, he immediately rubbed his hands excitedly.As long as he can get money from Chen Xing, he doesn't care if Chen Xing and Jiang Nansun get back together.

"I have about 20 yuan in my hand. If my uncle needs the money urgently, I will use it first, but my uncle also knows the situation at home—"

Chen Xing is not short of money, but he can't take too much at once, he has to take a little bit, and increase the amount layer by layer.


"not much."

Jiang Pengfei still disliked that the money was short, but it was safe for him to deal with emergencies first.Seeing that Chen Xing wanted an IOU, he didn't hesitate: "I'll write you an IOU right away, classmate Xiaozhang, look at the money—"

"The card is on me."

Chen Xing took out a business card from his pocket.

"Excellent!" It was the first time that Jiang Pengfei borrowed money so easily. He was beaming with joy, and skillfully wrote down the IOU. Chen Xing handed over the card.

Debt formation.


[It is detected that the host has lent funds, is a debt generated? 】

[Reminder: The current number of borrowers is full, do you want to consume 400 points to increase the upper limit? 】



【Debt 6/6】

[Borrower ⑥: Jiang Pengfei]

[Amount: 20 million yuan]

[Repayment method: physical strength/mental strength/emotional strength/physiological strength, note: the debt can be transferred]


[Transfer: The debt under the name of the borrower can be transferred to the name of the relevant person, etc., currently unlocked: wife]

【Repayment method——】

[Physical strength: unlocked]

[Brain power: unlocked]

【Emotion: unavailable】

[Physiological Force: Unlocked]



After successfully lending the first sum of money, before Chen Xing was happy, he found that the option of 'emotional repayment' had become 'unavailable'.

"It's not available only on Jiang Pengfei, or is it not available in the world of "Golden Days"?"

This difference can be big.

Chen Xing has fully experienced the beauty of emotional repayment in the world of 'Xing Han Brilliant', A Miao and Huo Junhua.


There is no disadvantage in attacking cities and plundering land.

Without this repayment method, the difficulty of Chen Xing's further communication with Dai Yin skyrocketed.

"If neither is available—"

Chen Xing wondered how to complete the task at that time.


[Sub-quest (completed): I am not legally blind]

[Mission description: Jiang Nansun is a princess who lived in a honeypot since she was a child. She is well-clothed and well-fed, but her legal awareness is indifferent. When she did not inherit her father's inheritance, she had to 'pay her father's debt'.Faced with a debt of more than 300 million yuan without even an IOU, Jiang Nansun accepted everything as others said, and repaid it 'seriously'.When she was illegally violated by Da Luo, instead of taking up the weapon of law to protect herself, she used it to extort money, and a victim went on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes.As a law-abiding citizen, you have an obligation to let the 'law-blind' Jiang Nansun realize the sanctity of our country's laws. 】

[Task Rewards: ① Points + 1000; ② Points 1; ③ Items, powerful contraceptives]


[Prop: powerful contraceptive pill]

【Price: 200 points】

[Attribute: Consumable]

[Explanation: 100% will not be pregnant within one year after taking it, and there is no side effect. 】


The court's verdict has not yet come down.

But Dai Qian's attempt to ask Wang Yongzheng's mother for a letter of understanding failed completely, and she was rejected by words, and the friendship between the two also came to an end——

The pain of losing a child, the revenge of killing a child, cannot be borne together.

The two are in love with each other.

Without the letter of understanding, Jiang Nansun will be sent to prison for at least three years.

After this matter.

Even though the case is still under trial, and even if there is still at least half a year to go before the judgment process, Jiang Nansun has fully realized the majesty of the law and fears the law from the bottom of his heart.

Since then, I have been in awe.

[Sub-quest: I am not legally blind] Easy to complete.


"A random mission."

"A side mission."

"Two points."

Chen Xing didn't hesitate, and directly added [Special].


This is the end.

Chen Xing finally reached the normal value of an adult male.


That night.

After leaving Jiang's house, Chen Xing hurried to the bar on Huaihai Road.

"Lilian, you drank too much." Chen Xing found Lilian. This is the daughter of Professor Dong. Professor Dong is a professor at the school of Zhang Anren, Jiang Nansun, and Wang Yongzheng. He is also the doctoral supervisor Jiang Nansun wants to take. I like Wang Yongzheng, and he has always been an upside-down thing in the play.

this life.

Because of Chen Xing's arrival, Wang Yongzheng died unexpectedly, and Lilian was distraught, she drank alcohol to relieve her sorrow for half a month, and got drunk again today.

"Zhang Anren!"

"It's all you!"

"Your girlfriend killed my boyfriend!"

Seeing Chen Xing, Lilian pinched Chen Xing's neck drunkenly, as if she wanted to blame Chen Xing for Wang Yongzheng's death and Jiang Nansun's crime.

"It was an accident."

Chen Xing pulled Lilian: "Go, I'll take you back."

"I'm not going back!"

"I still want to drink!"

"Zhang Anren, drink with me!"

Lilian was unconscious, Chen Xing held her up and took her out.


Early the next morning.

Lilian woke up, her whole body was sore, and she woke up a little, only to realize that she had slept in the back seat of the car all night.

"woke up?"

Chen Xing was in the front seat and turned around when he heard the movement.

"Zhang Anren?" Lilian recalled what happened last night. She drank too much at the bar and had no money, so she called Zhang Anren, and Zhang Anren paid to take her out and passed in the car one night.

"You can do it!"

"Just let me sleep in the car?"

Lilian gave Chen Xing a blank look.

"Don't sleep in the car, where do you want to go?"

"Back to your house?"

"Go to my house?"

"Still staying in a hotel?"

Chen Xing frowned: "You are not afraid of me, but I am."

"whispering sound!"

Lilian patted her sore temple, she still had confidence in Zhang Anren's character.

And here.

Seeing that she woke up, Chen Xing handed over the bill from last night: "A total of twenty-eight thousand, cash or transfer?"

"It's only twenty-eight thousand, are you willing to ask for it?" Lilian looked contemptuous.

"Repay me if you don't need money."

Chen Xing was too lazy to talk about it.

"No money." Lilian said confidently.

"If you don't have money, write an IOU and press your fingerprint." Chen Xing threw the pen and ink pad over.


"Zhang Anren, I really belong to you!"

Lilian was so angry that she was dying, but then, looking at Chen Xing, she had another idea: "I have no money, you can lend me another [-], and I will issue an IOU for you. Zhang Anren, Professor Dong is my father, you You don’t want to lose your job, do you? I heard from my dad that you have always wanted to gain a foothold in Shanghai. If you lose this job—”

Got it!
This is also a legal blind!
But borrowing money, especially from beautiful girls, Chen Xing has always been willing to refuse: "One hundred thousand? Will it be less, I will lend you one million, do you dare to ask?"

"You have 100 million, I dare to borrow 100 million!"

With Lilian's temper, she couldn't stand aggressive methods.

When Chen Xing was aroused, she was immediately hooked.


 Finally grown up, it can be used immediately, ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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