Film and television world, money repayment system

Chapter 13 Hug left and right! [Please follow up! 】

Chapter 13 Hug left and right! [Please follow up! 】

"Girl, what should I do?"

In the carriage, Lianfang panicked.She followed Cheng Shaoshang since she was a child, and the things she experienced the most were some of the parents in the Cheng family, so she had never encountered such a thing.

Black armor search!
The Black Armored Guards are in charge!
There are also generals and soldiers who have just been murderous, all of which are chilling.

Lianfang was naturally afraid.

Not only the lotus chamber.

Although Cheng Shaoshang was clever, he was also in a state of disarray when it came to this kind of situation. He felt uneasy, worried, and couldn't help but feel annoyed: "Uncle Dong's crime is nothing but the Cheng family's trouble, why should I suffer along with it?" ? The blessings have never been shared, but the disasters have to be shared, what kind of reason is this!"

She was outraged.

He didn't want to share the troubles with the Cheng family.

But at this time, escape is definitely impossible.Back home, the vicious old mother and second aunt couldn't protect themselves, not to mention whether they could protect her, even if they had the ability, they would definitely not want to protect her.

And the parents who have never met——

"It will take another half a month for them to return."

"When they come back, I'm afraid my bones will be cold."

"Even if they come back, they were able to abandon me when I was just born, but this time, they might not abandon me again."

Cheng Shaoshang was full of distrust towards the Cheng family, including the pair of parents, and his mind was running fast, relying on others rather than himself, thinking of a way to escape the crime.

When she was thinking about it and didn't think of a good way.


"There is an ambush!"

Just listen to the chaos outside.

Cheng Shaoshang boldly opened the curtain and looked out, and saw the black armored guards suddenly fell off their horses for some reason, unable to get up for a while.

And the leader, General Heijiawei, was given special attention. First, he was attacked and fell off his horse. When he rolled on the spot and was about to get up, his knees bent again, and he grabbed the ground with his head. His face was ground on the rough ground. Bloody and disfigured.


Cheng Shaoshang looked at these changes and couldn't figure it out for a moment.



She saw a handsome boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, with one hand raised in front of him, yelling 'bang bang bang' incessantly, with every bang, a black armored guard was knocked into the air and knocked down.

"Second brother!"

"It's Erlang!"

Cheng Shaoshang and Lian Fang were both surprised and delighted when they saw the visitor.

The boy was none other than Chen Xing.

He has an 'air gun' on his right index finger——

[Props: Air Gun]

【Price: 100 points】

[Attribute: trial version (one-time item)]

[Time limit: 10 minutes]

[Description: Put it on your finger and say 'bang' when you want to launch it to launch an air bomb to attack the opponent. 】


The 'air gun' is not very powerful and cannot cause fatal damage to people, but it is used to knock down and repel, but it is not harmful anywhere.Even Ling Buyi, a battle-hardened veteran like Ling Buyi, was helpless and embarrassed.

Not just 'air guns'.

Before Chen Xing came, he showed off a bottle of 'Scud Drink'——

[Prop: Scud drink (bottled)]

【Price: 10 points】

[Attribute: Consumable]

[Aging: 3 minutes/bottle]

[Description: After drinking a bottle of beverage, the drinker will gain ten times the running speed for 3 minutes. 】


The running speed has increased tenfold, and it is difficult to catch if it moves like a rabbit.

Everything is a long story.

In fact, it's like lightning.

Relying on the 'air gun', Chen Xing quickly tore through the formation of the black armored guards, and then reached Cheng Shaoshang's carriage with ten times the running speed.

"Shaoshang, Lianfang!"

"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

While still firing, Chen Xing quickly ordered to the stunned two people: "Get out of the car quickly, bang bang bang, I'll take you away!"

Being urged by Chen Xing.

Cheng Shaoshang finally came to his senses, and before he had time to speak, Cheng Shaoshang had long wanted to run away. At this time, Chen Xing, who was like a father, pulled the sluggish Lianfang and quickly got out of the carriage without hesitation. .

At this time, the black armored guard had initially calmed down from the panic. Ling Buyi retreated to the end, hid behind a tree, and gave orders: "Don't be afraid, surround him. This man has limited means, he can only hurt people, not kill. Let's surround him together." , Those who retreat will be dealt with by military law!"

Military regulations are strict.

Ling Buyi has a high prestige.

Under his yelling, the black armored guards, who were originally elite soldiers and strong generals, immediately recovered, formed a formation, and surrounded Chen Xing and the carriage one after another.

"Second brother!"

Seeing this situation, Cheng Shaoshang's heart sank, and he hurriedly said, "Second brother, hurry up and leave me alone!"

Seeing that the black armored guards blocked the water around them, she thought it would be impossible to escape.

But since Chen Xing dared to come, of course he had a way to escape completely.

"Don't panic."

Chen Xing used the 'air gun' to support the black armored guard, held Cheng Shaoshang in his arms with his left hand, and tightly embraced the lotus chamber with his right hand——

less business.

lotus chamber.

Chen Xing hugged left and right, and asked the two to hug him tightly.

The three hugged into a ball.


The other fingertip of Chen Xing's left hand shone with light——

[Prop: Frog Finger Cot]

【Price: 200 points】

[Attribute: trial version (one-time)]

[Time limit: 10 minutes]

[Description: One of the 'Animal Finger Cots' series, as long as you put these animal finger cots on your fingers, you can generate the same power as these animals.Current fingertips: 'Frog Fingertips', which can get the jumping ability of frogs. 】


Frogs can jump 70 times their own height, and when they jump, they generate more force than any animal, more than 400 times their body weight.

Chen Xing was wearing the 'frog finger gloves' at this time, and immediately possessed this ability.

That is to say-

He can jump a height of 120 meters while generating a force of more than 4 jin.

"Catch it!"

Chen Xing gave a final instruction, and tightened his hand three points, and bound the two girls tightly.



Take off!

Leaped into the sky, disappeared like a shell!


"My lord!"

Liang Qiufei was startled by this scene, he struggled to get up and found Ling Buyi.

Ling Buyi, who had always been calm and thoughtful, raised his head at this moment, his face was bloody, but he could still see the shock and disbelief in his face and eyes.

Air gun!
Frog Finger Cots!

The magical props that do not belong to this life are beyond the knowledge of the world, and Ling Buyi was deeply shocked, and it took him a long time to recover.


"Pretend to be a ghost!"

"Someone must be secretly helping him with a stone bow. The jumping force may be the rope, or the bow wood is set on the leg to borrow its toughness."

Ling Buyi is well-informed, does not believe in gods and ghosts, and tries to explain the scene just now in a 'scientific' way.

There is some truth to such a forced explanation.

Liang Qiufei was naive, didn't know what was going on, just nodded, and then said: "I don't know where this person came from, and what is his relationship with the fourth lady of the Cheng family."

Dong Cang is in charge.

Miss Cheng Si.

Cheng Jia Cheng Shi.

There is also General Wan Songbaiwan behind him.

These are all generals with real power in the army. Although they are not as good as Ling Buyi, they are also pillars of the man.

Pulled around and moved the whole body.

Because a Dong Cangguan implicated the Cheng family, originally it was minor or serious, depending on whether the Cheng family cooperated or not, and it also depended on Ling Buyi's mood.

But this time.

Cheng Shaoshang was robbed while being escorted by the black armored guards, the black armored guards were attacked, and Ling Buyi was injured——


Attack the army!

Injured General!

This matter is big!


"Check it hard for me!"

"Dig three feet into the ground, and find Dong Cangguan, Mrs. Cheng and that person!"

Ling Buyi already regretted his recklessness.

But this time.

Regret is useless, you can only make up for it, I just hope it's not too late!


(End of this chapter)

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