Conquer the heavens from the super god

Chapter 82 82 Xiaohao, you really don't give any face?

Chapter 82 82. Xiaohao, are you really not giving any face?

"The chairman knows that I applied for the establishment."

A trace of surprise flashed across Xu Si's face.


Jiang Nan nodded.

"I heard that the person in charge of the East District is notoriously unscrupulous, but it doesn't seem to be the case today."


Xu Si looked embarrassed and couldn't help touching his nose.

Has his reputation become so bad that even the new chairman who just arrived knows it.

Now there is only regret in his heart.

"Chairman, someone is trying to tarnish my reputation." Xu Si said categorically, "I have always obeyed the company's orders and put the company's interests first. If the company tells me to go east, I will never go west."

"Then I'll give you a raise."

Looking at Xu Si who was playing tricks, Jiang Nan leaned back in his chair, with a smile on his lips: "I'll double your salary."


Xu Si's eyes were round, and he couldn't help leaning over the table to look at Jiangnan, and said happily: "Really? Chairman."

With double the salary, he would have a monthly income of [-].

"I am the chairman, how can I easily deceive my subordinates." Jiang Jiang added: "Everyone will double their salary."

When the new official took office, Jiangnan chose to increase his money.

It may not be possible to gain loyalty, but it will definitely increase goodwill.

"Ah! Chairman, why are you so proud?" Xu Si felt that he would have a future if he followed Jiangnan.

It's not like Zhao Fangxu, an iron rooster who doesn't pull out a penny.

"I'm that proud."

Jiang Nan replied with a smile, and then felt that he was a little bit old, and he became stupid and infected.

Hastily coughed dryly, and returned to the topic: "Why do you want to abolish the temporary worker system?"

"Uh." Xu Si had a storm of thoughts in his mind, and said: "The temporary worker system was established because the company was a startup with no financial strength, so the temporary worker system was established to hire people at low cost to run the company. Later, the company gradually went away. In fact, I have suggested to Director Zhao many times to cancel the temporary worker system, and I want to protect the rights and interests of temporary workers.”

What he said was righteous, everything was Zhao Fangxu's fault.

Jiang Nan almost believed it.

It is said that the company's top management knows Feng Baobao's true identity and they all secretly protect it.

Abolish the temporary worker system.

This was obviously to test him.

Jiang Nan was thoughtful, and he turned the pen in his hand.

Shen Yin asked: "How much is the monthly salary of a temporary worker? Let me see how much it costs."


Xu Si looked embarrassed and somewhat at a loss.


Jiang Nan looked at him suspiciously.

"About [-] yuan." Xu Si felt that he was hasty, and he couldn't speak clearly. Where is the low cost? This is a high cost. He added: "Five insurances and one housing fund were not paid."

Jiang Nan glanced at Xu Si, hesitant to speak.

"I heard that many temporary workers have been working for a long time. I have always been lenient. They have no credit or hard work. Let them all become regular workers. As for the temporary worker system, it will become an internship system in the future."

He said calmly.

He didn't want to let the baby go.

Before Xu Si could speak, Jiangnan said again: "From now on, all the tasks that the heads of the major regions are performing or are about to start will be suspended first, and the heads of your major regions will be incorporated into the elite group, integrate forces, and hunt down Wholeness."


Xu Si was surprised again.

"You're endless. How come there are so many? Today is different. If we want to fully govern the Inhuman World, we must concentrate our manpower."

Jiang Nan took out a piece of paper and handed it to Xu Si.

"Wine is poison that pierces the intestines, sex is a steel knife that scrapes bones, wealth is the root of trouble, and qi is a cannon of thunder and smoke. I don't need to say these four representatives of Quan Xing, you know who they are! Go and get them for me." raised."

With a wave of his hand, he let the somewhat dazed Xu Si leave.

Wait until the other party leaves.

Jiang Nan looked at the Eight Wonders on the list.

The origin and flow of the vital body——?
Juling dispatched generals - the Feng family and the Wang family.

Tongtianlu - Lu Jin, the tenth elder of the Lu family.

After the Wind Qimen - Wudang.

Mysterious Mechanism - Biyou Village.

Liuku Immortal Thief——?
Daluo Cave View——?
Both hands - You Xinshe.

"The source of energy should be in the protagonist, Liuku and Da Luo have no information."

Jiang Nan frowned slightly.

He felt that his jigsaw puzzle might not be complete.

"Who does it start with?"

Jiang Nan's pupils were gloomy, and he muttered to himself.

Tianxia Group is one of the [-] most powerful groups in the world, a behemoth, and its chairman, Feng Zhenghao, is an old fox, forbearing, talented, and has the heart of a hero.

But at this moment, Feng Zhenghao's face was a little purple.

Because he just received the news.

Tianxia Group is accused of abusing market power, which is a monopoly behavior, and has already begun to be investigated.

If it's the kind of fanfare, it will start to arouse public opinion.

Feng Zhenghao was not afraid at all.

As the saying goes, loud thunder and little rain are just warnings.

If it really rains heavily, it will be very sudden.

Now, it is!
"Old Cai, please trust me." Feng Zhenghao held the phone by his ear, even though he wasn't showing any anger, he couldn't help showing a little anxiety at this moment.

"Xiaohao, cooperate well, if you have it, you have it, if you don't, you don't have it. As long as you stand upright, you can let the wind from east to west."

The voice on the other end of the phone comforted: "I will ask."

"Then I will trouble you, Mr. Cai."


After hanging up the phone, Feng Zhenghao's face was gloomy and uncertain.

He suspected that someone was targeting him.

The Tianxia Group is so big, even the slightest disturbance can cause a storm in the market.

Its importance is self-evident.

Who is so bold.

While Feng Zhenghao was thinking.

The landline rang again.

"Where can the chairman come to see me?"

Feng Zhenghao frowned, he also knew about the changes in Nowhere.

"Could it be that the rumors are true?"

He frowned and thought, with a bad premonition in his heart.

He wouldn't be the first to be operated on.

"Let them come up."

After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Zhenghao saw a young man wearing a felt hat and a suit walking in, and several men in black. Each of them had a strong aura, like a steel knife, with a menacing edge.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Director Feng."

Without waiting for Feng Zhenghao to speak, Jiang Nan spoke first, and at the same time he waved his hand to let the man in black leave.

"You are the chairman of Everywhere? I didn't expect you to be so young. You are so young and promising."

Feng Zhenghao looked at Jiangnan and laughed.

He is not only one of the ten elders in the Inhuman world, but also a big entrepreneur who is as light as light.

Regardless of that aspect, the influence is full.

He doesn't know everything.

Jiang Nan smiled slightly when he heard the words.

According to age, he is 50 years old.

"To be honest, I came to visit Feng Dong this time because of the Eight Wonders." Jiang Nan pulled a chair across the air, and sat at the table with Feng Zhenghao and spoke bluntly.

With such direct words, Feng Zhenghao, who was smiling hypocritically, couldn't help being stunned and didn't recover.

It took him a long time to react.

"Eight Wonderful Skills." Feng Zhenghao said aloud, the smile on his face disappeared, his black eyes became serious, and he said with a cold smile: "You are really straightforward."

"It won't waste everyone's time."

Jiangnan Youyou expressed to him.

He didn't care about Feng Zhenghao's extremely cold expression.

"Let me tell you about my advantages."

"First of all, don't think you can compete with me. Do you think I'm just the chairman who can go anywhere? I still have a lot of positions. In terms of status and status, you can't compare with me. Tianxia Group is so big, guess what? Who ordered the investigation?"

Feng Zhenghao was stunned suddenly, his eyes widened, he slapped the table and said angrily: "It's you!"

"Wait until I finish speaking, don't be so excited."

Jiang Nan signaled for him to be more emotionally stable, and said calmly: "Since I can be the chairman of Nowhere, I must have a little bit of strength. I have already fought with the old master, seven or three, I seven or three! You It's best not to have any violent thoughts. You have eight miraculous skills, no matter how strong you are, can you beat the old heavenly master?"

His understatement.

Feng Zhenghao said with a livid face, "You think I'll believe it?"

The Tianxia Group, which of the Eight Miraculous Skills is not his lifeblood.

This person is fully moving?

This is the flying dragon riding on the face!
next second.

Feng Zhenghao felt a sharp pain on his right cheek, and he turned over 720 degrees in the air and fell to the ground.

His cheeks were red and swollen, and one side of his teeth had all fallen out, with scarlet blood flowing.

Jiang Nan leaned against the table, his right thumb turned into four fingers, and without looking at Feng Zhenghao on the ground, he said softly, "Believe it or not, at least I have proved the ability to kill you easily, right?"

Feng Zhenghao shook his dizzy head, he was startled and angry.

What surprised me was Jiangnan's strength.

What is angry is Jiangnan's tyranny.

Like a robber.

"Do you still have Wang Fa?"

"I made the king's law." Jiang Nan said quietly: "You actually asked me if I have a king's law."


Feng Zhenghao's pupils shrank.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's easy to say anything, but the Eight Wonders"

The Eight Miraculous Skills were given to him by his father, they are the inheritance of his Feng family, how can they be passed on to the outside world.

"I don't believe you dare to touch me!"


Jiang Nan laughed and said with a sneer: "The influence of the Tianxia Group? The food and clothing of millions of water workers? Do you think I will care. Isn't it just unemployment, just look for it again! Cause trillions of losses? Seal it! Said Maybe one whale will fall and all things will be born!"

"Also, do you take yourself too seriously? The most important thing is the Tianxia Group. If you are gone, it doesn't mean that the Tianxia Group is gone. It will be enough to change the chairman at that time, right?"

These light words made Feng Zhenghao's face change.

"Are you going too far, what have I done to offend you?"

"Every man is not guilty, but Huaibi is guilty. You can be regarded as a big boss of these thousands of years of truth, and you don't understand?"

Jiang Nan was extremely disappointed in him.

"It's best to hand over the Eight Miraculous Skills. I've already given you a lot of face. Don't toast and refuse to eat, and you will be fined!"

"Otherwise, death is not so easy. Maybe your bones are hard, and the bone scraping knife can't do anything to you, but don't forget, you are a father, and you must fulfill your father's responsibilities. Don't be so selfish."

Jiang Nanyu warned Feng Zhenghao earnestly, but when he saw Feng Zhenghao actually using the spirit restraining technique, several black spirits appeared to confront him.

Without hesitation, Jiang Nan knocked Feng Zhenghao to the ground with a slap, stretched out his five fingers, and grabbed these spirits in his hands, and the spirits howled and turned into green smoke.

"Xiaohao, you really don't give me any face! It is said in the information that you are very knowledgeable about current affairs, why are you so rigid."

(End of this chapter)

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