Chapter 77. Chapter 77
In Super God, there is a flash group.

That's the League of Haters.

In the plot, they were all killed by demons.

Jiang Nan didn't know how strong they were.

But he felt that he could be targeted by the devil, and no matter how powerful he was, he probably wouldn't be able to get rid of it.

The League of Haters, this pirated version of the Avenger still makes Jiangnan feel afraid.

It feels like there should be a generation of fighters.

"I don't know how I compare with a generation of fighters."

Jiang Nan said silently in his heart.

The second and third generations of Angels are all elite guards, and they are rampant in the universe.

Jiangnan is not arrogant enough to compare with the second and third generations.

"Director, the new IRS leader is here."

One of the detectives spoke in a low voice.

Jiang Nan looked around, and saw a middle-aged man in a suit leading a group of people in aggressively. In addition to the headquarters agents, there was Fobo Le.

"My name is Latfi, and I was appointed by the headquarters to be the head of Bull City IRS. The original head, Darlene, has already been dismissed after the headquarters launched an emergency procedure. Who is the head of the action team here? All of you are now suspended and handed over. Everything in hand, where is Mr. Henry.

The new head of the IRS is very aggressive, with a resolute look and aggressive words.

Jiang Nan glanced at him.

A Gu worm flew to his body.


Jiang Nan stood up and spoke.

"I declare, you..." Latfei was about to announce an order from the headquarters to arrest Jiangnan on the grounds of endangering safety.But suddenly there was a pain in his neck, and everything in front of him was in a trance.

"Good job! I want to reward you!"

Latfi smiled and clapped his hands.


All the people behind him had question marks on their heads.

"Mr. Ratfi, we are arresting the head of IRS Bull Operations and others."

The staff at the headquarters frowned.

"I just received a call that the headquarters has canceled the arrest," Ratfei said.


The people behind him were stunned.


They couldn't believe it.

"Yes!" Latfei nodded. He smiled and came from Jiangnan with a chubby face, and said: "If it wasn't for the appointment by the headquarters, I would have rewarded you with my position. But the headquarters granted me full powers and privileges to act, so I decided to let you You acted as the second in command and head of operations."

Headquarters agents and Fobo Le: "."

"Are all these people suspended?"

Jiang Nan looked at everyone in the action team.

The controlled ones were expressionless, while the uncontrolled ones looked a little dull, surprised by the newcomer Latfei.

"You can recover."

Headquarters agents and Fobo Le: "."

"Then recover."

The corners of Jiangnan's mouth raised slightly, and he said lightly.

"Who are we, where are we, and what are we here for?"

Headquarters agents and Fobole's inner world.

Isn't that so nonsense.

Came in a hurry, came to inform them that the order was revoked.

It doesn't matter what the expressions of these people in the headquarters are.

Jiangnan folded his hands on his chest and entered the interrogation room with Latfei.

Henry Damo was leaning on the torture chair with a very ugly expression on his face.

He really never dreamed that one day he would be arrested and brought into this place.

"This is the new irs Mr. Ratfield."

Jiang Nan took his cigar from Latfei, took Latfei's cigar lighter to smoke, and sat in front of Henry Damo.

When Henry Damo saw Ratfei's groveling appearance, his face immediately turned livid.

What kind of broken news is this.

He rarely knows?
"What do you want? What do you want?" Henry Damo asked in a low voice.

In his opinion, there is definitely a force targeting him again.

Jiang Nan took a sip of the cigar and exhaled a puff of smoke.

He took out an official document and put it in front of Henry Damo.

"have a look!"

Henry Damo lowered his head and glanced around, his face becoming more and more ugly.

"Is this a confession? A fine of 760 billion knives?"

He said angrily: "You are acting recklessly, how can there be so many fines! Do you know what will happen here? The Morgan Stanley consortium will go bankrupt directly. Once the Morgan Stanley collapses, countless companies will be wiped out, and countless people will lose their jobs." If the market of several trillion dollars evaporates directly, it will trigger a financial tsunami, a financial storm.”

"Okay, okay, do you think I don't understand anything?"

Jiang Nan couldn't bear to interrupt him. He was in charge of the business field in his previous life. How could he not know about financial knowledge?

"Cough cough."

Henry Dalmo, choked by the smoke from the cigar, coughed again and again.

"Are you doing this to an old man with half a foot in the grave?" Henry Damo couldn't help scolding Jiangnan angrily.

"Are you a human being or a beast in human skin? Everyone knows that, so there is nothing to pretend."

Jiang Nan said indifferently: "I will punish the above fine at one time, if the maximum fine is five times, it will be hundreds of billions of dollars, and you will go to prison for more than a hundred years, I did not do this step, It is also respectful of your age."

"What do you want? We can talk!"

Henry Damo took a deep breath and said, "Don't you just want to get something, tell me what you want."

"I don't want anything, I just want to take your Damo consortium."

Jiang Nan stood up.

Although he has the ability to control people, most of the methods may be automatically released at any time after a long time.

The only way to control and stabilize Gu worms for a long time.

The number of available Gu insects is limited.

What's more, this method cannot be used as a long-term solution after all.

That's why the Damo Financial Group, the world's largest financial group, was selected by him, and used its disappearance to establish its own prestige and terror.

financial crisis?

The gluttons are coming.

This thing is still useful.

The Amikali Bull Market irs Bureau decided to impose a double fine of 1 billion knives on tax evasion by Morgan Stanley Investment Bank.

The announcement immediately caused an uproar.

Countless people were stunned.

Its punishment immediately caused global stock markets to plummet.

760 billion knives.

Even if Morgan Stanley has hundreds of billions of dollars in funds in his account, he can't carry it, because the money is useful. If 760 billion dollars are taken away, many things will be stopped, which will cause dominoes The chain reaction directly sent the Morgan Stanley consortium to hell.

"What's the matter with irs?"

The upper echelon of Amekali was shocked.

Irs is their dog, now that the dog has bitten its owner, how can it not make people's liver and gallbladder tear apart.

The irs headquarters is also frightened.

The bull market dares to make its own claims.

What is Ratfi doing, is he eating shit!
Like Darlene, Ratfei's phone was immediately rang.

At the same time, several departments of Amekali immediately issued a statement.

He rejected the punishment decision of the Bull Market IRS Bureau, and believed that there was no problem with the Morgan Stanley Investment Bank, and at the same time suspended everything in the Bull Market IRS.

The bull market irs refused to accept it, and directly released the evidence from the investigation. It was even more rebellious, and then used the authority to mark the more than 700 billion of Morgan Stanley as high-risk funds instead of freezing it.

Amekali's upper class suddenly had high blood pressure.

The following grams are on.

The entire Amikali people were excited, some accused the bull, some supported the bull, it was a mess.

"It's the other way around, what's going on with IRS in the bull market?"

"It's an oriental mess. This guy can't speak our language yet, and he needs a translator. He's actually the director of IRS."

"What! There is such a thing! Let the military dispatch immediately!"

"It's not good to use the military! The voters will have to demonstrate again later, and if they clash with the military, it will be troublesome."

"Then let the League of Haters go and let them investigate the matter clearly, and what's going on with this oriental irs director???"


"Whether class hatred is greater or racial hatred is greater."

In the hotel, Jiangnan smiled and looked at the exploded internet on his phone.

Countless people attacked each other.

Those who support him will be severely punished for tax evasion and tax evasion. Many people think that his punishment is too light, at least five times the fixed penalty.

There are those who oppose him, saying that he is an oriental, and that bull irs should not commit crimes
There are various reasons for the above.

In short, the irs bull market bureau became famous, and so did he.

"What should I do next?"

Jiang Nan touched his chin and looked at the blond angel sitting opposite him.

"Now that I have a reputation, I want to create an image of not fearing power and serving the people wholeheartedly. Even if I lose my irs supervisor status, I can still have a tragic image of law enforcement impartially, but being ruthlessly suppressed and excluded. When the time comes."

Jiang Nan felt that his plan was still a bit poor.

If he broadcasted the live broadcast from beginning to end, the effect would definitely be even more explosive.


Jiang Nan couldn't help feeling sorry.

"It's okay, you can start a live broadcast next time!"

Jiangnan still has a lot of opportunities to make the Amekali consortium want to die.

He lowered his head to play with his phone again.

Suddenly he frowned slightly.

He seemed to have seen an angel just now.

Jiang Nan looked over again.

Then he saw a familiar face looking at him with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Jiangnan: "."

"I think you're so good, I'm already in front of you, but you didn't even notice me." Angel Yan exclaimed, "How did you do it?"

"I'll think about it again!"

Jiang Nan replied after hesitating for a while.

When did she appear here?
"Seeing a strange, beautiful, sexy and seductive" Angel Yan's red lips popped out a lot of modifiers, and then said with a look of surprise: "You react so plainly!"

"Quietly, I only feel the word danger." Jiang Nan said quietly, looking at Angel Yan's lovely face.


Angel Yan nodded with a smile, and said with deep meaning: "I am like this. For you, it is indeed a danger! A dangerous woman has hostility, vigilance, and praise. It is really good to use!"

"Kid, do you know who I am?"

"do not know."

"I am an angel, an angel who punishes evil and promotes good!"

One moment she was smiling full of charm, but the next second she became cold and majestic. The neutral magnetic voice said this, with a strong sense of oppression.

"I only know that you are Tianrun King."

Jiang Nan said silently in his heart, and then he was thinking about how he should react.

Since the death of the commander-in-chief, he has been invincible, and he has not felt afraid for many years.

Angel Yan came out suddenly, he just felt so embarrassed.

"I don't think I'm a villain."

Jiang Nan replied after thinking about it.

"You control people, control their minds and hearts. Then you instruct the controlled people to kill and injure people." Angel Yan said coldly: "Many people went bankrupt because of you and jumped off buildings. How dare you say that you are not a villain."

"Listen to my sophistry!"

Jiang Nan said something in his heart, and said: "First of all, it is really wrong for me to control people, but what is my purpose? Although I use them to become the director of IRS, what am I doing? I am going to punish tax evasion. The process It's a bit evil, but the result is good."

"Secondly, the people under my control killed and injured people. They were about to rob and try to resist. It's just that the people under my control responded quickly. The corridor is narrow, and accidental injuries are inevitable."

"In the end, I went bankrupt and jumped off a building because of me. I just punished tax evasion. Should I turn a blind eye to some things because I took too much into consideration? Besides, I didn't think so much at the time. If I knew these things, I wouldn't Dare to control, after all, shouldering the interests of the majority of people, they can be allowed to do whatever they want, and some people can sometimes be sacrificed."

What he said was well-founded, Angel Yan was speechless.

But the last sentence made her face change instantly. Is this mocking her again?
"What are you so angry about?"

There was a trace of chill in Angel Yan's eyes, which made Jiangnan's hairs stand on end.

This is a red flag.


Seeing that his fine hairs were standing on end, Angel Yan let out a disdainful nasal sound.

At this time, Jiangnan really missed a poem by Huang Chao.

"No, no, absolutely nothing, I just want to say that the reality is very helpless." Jiang Nan waved his hand and sighed.

Angel Yan glanced at him coldly.

"It's just that material conditions limit you. When you get rid of material needs, you will pursue their spirit. At that time, you will be pure and yearn for all truth, goodness and beauty."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Jiang asked: "We have 0.2 people who control 90.00% of the world's wealth. They should get rid of material needs. They should be very true, kind and beautiful."

Angel Yan was stunned for a moment, and was so stunned that he couldn't speak for a while.

After a while, she replied: "You still have to wait for your Lord God to guide you."

Jiang Nan knew what she meant, but he didn't say much, just nodded: "Yeah."

"Do you know the concept of Lord God?" Angel Yan asked with a slight frown.

"do not know!"

"Then why are you nodding?"

"Is it wrong to agree?"

Angel Yan was speechless for a moment.

"You don't have a super gene in your body. I don't know why you have such a huge bioenergy in your body, and I don't know what your ability is. But I hope you know that now that the angel is in Blue Star, don't think that you are a little If you have strength, you can do whatever you want."

Angel Yan said indifferently to Jiangnan.

"When I do bad things, I can harm a few people. Although some people are just ordinary people, they can harm tens of thousands of people by doing bad things." Jiang Nan said softly, "Why don't you bother."

The corners of Angel Yan's eyes couldn't stop twitching.

"We only target extraordinary people, and we don't interfere with things inside civilization."

"Punish the evil and promote the good, is there still a condition? What is this? Punish the evil and promote the good!" Jiangnan sighed quietly.

This is the biggest flaw of angelic justice, justice full of conditions.

Does justice need conditions? No!

To say that angels are righteous and extreme is to insult the word extreme.

Angel Yan's expression changed suddenly, he took a step forward, and glared at Jiangnan with his eyes wide open.

"What did you say?"

"Do you dare to question the justice and order of our angels?"

She directly spoke out about justice and order.

"It's a bit over the top."

Jiangnan thought.

This group of love brains are all single-line thinking, except for love, they can only fight and kill.

"No, I'm just talking about my thoughts." Jiang Nan waved his hands again and again.

Angel Yan stared at Jiangnan with a gloomy face, and said coldly: "You don't understand at all."

They have only so many angels, how can they control the whole universe.

"Hmm! I don't understand!"

Jiang Nan nodded in agreement.

"Too lazy to talk to you."

Angel Yan sat back on the sofa in disgust, crossed his legs, and folded his hands in front of his chest.

"Then you go, this is my hotel suite." Jiang Nan wanted to say this, but he still didn't speak.

I had no choice but to pick up my phone and watch the video again.

The whole room fell into dead silence.

After a long time, Angel Yan seemed to remember that she was the one who should leave, and said again: "Your actions have caused you a lot of trouble, and there are two people at the level of a generation of soldiers coming to you, think about how it will end. "

After finishing speaking, there was a wormhole in the space behind him, and he was about to leave.

"Wait a minute!"

Jiang Nan stretched out his hand and shouted.


Angel Yan, who was raising the sofa and took it away by the way, aimed at him.

"Is it justice to see death without saving him?" Jiang Nan asked her aloud.

Angel Yan stared at him in a daze for two seconds, without saying a word, he fell back into the wormhole with the sofa up and disappeared into the room.

"And took my sofa away."

Jiang Nan pouted.

Then I thought of Angel Yan's words.

He knew that these two first-generation fighters were mostly the Hate Alliance.

"do not know either."


Jiang Nan was about to say if he was his opponent when the hotel's walls burst open.

A green giant walked in.

Jiang Nan was a little dumbfounded.

Just come?

He suddenly thought of why Angel Yan left suddenly. He must have noticed that someone was coming, so he left.

"C, I really want to die."

Jiang Nan let out a bah.

Made!This pirated guy is green no matter what.

It won't have the strength of the genuine Hulk.

Back at the manor, Angel Yan, who had just sat down with popcorn in his hand, could not help but twitch the corners of his eyes.

Angel Moy covered her mouth and laughed.

The angel stared at the screen, and said: "This big green guy, although he is the first generation, but he can explode the combat power of the second generation. Do you think this guy can beat this big green guy?"

"Data calculation, there is a [-]% winning rate."

Angel Moy said: "But there is still one generation. If he faces that generation, his winning rate is 80.00%. Now facing two, his winning rate is only [-]%."

"Hey! Sister Yan, this guy can play thunder and lightning."



Jiang Nan held the thunder knife, united his energy and spirit, tore through the air, and slashed across the pirated Hulk's neck like a flash of light.

Even without his head being chopped off, Jiang Nan knew he was fine.

However, this slash left a scorched black mark on the Hulk's neck.



Stimulating him to let out a ferocious roar, he came straight to him, and with three or two blows, he threw himself in front of Jiangnan.

"This guy has great strength, but not speed."

In an instant, Jiang Nan judged his weakness.

The huge Gang Qi swept out in an instant, turning into thousands of sword lights, and the golden rainbow slashed at the Hulk.

Although there was no scar left, the Hulk roared in pain and became even crazier.

The walls are like tofu.

In a short time, his room was smashed into pieces.

"That's it! Isn't the building collapsing?"

Jiang Nan knew that he could not fight here again, otherwise he would be buried alive here.

His figure flashed instantly and flew out of the building.

The Hulk who captured Jiangnan's figure also leaped out and grabbed Jiangnan with his thick and powerful green arms.

"I can step on the right foot with my left foot, what else do you have besides rough skin and thick flesh."

Jiang Nan turned over and jumped on the back of the Hulk. This pirated IQ is not good enough, how dare he rush out!

This is high altitude.

He held his right hand in the air, and the terrifying internal force turned into a golden gun as if condensed into a substance. The gun shaft shook, and the gun body flashed with lightning, directly piercing the Hulk's body, and the golden lightning surged through the whole body in an instant.


Since the Hulk was in the air, he couldn't counterattack Jiangnan on his back at all, and could only withstand electrotherapy from the inside out.

If the outside is thick, break through from the inside.

It's a pity that the height is not very high, and it will land in seven or eight seconds.

Jiang Nan had no choice but to leap. He was a mortal body and couldn't bear the impact of falling to the ground from a high altitude. His feet touched the water and landed on the ground.


The Hulk slammed into a car, the car was smashed all over, the surrounding roads were cracked, and the shock wave directly knocked the passers-by alive and killed them.

There was a terrified scream.

The Hulk didn't get up and was bleeding.

But Jiang Nan found that he was not dead, and his injuries were recovering rapidly.

"There are also genuine features?"

Jiang Nan's eyes were fixed, and he was about to take the opportunity to die.


A voice came.

Jiang Nan was shocked to realize that there were a large number of fully armed Fobo Le in ambush not far away.

Countless bullets hit Jiangnan.

The stellar energy instantly turned into a golden bell, just like a golden bell cover.

"Bang bang bang."

Bullets cannot penetrate.

Jiang Nan didn't allow himself to take the fire stupidly, he was afraid that the rocket launcher would be lifted up, and he would directly kill him in an instant.His current fist is like a giant hammer with a force of several thousand jin. When he punches down, his skull will crack and explode abruptly.

Extremely cruel, extremely vicious.

The angels who watched the battle were all stunned, and they were not interested in picking up the popcorn in their arms.

"This is a bit too much." Angel chased with a frown.

This is torture!

Be forgiving and forgiving!

"It's too late! They're all dead!"

Angel Yan raised his brows, staring at the picture that had been completely killed.

"Damn it for delaying my time!"

Realizing that the Hulk got up, Jiang Nan's face was livid, and he reprimanded these corpses sharply, which actually delayed his fighting opportunity.

If there are bad people, these people must be barbarian.


The green giant's eyes were red, and he roared and ran wildly towards the south of the Yangtze River, the earth roared.

Jiang Nan's eyes were cold, pointing to the sword, a ray of sky light cut across the Hulk's neck in a flash, and a lot of blood sprayed out.

Cut, but not cut.

Seeing the wound that was slowly healing visible to the naked eye, Jiang Nan was extremely annoyed.

These super genetic stuff.

It's so annoying!


The Hulk lifted a vehicle and smashed it directly towards Jiangnan.

However, Jiangnan was faster, and directly transformed into a thunder sword, which pierced through the back of his head from his chin and neck upwards.

If it was an ordinary person, he would have died directly.

But the Hulk didn't. Instead, his fierceness was aroused, the scarlet light in his eyes deepened, and he clapped his two big hands together towards Jiangnan.

"call out!"

However, Jiang Nan was dexterous, and he swam by, stepped on the Hulk's head, grabbed the thunder sword, channeled his true energy, and frantically treated him with electric therapy, hitting him from the inside out.

He couldn't believe it, the Hulk was as hard from the inside out.


The sound of breaking through the air at extreme speed sounded from behind, and Jiang Nan condensed, using the Hulk's head to borrow strength, stomping his feet and flying into the air.

A round shield hit the Hulk hard on the head.

With one kick and one blow, the Hulk's huge body couldn't help but staggered a few steps forward.


shouted a muscular man wearing a helmet and wearing the Amekali banner.

"Pirate captain?"

Jiangnan's pupils flickered fiercely.

The two generations mentioned by the angel are the pirate captain and the pirate giant?

Beat the snake to play seven inches!
First solve the pirate captain.

The pirated Hulk is obviously much stronger.

Jiangnan's black pupils turned into one red and one gold, the black energy and the golden energy exchanged, the yin and yang transformed, and the aura rolled like a tide. It was both sacred and masculine and majestic, but also evil and cold.

Chaos without heaven and earth, a ray of open sky.

The pirate captain's head soared into the sky.



In front of the dark position, the three angels stared wide-eyed.

In front of the display screen, Ducao Qiangwei and other Deno personnel were dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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