The world's best martial arts brother, his beauty is a favorite

Chapter 129 The Freshmen of the Tactical Academy

Chapter 129 The Freshmen of the Tactical Academy
"Everyone is very wise. You have chosen our Tactics Academy. For the future path of warriors, whoever has the strongest tactics will be the winner!"

"Let's introduce ourselves, let's start with me."

"I am Li Yuanjiang, the teaching assistant of your freshman class. I am currently in my third year. You can call me Assistant Li during your freshman year. After your freshman year, you can call me Senior Li or senior brother Li."

Li Yuanjiang wrote his name on the blackboard.

After the name, I wrote another one: Sanpin!

"I am now a third-rank martial artist, intermediate." Looking at Zhang Ni who was listening attentively with her head up, Li Yuanjiang continued with a twitch of his mouth: "Your class tutor is the teaching director of Nanjiang Wuda University, so some of the usual miscellaneous things are not easy to do. I will arrange it."

"I will post the class schedule and the distribution map in the university in the classroom. I will post the electronic file again later when I build a classmate group."

"You can also add my number and contact information, but to be honest, I mainly rely on myself in college, so you sometimes contact me. I may not reply in time after class. I also want to practice."

"Of course, if you have any questions, try to ask in the group as much as possible. If you have similar questions, don't repeat them, so as not to waste everyone's time."

"What's more, um, let me see, oh, class committee selection, when everyone introduces themselves, if you are interested, you can recommend them yourself."

"Okay, let's start from the first row."

Li Yuanjiang recited all the words copied from other class teachers.

Then he pointed to the boy on the far left in the first row and said, "Student, it's up to you to introduce yourself."

Guo Youyu: Was it so sudden?

In fact, Li Yuanjiang wanted Zhang Ni to introduce herself first.

In this case, Junior Sister can be the squad leader.

It's just that Zhang Ni's seat is not on the side, and Li Yuanjiang really can't start from the middle, so he started from Guo Youyu aggrievedly.

Guo Yuyu stood up: "Hi everyone, my name is Guo Yuyu. I, I usually like to eat, drink, and play. I am very happy to be classmates with you. Besides studying and practicing, let's discuss how to eat better , I will definitely have a seat on the road of warriors in the future, thank you everyone!"

At first, Guo Youyu was a little nervous.

But when it comes to eating and drinking, other people in the classroom can't help laughing.

Guo Youyu let go.

After finishing speaking, the whole person has some equipment.

Li Yuanjiang nodded: "The next classmate is welcome."

Zhang Ni stood up and turned around: "Hello everyone, my name is Zhang Ni, and the others are the same as my tablemate."

Zhang Ni bowed slightly to her classmates, then turned around and sat down.

Li Yuanjiang: ...

Students in the class: ...

Guo Youyu's chubby face was a little reddish and he said with some doubts: "Isn't this too simple for you?"

Zhang Ni quietly continued to flip through the book: "No, I said I'm the same as you, isn't it because I save everyone's time!"


"Student Guo Youyu, classmate Zhang Ni, don't you two have any class leaders who want to recommend themselves?" Li Yuanjiang asked, "There are rewards every month on the school's ranking list, and the performance is outstanding." You don’t have to do your homework.”

A smile appeared on Guo Youyu's chubby face, and then he said with a wry smile: "Mr. Li, that has nothing to do with me."

"..." Of course Li Yuanjiang knew that it had nothing to do with Guo Youyu.

But it has something to do with Zhang Ni.

Li Yuanjiang wants Zhang Ni to be the squad leader!

Guo Youyu's grades were dangling and he was admitted.

But Zhang Ni is different.

This little girl is a third grade just like herself.

He became a teaching assistant only after accepting the assignment from the school, and Wang Jinyang arranged for him to be in Zhang Ni's class.

When he was thinking of being a teaching assistant for a year like a salted fish.

Wang Jinyang told him: "Nini is the third grade, it's fine if you surpass me, if even a freshman surpasses you easily, Li Yuanjiang, your life will be in vain!"

Therefore, Li Yuanjiang knew that his class teacher was a little uneasy!
How did this girl and Wang Jinyang practice?
One by one evildoer!
And he saw it too.

Zhang Ni did not intend to be a class cadre.

This... definitely won't work!

Zhang Ni is only a freshman, and she is only a third grader, so she will have the resources of the school for the next four years of college life.

Wouldn't that be able to reach the fourth rank in the sophomore year...

Li Yuanjiang felt that he was going to be driven crazy!
He just wanted to earn some school points, so why was he forced to be better than a freshman?
At this time, Li Yuanjiang didn't know that Zhang Ni was already a third-rank peak warrior on the surface.

As long as she likes it.

Can break through the fourth grade at any time...

All the students in the class have finished introducing themselves.

Most of them applied for self-recommendation as class committee members.

Don't look at the students who have only come to report in the past few days.

School points are of great benefit.

Members of the class committee have a fixed point reward every month, which can be exchanged for a lot of resources.

Zhang Ni also knows, but she has no shortage.

According to the students' self-recommendations, grades, and martial arts situation, Li Yuanjiang determined the deputy squad leader, organization committee members, study committee members, sports committee members, and life committee members.

When the squad leader was established, disagreements arose.

Li Yuanjiang pointed out that Zhang Ni, who did not recommend herself, was the class monitor.

The students all have opinions.

Li Yuanjiang also has very good reasons: "Zhang Ni's score is the number one in the national college entrance examination, and her score in martial arts is No. 1."


Fresh graduates naturally know that Zhang Ni is the number one student in the national college entrance examination.

But isn't it true that you haven't seen a real person?
And this classmate is too beautiful.

In their hearts, beautiful people are all vases.

As the saying goes: Weak!

Li Yuanjiang: "Don't believe it, or are you not convinced?"

"Then compare!"

"Everyone can participate, whoever wins will be the squad leader?"

"Compare to compare!"

"Tell me, how do you compare?"

"Better than what?"

Li Yuanjiang looked at Zhang Ni: "Nini, how do you plan to compare?"

Zhang Ni rolled her eyes at Li Yuanjiang: "Assistant Li, I have not recommended myself and I don't want to be the class monitor. I agree with my classmates and I don't want to be the class monitor! I will spend a lot of time practicing and training in the future, and I don't have time to manage the affairs of the class. Choose well, leave me alone, and feel free to do anything else, thank you!"

Li Yuanjiang: ...Suddenly, Li Yuanjiang felt a little sympathetic to Wang Jinyang.

No wonder that guy is often full of resentment.

Lao Wang is really sad to have such a straight girl like Zhang Ni as his girlfriend.

He is only a teaching assistant, but he just wants to find the most powerful martial artist to be the squad leader, is it wrong?

Tema disagrees with the whole class except herself?

Li Yuanjiang looked at the eager faces of the other candidates in the class, smiled playfully and said, "I didn't want to say it to hurt you, but since you all think I'm troublesome, don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhang Ni frowned.

Raise your hand to stop it.

Li Yuanjiang ignored it directly and started blah blah, in order to get an excellent teaching assistant award for himself.

Li Yuanjiang also worked hard...

(End of this chapter)

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