After the proving ground came to the world

Chapter 161 The Haunted House Live Broadcast 20

Chapter 161 The Haunted House Live Broadcast 20
Su Wei felt that if the situation was still like this in the future, even if there was a side mission issued by an npc, it would not be the last person who survived.

Before Su Wei came to the dungeon, he also watched the previous players’ pass-through videos, but in these videos, many players walked or fell asleep without touching anything. Died in various ways.

Su Wei sighed softly, feeling a mess in his head.

"Sister Su Wei, I'll keep watch next, you should sleep for a while! Don't think too much about it."

Lu Ning didn't fall asleep at all, and kept lying down with his eyes closed and resting his mind. When it was time for him to watch the night, he sat up and patted Su Wei who was tapping his head.

Su Wei turned her head, looked at Lu Ning, finally gave up and sighed, then smiled at Lu Ning, and went to sleep.

In the dungeon, it is considered autumn at this time, but it is not very cold. It is quite warm to sleep with a thin quilt and clothes.

Lu Ning sat up with the quilt folded, and began to look out the window in a daze.

In this way, the five people took turns to watch the whole night. Although they didn't sleep much, they also regained some energy.

In the early morning of the next day, the rest of the people woke up smelling the smell of rice.

As soon as Guan Qiaoer sat up, she saw the delicious breakfast on the small round table in front of her. Immediately, she didn't feel drowsy at all.

"Wow, Lu Ning, you prepared so many delicious food!"

Guan Qiaoer stretched out her arms exaggeratedly.

Lu Ning handed her a bowl of thick rice porridge, and then returned her with a smile: "Brother Ma said that our task is a bit heavier today, so I just wanted to take out more food to replenish your energy! Come quickly, come and see if these are enough, if not enough, I will take it."

Guan Qiaoer didn't even have time to put on her coat, so she got off the bed and walked to the dining table in two or three steps to take the porridge bowl that Lu Ning handed over. She took a deep breath and said intoxicatedly: "It smells so good! That's a lot!"

"Okay, let's eat quickly! After eating, let's assign tasks." Su Wei urged.

Since in dungeons, time is more precious than money, so everyone has already practiced the skills to cook a bowl of rice in 3 minutes.

However, although everyone ate quickly, they did not appear embarrassed.

After about 7 minutes, breakfast was over.

Lu Ning had already determined the time of existence of the dishes and the table in advance, so they also saved the time to clean up the dishes.

After eating, five people sat on the bedding.

At this time, I relaxed, and the doubts that I didn't think about yesterday also appeared in my mind.

Leng Mingjie took out the layout plan he found earlier.

"According to the meaning of the barrage, this courtyard is not a study at all, so why does this picture say that this is a study?" Leng Mingjie puzzled.

Su Wei took the layout plan and observed it carefully. It showed the entire structure of Su Zhai, even the old locust tree in front of the gate. This piece of paper was only as big as A5 paper, but for Su Zhai The scene is indeed described with exceptional completeness.

"Ah! It seems that a piece has been torn here!" Guan Qiaoer pointed to a place and exclaimed suddenly.

Others looked in the direction of her fingers. Indeed, although the paper was cut extremely flat, it could still be seen from the fine ink marks at the end that it had been cut.

Su Wei walked into the yard with the layout plan and carefully observed the direction of the sun. Finally, she guessed the whole picture from the vertical and horizontal lines of the writing.

"This should be the date, the name of the person who drew it, and a message. Judging from the direction of the ink extension, it is written in the year of should be painted in 1918. By the way, what time is it now? Year?" Su Wei turned around and asked.

Lu Ning and the others don't know, but they can ask the barrage.

Although there are many perverts in the barrage!But there are also a few people who answer the question seriously.

"I saw it, it's 2019!" Guan Qiaoer raised her hand and said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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