three days later.

Li Xiaoxiao successfully obtained the registration qualification and registered.

This hunt still needs to go through three rounds of competition.

The first round is a written test.

Crescent Pavilion gives a question, and the contestants answer the question according to their own ideas.

This time the topic: how to maintain mental stability in the heat.

After Li Xiaoxiao got the question, she thought for a while and started to answer it.

Most of the other native NPCs have lived in this hot and extreme weather for a long time.

Many people have an answer after thinking for a while.

A small number of players have not experienced such weather.

I don't know where to start.

They want to use the system to cheat, but this needs to be done by the players themselves.

Those players who can't answer the questions are eliminated in this round.

The second round of force competition.

Competitors need to split bricks with bare hands within the specified time.

The top [-] can directly enter the hunting activities.

The remaining people combined with the first round of answering test to select ten contestants.

The others can only regret losing the selection and cannot participate in this hunting activity.

The corner of Li Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched when she saw this test.

She was sure and affirmed that the City Lord's Mansion must have something to do with the player.

Who would have thought of splitting bricks with bare hands.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at the people next to her in a daze, and somehow calmed down in her heart.

Now her strength is much stronger than before.

Even if you can't get No.1, at least the top [-] is easy.

This round is divided into three batches of competition, and there is a registrant next to each contestant.

Registrants will keep track of the time.

There is also an invigilator on it who is responsible for recording the time.

Li Xiaoxiao is in the third round, she observes the general situation of the first two rounds.

Combine your own strength to judge how many bricks you need to split.

The invigilator started with the sound of the invigilator, and the inverted hourglass began to count.

Li Xiaoxiao wrapped her palms in advance to protect herself from injury.

Then began to concentrate on splitting bricks.

Li Xiaoxiao's hands started to feel numb when she hit No. 20.

The final result is 80 yuan.

If this was in the original world, she couldn't believe that she could split so many bricks.

Li Xiaoxiao is still very satisfied with this result.

I just don't know where this score can be ranked.

I hope to be in the top [-], even if I get stuck.

She wasn't sure if her first test was better than the others.

After all, the first test can be passed as long as it is reasonable.

The final ranking still needs to wait for some time.

Li Xiaoxiao hasn't felt this anxious for a long time.

In the end, when the results came out, Li Xiaoxiao happened to be stuck in No. 20 and successfully entered the hunting team.

When the registrar announced the list of [-] members who entered the hunt and kill activities.

The few people who were stuck behind the thirty were somewhat dissatisfied.

They feel that their performance and strength are no worse than those in front of them.

Besides, how can a person split bricks with bare hands to see his true strength.

They demanded a rematch.

Just like before, a real fight.

Instead of engaging in such inexplicable games.

When the manager received the task issued by his superiors, he knew that there would be a lot of trouble in this competition.

He unhurriedly motioned for everyone to be quiet.

He waited for the audience to quiet down before slowly opening his mouth to explain.

"Everyone, I know that some people are very curious about the content of this competition, and they are also somewhat dissatisfied with the result.

However, this time the task was very different from the previous ones.

Our city lord said that these two tasks are related to this time, and we can't be perfunctory casually, and must be screened according to the topics he gave.

With this explanation, I will not hide it from everyone.

We need to find something in the rubble this time, and that thing is very important.

You also know that not only is the temperature high there, but there are also many rocks.

Tell me, if you don't know how to maintain mental stability under high temperature, you can't split bricks with your bare hands.

When we get there, will we still have to take care of you?

At that time, it will be difficult for you and me to delay the task assigned by the city lord.

Of course, you don't need to worry, our Lord City Lord said.

Those with lower rankings will go back and wait for the news, and tomorrow they will select some capable people from here to do another task.

So you don't need to worry about the imprecise selection this time. "

After the steward finished speaking, there was discussion among the crowd below.

In the end, these people accepted the result.

They all know how dangerous the rock pile can be.

They won't necessarily be able to get out there unscathed.

If he delays the mission of the city lord, he might be blocked by Crescent City.

After weighing the pros and cons, these people calmed down and did not make trouble.

The steward is very satisfied with the choices of these people.

He ordered his subordinates to deal with the follow-up, and he took thirty people with money to see the city lord.

Enter the City Lord's Mansion.

Li Xiaoxiao secretly looked at the surrounding environment.

The building of the City Lord's Mansion is very suitable for the desert area.

There are some trees around him to keep out the dust.

The landscape inside is very harmonious, almost incompatible with the desert outside.

The steward led everyone to an open place.

Let everyone rest here first, and he will invite the city lord to come over.

Li Xiaoxiao stood behind the crowd, eavesdropping on the gossip of others.

Li Xiaoxiao relished being a melon eater.

The few people in front have been talking about the city lord's private affairs.

"I heard that the city lord likes men, do you think I can win the eyes of the city lord with my beauty?"

"Just you? Don't be ashamed there."

"What are you talking about? I heard that the city lord is a pair with the one he has been carrying all the time."


"At once……"

"The city owner is here!"

The people in front immediately stood up, as if they hadn't moved just now.

Li Xiaoxiao heard half of the gossip, feeling itchy in her heart.

I can't wait to grab the shoulder of the person in front of me and ask who it is!

However, the city lord still came with the people around him.

Li Xiaoxiao saw the people behind the city lord froze in place.

Why does that man look so much like her ex-boyfriend?

When Li Xiaoxiao thought about desert research, she was opposed by everyone around her.

She thought that she was a delicate little girl going to the desert with that group of gentlemen to endure hardships and do something.

Her ex-boyfriend can't stand long-term long-distance relationships.

So the two broke up.

Li Xiaoxiao was obsessed with research and didn't have much reaction to this matter.

Without even thinking about it, I agreed to break up.

I don't know how long it has been now.

I didn't expect to meet again in the game.

Li Xiaoxiao wasn't sure if she was her ex-boyfriend.

Not looking at him, but focusing on the city lord.

Not to mention, the city lord is very handsome.

Standing with her suspected ex-boyfriend is quite suitable.

Li Xiaoxiao shook her head to get this idea out of her head.

I was actually knocked down by others' gossip and CP.

This is not good, let's listen to what needs to be done for this mission.

The city lord first said a lot of brainwashing words, and then slowly let the steward continue his words to explain the mission this time.

The mission this time is similar to what Li Xiaoxiao heard at the inn before.

These 30 of them plus a group of teams from the four major guilds and the city lord's mansion.

A total of more than 100 people set out to find the ruins at the rubble.

The owner of this relic is unknown.

According to reliable information from the secret agents of the City Lord's Mansion.

There are many treasures in this ruins, and these treasures can make Crescent City the first of the four main cities.

At that time, these treasures can be used to renovate and expand Crescent City.

Adding more buildings is more conducive to the people's living.

There is also a drawing in the ruins, which records the secret of why this place became a desert.

As long as the secret is unlocked, everyone doesn't need to suffer from such an environment.

Everyone who participates in this event will receive generous rewards.

The steward said that the city lord hopes that everyone will pay attention to safety and return safely.

The people below were as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Li Xiaoxiao raised her hand in symbolic excitement.

She is thinking about what she needs to prepare.

She didn't know much about the rock pile, and it took a little time to understand.

Fortunately, this mission did not start until three days later.

During this period, the City Lord's Mansion is responsible for the board and lodging of 30 people.

In her free time, Li Xiaoxiao wandered outside to inquire about more news.

By the way, prepare what you need.

three days later.

The four major guilds came to the City Lord's Mansion to join the people here.

The five parties decided to set off after a brief exchange.

Li Xiaoxiao kept hiding herself in the team and followed the big team.

What surprised her was that the city lord and Lin Qi beside him also set off with the team.

It took Li Xiaoxiao three days to confirm that Lin Qi was her ex-boyfriend.

But she did not recognize him.

After breaking up, you should maintain the attitude of breaking up.

Besides, he is still in a disguised state.

It is not convenient to recognize each other.

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