Chapter 63 Misty Prairie
These people, Li Xiaoxiao and his party, had been prepared for a long time, and they didn't panic in the face of these mutants.

They went straight back to the cabin and locked the door.

When protecting animals against mutant attacks, the animal protection enchantment has already been upgraded to the full level.

Now these mutants are weaker than those, and they don't need to go out in person. As long as the self-protection of the enchantment is turned on, these mutants will die in the attack of those vines.

Several people hid in the hut to watch those mutants being killed one by one.

The witch's face turned green.

Her eyes flashed fiercely, and she chanted a few words in a low voice.

The leaves on Mubai's head grew even crazier.

The three brothers thought he was going to mutate and hid far away.

He was afraid that Mu Bai would be the first to attack them.

Gao Xin was a little worried: "What's going on, Lao Bai, you..."

Several other people were also worried about whether he would mutate, and even more worried about whether he would be controlled by a witch.

After all, everyone saw the witch singing in a low voice, that's why Mu Bai became like this.

But a few people saw that Li Xiaoxiao didn't make a move, so they stood aside and waited.

The bosses are not in a hurry, what are they in a hurry for.

Mu Bai was not as worried as they were, at this moment he felt that his body seemed to have some kind of special power.

This power gave him the feeling that it was very strong.

Strong enough to change the structure of his body.

Mu Bai relaxed his body, closed his eyes to feel the power.

The third child looked at him in horror and became more and more weird: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and do it before he is completely mutated."

"Yes, yes, even if he is your teammate, you can't protect him." The second child was booing.

The boss looked at him and wondered what he was thinking.

Li Xiaoxiao took out the cannon and pointed at the three of them: "If you talk nonsense, you will be destroyed."

The two of them turned pale with fright, but they felt that Li Xiaoxiao would not easily hurt them.

After all, their distance is a bit short, as long as they fire the cannon, the whole house will be destroyed.

The third child continued to speak stubbornly: "You just wait for her to completely mutate, and don't regret it then."

Gao Xin quickly threw a throwing knife.

The flying knife passed directly between the second and third child, and then stuck into the wall.

"If you talk nonsense again, you will be dizzy and thrown out."

The boss thought of the task of the system and directly opened a dialogue with the system.

"I found the unknown! I want to report!"

Then he sent Mu Bai's name to the system.

[Ding~ Received a report from player Jin Xiong, and tested the authenticity of the player's report. 】

[Ding~ The body of the player Lao Bai was detected, and there was no abnormality. 】

[Ding~Player Jin Xiong failed to report and deducted 1000 million points. 】

【Players please be careful, don't lie, don't hide, and don't make trouble, otherwise you will be punished by the system. 】

Four pieces of information are directly sent to each person by the game system.

Then the world chat exploded again.

"Wow grass! This man named Jin Xiong is a real warrior, and he actually reported the number two."

"If Lao Bai doesn't know, I'll broadcast Chixiang live."

"That's right, if Lao Bai didn't know about it, he wouldn't sell so many medicines to save us."

"Warriors go all the way."



Jin Xiong is the boss, and everyone can see this information.

Everyone looked at them very angrily.

Lin Jiancong was the first to curse: "Lao Bai saved you before, yet you suspect her and him."

Gao Xin moved his hands and feet: "It seems that you two feel too boring, how about I send you out? Don't thank me too much, I am more helpful."

Liu Yuedong and Zhang Xiaomeng also moved their hands and feet, as if they would rush over and tear them apart in the next second.

Li Xiaoxiao saw this news for the first time, when she was looking for the switch, she didn't pay attention to this information at all.

Jin Xiong saw that these people actually defended Mu Bai, and was a little angry: "Since he is not unknown, why did he become like this?"

This group of people must have used some special means to evade the system's detection.

How these people are so stubborn is simply unreasonable.

But Jin Xiong didn't dare to attack them directly, there were too many people in front of him, and he couldn't beat them.

Now Mu Bai's whole body is entwined with branches and vines.

Li Xiaoxiao's whole body was tense, and SHIELD didn't detect that Mu Bai was in danger.

Either he is not dangerous, or he is so powerful that even Aegis cannot detect him.

At this moment, she can only wait.

As long as she detects the slightest danger, she will strike mercilessly.

Mu Bai entered a white space, where there was a big tree.

He could see that there was a thread on his body connected to the big tree.

It felt like he was taking the power of the big tree.

It feels weird, even a little boring.

Mu Bai tried to cut off the contact, but found it was useless.

He sat down cross-legged, waiting for the power of the big tree to be completely absorbed by him.

Witches outside the barrier feel that the connection between themselves and the target is getting weaker and weaker.

She continued to speed up the speed of chanting the spell, and added a little bit of her own strength, trying to control the tree demon in Mu Bai's body.

This dryad seed was buried in Mu Bai's body when he drank the special medicine for Mu Bai.

It is a symbol of evil, more powerful than ordinary dryads.

If the adults hadn't said that this seed must be planted on Mu Bai, she wouldn't just waste it on him like this.

This seed can also help her gain energy and escape from here.

After a long wait, the witch completely lost control.

She spat out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Mu Bai unwillingly: "How come? What are you?"

The big tree was out of the witch's control, and Mu Bai absorbed it faster.

The big tree withered at an extremely terrifying speed.

Mu Bai opened his eyes, a green light flashed in his eyes and he returned to normal.

[Congratulations to player Lao Bai for obtaining the Dryad spar. 】

Everyone received the message from the system again.

The chat exploded again.

Several people watched Mu Bai regain his human form.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would suspect that Mu Bai almost turned into a tree demon.

Li Xiaoxiao asked Xiaomang what the dryad spar was in private.

Xiaomang replied that it didn't know, maybe the main system discovered some new special items.

He needs time to check.

Lin Jiancong asked cautiously: "Brother Bai, how do you feel now?"

Mu Bai looked at his body, and felt a powerful force surging in his body: "It feels much stronger, and it will take a while to digest it before I can fully control this power."

Mu Bai looked outside, and found that he could see the weaknesses of various plant variants.

This may be the skill brought by the dryad spar.

With Mu Bai's cheating skills, the witch could only be forced to retreat to the forest in the end.

Li Xiaoxiao looked at him curiously: "Why did you become like this?"

Mu Bai also didn't know what happened to him.

The only thing we can know is that this spar was sent by the witch, but why does she want so many?

This game is really getting more and more incomprehensible.

Strange and strange, it is becoming less and less relevant to ordinary survival games.

I don't know what the creator was thinking.

"Maybe the game went crazy and changed the game."

Li Xiaoxiao nodded in agreement.

Isn't that right, today's games are getting less and less related to survival.

I don't know what outrageous tasks to do in the future.

 I finally filled in some of the holes I dug before. I almost forgot, but I pulled it back hahahaha (°ー°〃)
(End of this chapter)

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