Chapter 54

At the forefront of the team are two white inducement horses.

The eighteen racehorses participating in the competition slowly followed behind them.

The gold master walked in the middle of the team.

It still had the same aggrieved face as usual, and it didn't know who thought it was bullying it.

Before the competition, Haoyi had roughly confirmed the running method this time. As long as there is no big problem in the gate, he should be able to get a good result.

The king of Babylon and the Great Boss are the ones he needs to pay attention to the most.

The king of Babylon is very strong in advance, and he must seize the position at the beginning.

After all, they are gate number ten this time.

The commentator was still explaining their affairs, while the horse racers were guiding the horses into the race track, and then started warming up beside the track.

Now there is another 10 minutes or so of prep time.


What happened suddenly on the track side attracted the commentator's attention again.

"The gold master seems to have had a dispute with Essin Osman?"

"It's not uncommon to be a child of the Golden Journey after all."

"It seems that the golden master is a focus of attention no matter where he is, but it has to be said that the opponent still has a strong finishing ability."

Fortunately, although there was a little dispute, it did not affect the normal progress of the game.

But this is just a small episode for the commentary, and the next game is the most important.

Haoyi also quickly took control of the reins and asked the golden master to change to another place to warm up.

A Jiang is really not worrying.

Fortunately, he reacted very quickly just now, if there was a fight, something would really happen.

The golden master yelled again, and then looked back at the other party.

This buckhair horse just makes it an eyesore.

"Okay, okay, let's warm up."

Seeing that the gold master hadn't given up, Haoyi quickly activated his own skills.

I hope there won't be any problems during the game.

Then he glanced towards the viewing platform.

Ayano Qingjiang should be watching the two of them from the VIP room right now.

"Everyone, please start preparing to enter the gate."

After a while, the staff pulled the horses into the turnstile one by one.

Of course, this process was relatively smooth, and there were no difficult households among the racehorses.

From No. 18 to NO.[-], they all entered the gate smoothly.

"Check completed."

"Check completed."

The staff who drilled out from the front also began to check the operation of the gates.

If one of the turnstiles suddenly breaks down, it will be a big problem.

Fortunately, this matter did not happen.


This time, after entering the turnstile, the gold master was relatively quiet and didn't move around casually.

Looking around restlessly in the gate, even raising his legs high is not uncommon.

There are even situations where the horse has gone out and the jockey is still in the gate.

"Now that we are all ready, I will officially announce the official start of the 60th Spring Championship."

"This will also be an important ticket for these [-] racehorses to compete for the Yuesao Prize next month."

As the voice of the explanation fell, the familiar voice sounded again.

Cheers resounded on the racecourse that was originally noisy.

But I came here naturally hoping to see my favorite horse racing, win this race, and then go further.

Qingjiang Ayano, who was in the VIP room, also brought a glass of water.

This time only her assistant was on the side, and the trainer Kuto didn't even show his face this time.

"Isn't this the little girl from the Qingjiang family?"

"Hi, uncle."

Ayano Aoe glanced at the man in suit who suddenly came over.

This person is Essin Osman's horse owner, but he didn't expect the other party to come over suddenly.

"How about it, what date do you like this time?"

"Uncle was joking, of course I am optimistic about my own horse racing."

Ayano Aoe smiled faintly.

Her will cannot be shaken by anyone.

Sure enough, this person also came to see her joke.

Drop drop-

The red lights flashed, and the musical accompaniment came to the end.

open the gate!
The moment the gate opened, the golden master rushed out in an instant, and the speed was not too slow.

Haoyi also quickly adjusted his posture.

This time, because of the position of the gate, he was not in a hurry to grab the position.

The only advantage of being on the outside is that you can run close to the side, and then push forward slowly, and it is not even easy to be blocked by the opponent among the horses.

"It's a beautiful start! The king of Babylon, the Great Boss, and the gold master quickly seized the dominant position."

"I didn't expect Rider Sasaki to change his running style this time."

As a commentator for many years, he naturally also knew that the gold master directly adopted the first running method this time.

As for Spreading Wings and Soaring, which they were optimistic about at the beginning, they didn't seize the advantageous position, and just let the horses block them directly in that way.

"The three racehorses in front also confirmed their positions, but the position did not move quickly."

"There is still suspense in this game."

"Aisin Osman, who has No.1 freedom and 12 popularity, started chasing."

The [-]-meter track is mainly a straight line, so once the position is determined, the horses can only start the final sprint in the last few hundred meters.

"The racehorses are about to enter a small bend, and the outcome has probably been determined."

"But the golden giants who have been in the fourth and fifth positions are not starting to accelerate."

As soon as the commentary was finished, the golden master on the field suddenly started to stall.

Then it was quickly overtaken by other horses from the fourth and fifth positions.

"The golden master stalled, the golden master suddenly stalled!"

To be honest, the commentator didn't see it clearly just now, but this kind of thing still happened. The golden master who originally occupied a favorable position has already started to slow down.

Such a big advantage is ruined like this? !
There were bursts of exclamations from the audience watching the game on the viewing platform. Many of them didn't understand why the golden master suddenly slowed down.

Could it be that the jockey gave the wrong order?
But after thinking about it, the other party was just a rookie who had participated in a competition.

It seems more reasonable to look at it this way.

"What happened to Dad just now?!"

Haoyi's little fans jumped up quickly.

Obviously, the gold master has maintained an advantage for more than 1000 meters ahead.

As long as you wait until the last few hundred meters to start sprinting, you will definitely have no problem getting the top few places.

The powerful final blow of Kyoto still remained in his mind.

"It seems that the gold master wants to hit that Isin Osman in the inner lane."

The little boy's father picked up his child.

In any case, this sudden deceleration must be a big problem, and the advantage that was originally occupied is all ruined because of the end of this point.

When the gold master first took the priority position, he was quite happy, at least he could earn a little.

After all, the second popularity he bought has already been sent.

(End of this chapter)

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