I raise racehorses in Tokyo

Chapter 489 Tactics against the Gold Master

Chapter 489 Tactics against the Gold Master

When the interview was about to start, Haoyi stretched his waist, and then got it right.

"Jockey Sasaki, our side is ready."


Haoyi also adjusted his hat.

Now he naturally wants to end the interview early, and then go back to rest for a while, and everyone will have a meal together in the evening, and then discuss the next tactics.

"Jockey Sasaki, long time no see."

"Well, hello everyone, I'm Koichi Sasaki."

Haoyi also entered the state.

Operating mode.

"Jockey Sasaki, what everyone wants to know most now is the current state of the golden ship?"

"In terms of condition, I feel that it is much better than before this year. After all, the horse has improved physically during this period of time. In this competition, I will definitely be able to show the strongest strength."

Hao Yi thought for a while and then said.

He also just finished chasing, and the golden boat has been taken back to take a shower and rest.

"Jockey Sasaki is very confident today."

"It's okay, but our enemy this time must also be the strongest. After all, this is also the first time to leave the classic competition and participate in the mixed group."

Haoyi still has his own self-confidence.

The advantage of participating in the mixed group is that there is weight loss, and the golden boat can be regarded as representing the strongest three-year-old horse to participate in the Arima Memorial.

"Who does Jockey Sasaki think Arima Kinen needs to be most careful about?"

"That must be the golden master. It is very difficult to win the opponent, but it is not impossible."

Hao Yi didn't hesitate at all.

The golden master has now become a big mountain, standing in front of him, this feeling is still very oppressive.

"Jockey Sasaki, as the main jockey of the original gold master, is going to fight on the field this time. Do you feel any different?"

When the interviewer asked about this, his eyes lit up.

This question is what everyone wants to know the most.


When asked this question, Koichi still hesitated.

"There are still a lot of feelings. After all, we have traveled together for such a long time, but now we can probably experience the feeling of despair when facing the gold master."

Speaking of the latter, Haoyi also shook his head.

Hope to get a bigger advantage before the gold master breaks out.

The quick explosive power and acceleration of the golden master is simply too strong.

If you are at a similar distance, the golden master and the golden boat rushing to the golden boat together are definitely not opponents of each other, so we must pay attention to tactics here.

"Then I believe Jockey Sasaki's mood will be more complicated on the field."

The interviewer looked at it and continued to ask questions.

"Then did Jockey Sasaki have anything to say to Jockey Chi Tian?"

"For seniors, I just need to be more careful as seniors, after all, the golden tyrant really has a bad temper."

Hao together.

Chi Tianqian has also worked very hard during this period, he can see each other almost every time he trains.

And Ayano Qingjiang has been busy with the retirement ceremony of the gold master, and there are really a lot of things to prepare.


Haoyi's interview here is also quite fast.

The following questions are also some simple questions, mainly some views on competitions and horse racing.

After it was over, Koichi went to look at the resting golden ship.

Although tired, my mental state is still quite good.

Haoyi also gave it a carrot as a reward.

At least I'm not lazy today.


During dinner, Koichi also brought them to Tokyo.

After eating, you can take the tram back.

In the middle of the meal, Koichi and Mimori were discussing the next tactics.

In two or three days it will be the Arima Memorial.

"So what new ideas do you have now?"

San Mori asked.

During this period of time, apart from training the golden ship, she has been looking at the data and analyzing the possible tactics of other camps in the future.

But Koichi's thoughts are naturally also very important.

After all, the previous competitions were mainly carried out according to Koichi's ideas, and the effect was naturally quite successful, and those competitions were all successfully won.

"If you think about it, it feels like you are going to specifically target the golden master. Since the opponent is the No. 5 gate, there is a high probability that other jockeys will also want to directly increase their speed to squeeze the opponent into it."

Hao Yi felt that there was no need for him to fight for a position in front.

"As a victim of last year, you should feel quite a bit about this."

San Mori said with a smile.

Last year's Arima Memorial Gold Master was blocked to the end.

In the end, he still caught up in a straight line by sprinting outside.

"So the time passed quite quickly. Last year, the start was indeed not very smooth. Everyone was chasing and intercepting. Fortunately, they rushed out in the end."

The color of memory also appeared in Hao's eyes.

Thinking about it now, I am quite happy, after all, I won smoothly at that time.

Triple Crown plus Arima Commemoration.

Although the Golden Ship is an undefeated triple crown, it needs to win the Golden Tyrant.

"So do you have any confidence in this?"

Mimori narrowed his eyes.

Based on Sasaki Hiroshi's understanding of a pair of gold masters, it must be the most powerful one who wants to target the opponent.

"That must be to win, haha."

"Master, come on!"

The future who was eating waved his little hand.

As a stable attendant, her main task is to do her part well, and the rest is to continue to cheer on her young master.

Although the golden master is very strong, horse racing itself is an uncertain issue.

"Okay, I have more fighting spirit when I have a future."

Hao smiled.

He hasn't thought much about how to run next.

"I also believe in Jockey Sasaki and the Golden Ship."

Takuto Yamana followed.

He also worked very hard during training during this time.

The only bad thing is being retaliated by the gold ship several times.

Mimori rolled his eyes.

This is coaxing children.

But since I made such a choice at the beginning, I must stick to this road to the end. No matter what, I have to walk this road now even if I cry.

With the original situation of the Golden Ship, it was really difficult to run the Japan Cup and avoid the war with the Arima Memorial.

That's what the lady camp chose.

And everyone also wants to see the Golden Master fight the Golden Ship once before retiring.

"Eat first, or it will be cold in a while."

Haoyi also continued to move.

Although he has a special meal today, it is not a problem to eat a little less of other things.

After all, the agent is not here today.

And there is no ghost among them.

"Hurry up and eat, we will go back after eating here."

Mimori looked at the time.

They are about to transfer the golden ship to Zhongshan Racecourse.

(End of this chapter)

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