I raise racehorses in Tokyo

Chapter 438 Position Grab

Chapter 438 Position Grab
Emperor's Castle, Gate No. [-].

Surin Meiya, Gate No. [-].

Beautiful sky, Gate No. [-].

Holy Church, Gate No. [-].

Sharp Hoof, NO.11 turnstile.

Haiyue, NO.16 turnstile.

"The last one to enter the gate is No. [-] Golden Master, and now all [-] racehorses have successfully entered the gate."

"The No.90 Arc de Triomphe reward is about to start!"

"Please cheer for my country's horse racing gold master!"

The jockeys who entered the turnstiles in front were also very leisurely. Many people were adjusting their equipment and looking left and right.

See who's next to you.

There are actually many newcomers on the Arc de Triomphe this time, and Haoyi is one of them.

But it was obvious that the pressure on Haoyi's side was greater.

After all the racehorses entered the gates, the audience's attention naturally focused on the gates.

Getting out of the gate is crucial, but fortunately, the distance is long, and the jockey and the racehorse also have the possibility of recovery.

After entering the gate, Hao touched the mane of the golden master.

The pressure on them to go out of the gate is not too great. The outsiders just need to move forward at a normal starting speed, and then slowly find their own suitable position.

He was very happy to be able to get this position. The competition in the inner lane was obviously more brutal. For example, the emperor's castle that got the inner lane position would definitely be targeted by many jockeys.


No.90 One Arc de Triomphe Reward

Racecourse: Longchamp Racecourse, France

Distance: 2400m
Track Type: Grass

Racecourse Condition: heavy
"The gates have been opened, and the gold master has exited the gates very well."

With the sound of opening the gate, the gold master went out smoothly.

Then Haoyi directly turned his head and looked to the right. At this moment, he did not push the horse, but was just waiting for the change of the horse herd.

The golden master is also maintaining his pace, waiting for Haoyi's next order.

"It seems that Jockey Sasaki is planning to stay behind this time. After all, it is too difficult to compete for the front lane in the outside lane."

"Although this can save a lot of physical strength in the front, the pressure to rush out in the back is also great. After all, there are 18 horses, and today's field is extremely difficult."

"It is still very difficult to break out on this kind of venue, and it requires a lot of energy."

"It can only be said that this running method is free to choose, it depends on the next performance."

The commentary in China has also been analyzed.

They have seen too many horses left behind, and they have not played well in the final straight.

Really sink to the bottom.

Hopefully it won't be the case this time around today.

After the gate, except for a few horses who took the lead, the other horses were basically in a straight line.

And Haoyi also pulled a little bit, making the gold master move closer to the inner path.

With so many racehorses ahead, it is naturally the best to break the wind and relieve the pressure for them.

The rhythm of today's game was similar to what he expected, with a very slow pace.

According to estimates under normal circumstances, at least the woods in front of the track will gradually accelerate.

And the vehicle responsible for filming on the side track also started quickly.

After almost, the speed of the horses obviously began to increase slowly. The jockey in the No.1 position even looked back at the distance gap between him and the rear.

Although the time is short, most of the jockeys have already determined the running method for the next race, so it is not so difficult to compete for the position next.

Because the number of steps did not increase very quickly, the jockeys among them were all observing each other's surroundings.

Among them, many jockeys turned their heads.

Naturally, Haoyi didn't have any unnecessary movements. They were in the group of horses, and there was a racehorse following them at the end, so there was nothing else to pay attention to.

"The No. 15 racehorse Hemingway took the lead, and Robin Hood was two horses behind."

"It was Su Meilinya who got the third position, and it directly got a good position in the inner lane."

"The Emperor's Castle No. 1 is still in the middle of the horse herd at this moment, and the golden master still maintains his own rhythm and waits behind the horse herd."

Judging from the current situation, the position of the gold master is quite good, and it is relatively easy to get the position in the final straight.

Now everything is going in a good direction.

Most of the other popular racehorses are also slightly ahead of the Golden Master, so don't worry too much.



Seeing that the speed in front was gradually increasing, Haoyi also asked the gold master to increase his speed to keep up.

Naturally, the one who accelerated the fastest now was Hemingway who took the first position.

No matter what, as the low-popular horse racing opponent in this field, he still wants to try to escape.

But the jockeys behind did not have any intention of catching up, but instead maintained the original pace that was slowly increasing.

It is as difficult as heaven to be an escaped horse in this kind of venue.

And they feel that most of the racehorses at the front are quickly consuming their physical strength, but the middle is the best position.

The happiest person now is naturally Bai Zhaolei riding Su Lin Meiya.

I didn't expect that I could grab a good position after leaving the gate. After all, there are famous horses around, but they still managed to do it. In terms of physical fitness, he also felt that the horse he was riding should be in the best condition today.

He's just keeping his pace right now.

As for Dai Tuli, Mo Ya, and Li Muhua, they were naturally waiting for the opportunity.

They had already confirmed the position of each other in the middle of the game, and now the only one who has not confirmed should be the golden master in the rear.

Before participating in the competition, they naturally all had a strong understanding of the golden master's last foot.

Now the game is about halfway through, and the opponent has no intention of coming up.

This means that Sasaki Koichi wants to compete in the final straight!

But what they think more about is how to break out of the encirclement next.

I got a good position in the inner road before, but how to get out is also a problem.

After 1 minute and 30 seconds of the race, the speed of the horses had reached a fairly fast level, which also caused many horses with poor strength and poor pre-race conditions to start to show fatigue.

Haoyi naturally also paid attention to the changes ahead.

His running method of preparing to move forward still needs to pay attention to the changes in the horses ahead.

And in the middle of this, he could also feel that the condition of the gold master was getting better and better.

During this period, he also let the opponent change his feet several times.

The Golden Master still had some running methods that were not used to the slow speed before, and when the speed increased, it also felt that its state was recovering rapidly.

Haoyi also felt that the opponent was getting more and more powerful.

But before the straight, they just need to rely on the horses in the inner lane to run.

(End of this chapter)

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