I raise racehorses in Tokyo

Chapter 397 This is the strength of the triple champion horse!

Chapter 397 This is the strength of the Triple Crown Horse!
Dare to try!
The golden master rushed straight out of the middle of the two inside racehorses.

"In the lead is horse number four, Mount Shasta."

"Following behind is our No. 1 gas gold master, the dominant position, and Rong Jin Shining is also catching up from heretics at this moment."

"After these two racehorses is the third most popular Triumph Ballet."

"At the final decisive moment, who can become the champion of Takarazuka Memorial!!"

The commentary speed is quite fast.

On the field, things change rapidly, maybe a horse suddenly rushes up from behind.

The one with the greatest chance of winning now is naturally the Golden Master. Not only has the other party grabbed a good position in the inner lane, but now his speed has improved very quickly.

In contrast, several other racehorses were affected and had to go out of the way.

The strongest racehorses on the last foot went inside, and they were forced to outside.

The gold master has already laid down the winning edge.

It can only be said that Koichi Sasaki is as courageous as ever!

If this is blocked, the entire straight road will be blocked.

Iwata Yasunori is naturally very anxious at the moment.

It hadn't occurred to him that the golden master who had been following closely would take advantage of the turning and slip away directly, while he had to chase from the outside lane.

Kawata Masaya, who was at No.1, also glanced sideways.

This short No.1 will soon be gone.

In the previous games, he had also seen the strong end of the gold master.

And dominance, as the biggest opponent of the gold master, naturally did not give up this game.

Although he is an outsider, he didn't waste much footwork before.

Now is the time to compete at the end!


Oh oh oh——!
Oooo--! !

At this moment, the auditorium also boiled up, and many horse newspapers flew into the air.

The Golden Master is back!
This is undoubtedly what they want to see the most, and the route Sasaki Koichi chose this time is also quite powerful.

This is really not afraid of being scolded.

It seems that what happened some time ago did not break the opponent, but made him even more powerful.

After entering the straight, all the power of the golden master broke out.

It's finally time for it to kick in.

Rigid wrist!

And Haoyi also started his own forward rhythm.

The route has been chosen, now it's just a matter of rushing forward.

The long straight of Hanshin is very suitable for a racehorse like the Golden Master.

After the 100-meter straight, the horse herd was directly separated, and all the powerful racehorses rushed to the front.

The rest of the racehorses are looking for breakthrough opportunities in the back.

"The golden master is here, and the golden master rushed directly to the front of the horses!"

"This is the strength of the Triple Crown Horse King!"

The gold master who was originally in the second position easily rushed to No.1.

"Catching behind is not willing to give up is our second most popular dominance, can it catch up to the golden tyrant?!"

The voice of the commentary also became excited.

This is the true strength that has shocked everyone for a year, and the golden master is resurrected!
Push forward, then hit a whip or two.

Haoyi's eyes were naturally fixed on the finish line in front.

Because the golden master is in good condition this time, he feels that he doesn't even need to use the windmill. The opponent's speed has increased quite quickly, and his physical strength has also been preserved quite well. He can completely run the 2000 two hundred.

There is no rival!

"The distance is widening and the gold masters have gained a huge advantage."

On the field, the golden master directly separated the distance of No.2's dominance by two horses.

This scene has appeared many times in the past year.

1st and 2nd in most races will be pretty tight, sometimes even just a nose short, but the Golden Master will have a pretty wide gap to 2nd most of the time.

Such strength also allowed them to see the hope of the Arc de Triomphe!

"The last foot that tore the sky was on display again at Hanshin Racecourse."

This distance has made the dominant jockey feel hopeless.

Not to mention the jockeys who were pulled further apart.

It can only be said that the gold master once again broke through everyone's target and proved himself with his strength!

Yasuo Iwata is also trying his best to push the whip forward.

But after all, there was no hope of victory.

This is at least three or four horses away, and no matter how strong the last legs are, they can't catch up with the golden master who is still in an explosive state.

In this competition, Triumph Ballet once again lost to the Golden Master.

"The Golden Master overwhelmed and crossed the line, let us welcome the return of the Golden Master!!"

"After the Arima Kinen, the Golden Master and Dream Tour completed the Takarazuka Kinen Hegemony again. On the retired Hanshin Racecourse of Dream Tour, our golden tyrant is back!"

And Hao Yi on the field also stood up directly, raised his left fist and looked towards the audience.

Seeing Koichi Sasaki stand up suddenly, the cheers from the audience grew louder.

It was too beautiful to win this game, even throwing away the distance of two and a half horses from the dominance.

Many spectators even shouted at the top of their voices.

Well done!

After finishing the movement, Koichi returned to the original posture and patted the neck of the golden master.

Their cooperation is quite perfect.

And he had been waiting for this victory for a long time. It can be said that he had been looking forward to it since the Spring Emperor lost.


The gold master nodded his head.

Although the game is over, it still feels quite excited now.

For itself, it naturally knows the winners and losers of the race, and it also makes it feel very happy to run past other horses.

Still slow down.

Haoyi found that the other party had no intention of slowing down, so he gave the order to slow down again.

After this game is over, the gold master can also happily go to his own vacation, and then he can go abroad after the vacation is over.

The other jockeys after crossing the line shook their heads.

This is really not winable.

Sure enough, the spring emperor was mainly due to the poor condition of the gold master himself, and Takarazuka Kinen, where so many famous horses are there, can still open up such a big distance.

The strength is really unfathomable.

And after this game is over, the opponent will once again bring the hope of the whole country to the Arc de Triomphe.

After slowing down, Koichi and Master Gold also circled back.

The golden master——!
Gold Master, thank you——

Master Gold, you have worked hard today——

Jockey Sasaki, we have always believed in you and did a great job today!
A large number of spectators rushed directly to the front, which was the closest place to the golden master.

When they came today, they believed that the golden master could be successfully resurrected.

And today's game is the best proof.

Two and a half horses win!

Koichi, who was sitting in the gold master, also stretched out his hand and waved over there.

There are still many people who have been scolding him online recently, but there are still many people who support him on this arena.

The victory of this game is also the best reward for the fans who supported him.

(End of this chapter)

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