Chapter 374

Haoyi is still playing the whip quite rhythmically now.

Of course, the windmill whip should be used at the end.

They still have a distance of at least 100 meters, and wait until they are about [-] meters away.

"The golden ship rushed out from the horse herd, and it was accompanied by gorgeous splendor."

"Followed by the extraordinary horse, the world's No. 1 ace also rushed up from behind."

"The NO.14 horse race at the forefront is still in progress!"

The most uncomfortable thing now is of course Kenichi Chi Tian.

He obviously felt that the horse he was riding had no strength after reaching the straight, and it could even be said that he suddenly started to stall.

It is almost natural that there is a way.

Although all the way is still insisting, but the speed can't stop no matter what, the previous performance is very good, but this distance is still too long for him now.

Akiyama Shinichi almost understood.

So just pushing the horse, the whips are less.

"There seems to be something wrong with the fourth most popular horse, the horse stalled"

"The world ace is such a strong last foot, this speed can't stop at all."

"The battle of the strongest side is still going on, and the golden ship and the gorgeous splendor will not give up!!"

Within a few breaths, the magnificent and golden boat ran to the front of the horse herd.

They are now making their final struggle.

Who is the champion of Derby!

clap clap-

Iwata Yasunari glanced to the side, and then swung the whip at the fastest speed in his hand.

The last 200 meters!
If this distance cannot be completely opened, he feels that their side may still be overtaken by the golden ship.

Gorgeous and brilliant's physical strength is almost reaching its limit.

But it also knows the race isn't over yet.

As a racehorse, it naturally didn't want to lose to the Lu Mao next to it.

On the other hand, the golden boat feels that its condition is getting better and better.

Above the arena, the mane of the golden ship fluttered.

It can also be faster!
Naturally, Haoyi only had the goal sign in front of him.

As for the sound, it is completely messy now.

The shouts of the audience, the sound of hoofbeats, the heavy breathing of the racehorses.

Windmill Whip!
After feeling that the distance was almost the same, Haoyi directly used another skill.

The big windmill goes around——

Of course he also has attention here.

He was quite satisfied with the current speed of the golden ship, and he even found out from the corner of his eye that the golden ship had gradually begun to overtake the opponent.

Victory is ahead!

But Haoyi also knew that he couldn't relax at this time.

Only crossing the line can reassure him.

"The golden ship is leading!! After the battle with the gorgeous and brilliant, the victory is our Satsuki horse - the golden ship!"

Seeing the golden ship start to distance itself, the commentator shouted excitedly.

"But the world ace who has already caught up to the front of the horses has not given up yet, but can it catch up?!"

Fu Yongyou only had eyes on the Lumao horse in front of him.

He didn't expect that the golden ship would have such an acceleration before the final start. Although his reaction speed was fast enough, it was obvious that the two sides had already distanced themselves.

Looks like I'm going to lose again!

It's even a little difficult for them to catch up with the extraordinary horse.

This is at least two or three horses away from the front.

"The golden ship takes the lead, followed by the magnificent and extraordinary horses!"

"The last 50 meters!"

Seeing that the golden boat was about to cross the line, many viewers were dumbfounded.

The undefeated two-time crown horse is about to be born!
If the Golden Ship can continue to maintain this state, then the next Chrysanthemum Award will definitely not be a big problem.


Closer! !

"The golden boat crossed the line successfully!!"

"The second crown has been achieved, let us congratulate the golden ship and Koichi Sasaki!!"

"It's that familiar movement again. Following this year's Oak Tree, Koichi Sasaki once again won the Tokyo 400-meter championship!!"

"At the same time, this is Koichi Sasaki's first victory since his debut."

"Let us congratulate this pair with the warmest applause."


Standing up, Haoyi exhaled lightly, and then gave the command to slow down.

After crossing the line, his hanging heart was relieved.

Derby still got it.

Afterwards, he patted the golden boat's neck, and smoothed out the other's mane.

The performance of the golden boat can be said to be quite perfect.

Extra meal tonight!

After winning the Derby, they must have a good meal, and the Golden Ship will also follow suit.

If there is no smooth start of this game, he really may not be able to get such a good position.

After Fu Yongyou followed up, he also nodded to Hao.

This time the golden ship completely won the game with its own strength.

A beautiful game.

It's a pity that they only got a fourth place this time.

Later, Chi Tianqian and Wu Feng also shook their heads.

They really didn't play very well this time.


Grandma Masayoshi also sent congratulations.

Although they are all foals of the Golden Journey, the strength of the Golden Ship is even better.

"Extraordinary Junji also played very well in this game."

Hao Yi smiled and nodded, then pulled the golden boat back.

Their deceleration trip is about the same.


The golden boat that finished the race is naturally tired, and it is now covered in sweat.

But it also knows that it can't go back immediately, and it will stand in this place for a long time.


All the way to finish the race also followed up.

It is really tiring.

It is not bad to get a No.8 result this time.

As for Iwata Yasunori's side, Koichi didn't bother with him either.

After the game, he still has a lot of things to do on his side, but he is still very happy to win the original derby champion.

golden ship—

The golden ship——! !

The undefeated two-time champion horse——

When they got to the audience stand, the voices of the audience became even louder.

This year's race is really good, which makes them look forward to the next race of these horses.

golden master, dame, golden ship
If it goes well, this year's Arima Memorial will make everyone look forward to it.

It's just that this jockey is a bit out of line.

"Let's go, don't look at it."

Seeing the golden boat stop suddenly, Hao Yi patted the other side and said.

This is not the time to rush back.

As for Haoyi, he naturally smiled at the audience who were filming.

As a jockey, he naturally still has to thank so many people for supporting them.

Then their performance in this game did not live up to everyone's expectations, and they successfully won this important game.

He felt that the jockeys in this year's race were much more thrilling than last year's.

Last year only one Triumph Ballet was still active, and this year there are significantly more strong horses.


The golden boat glanced over there again, and then walked down the passage.

(End of this chapter)

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