I raise racehorses in Tokyo

Chapter 35 The Domineering Ah Chuan

Chapter 35 The Domineering Ah Chuan

"What's wrong with you?"

"My heart hurts, it's all money."

Hao Yi looked at the newly bought car for Ah Chuan and said while holding his heart.

For Ah Chuan's future competitions, they directly bought a new car this time. This car can be said to be Ah Chuan's exclusive car.

Simply put, this is a mobile stable, specially developed for racing horses to go out.

"Stop making trouble, you will have to buy this thing sooner or later, otherwise what will you do if you go out for a long trip?"

Mimori Huiyi said righteously.

She definitely doesn't feel bad about spending money on her own cubs. Anyway, she has to buy them sooner or later, so it's better to just buy a good one.

They did spend a lot of money for the golden ship this time.

And the one they bought is the latest one.

After finishing this ability test, Haoyi will return to Qingjiang Ranch.

"Okay, let's go."

Haoyi turned around and brought the golden boat up.

This is really a parent taking their child to take the exam.

I just don't know if Ah Chuan can pass this time.


The golden boat struggled a little, but was dragged up by Haoyi.

Where is this going?

As the metal door at the back closed, the surrounding space also became dark.

Forget it, take a break.

After all the arrangements were made, Koichi also went to the examination room with the golden boat and Mimori Hui.

Although it may be a bit early to start now, it's better than being late.

After all, once the time is exceeded, it is considered a failure of the exam.

On the way, San Mori still asked a question.

"Is there really no problem with entering the gate?"

After all, they still have too little training in this regard, especially when they are using other people's venues.

"Believe me."

Haoyi is quite confident about this aspect.

Although it is difficult for the golden ship to enter and exit the gate, he can still control it well.

Exam venue.

"That's the brother of the gold master?"

"Although the other party is a reed horse, it does inherit the blood of the Jin family."

"This is really a bit like McQueen. Although Mejiro's own family is not good enough, the fusion blood with the Jin family is still quite good."

"This body shape is really a strange combination, it is completely inherited from the mother and father's body shape."

"Let's start the evaluation."

The JRA judges also got to work.

The horse racing horses of the former Jin family were all quite irritable.

Because of the nature of their work, they have seen a lot of horse racing, and they also have a certain understanding of the children of various horse racing.

Naturally, their evaluation is not only about grades, but also about entering and exiting the gate and even their personality.

After all, only in this way can horse fans have a better understanding of this horse race.

"Well, this kid is the jockey of the Golden Master, right?!"

One of the judges' eyes suddenly lit up.

A rookie rider suddenly took No.1 in Kyoto, and word spread throughout the racing world.

Could it be that this person is a dedicated jockey for the Golden Family?
"It is indeed that Sasaki that is written in the information, and this racehorse is also under the name of their ranch."

Another old man flipped through the information.

These materials were submitted by Sasaki and the others. After all, all kinds of information must be recorded in detail to complete the exam.

"It's really interesting to look at it this way. This Sasaki-kun hasn't received any other rewards yet."

"The debut match will be G3, and the next match will be G2."

Now the official website of the horse racing has updated that the Golden Master will participate in the next Osaka Spring Championship.

The people at Qingjiang Ranch really believed in this young man.

Want to revive a classic?
They have seen too many kings, but there is only one good opera.

Hao Yi who was on the field naturally didn't know what the judges were thinking.

After arriving at the grassland, the golden boat was visibly more excited, wandering around when it had nothing to do.

And they are also warming up before the exam.

Nor did they know the deer-hair racehorse they were with.

Just happened to be in time to take the exam on the same day.

"Haoyi, it's enough to control Ah Chuan as much as possible for a while. With Ah Chuan's ability, there must be no problem,"

After arriving here, Mimori couldn't help becoming nervous.

After all, this is the first racehorse she has bred.

"Don't worry, just leave the rest to me."

Hao rolled his eyes.

If you can't pass an ability test, let alone the future competitions.

If there is a legend in the world of lube horses, it must be Xiaolimao.

That is truly a legend.

Entered the JRA from the local area, won 32 of 22 battles, and finally became a hall-level racehorse as he wished.

"Please enter the turnstile, both of you, the exam will start soon."

Seeing that the other party suddenly walked in front of him, the golden boat yelled directly.

Still want to walk in front of it!


Frightened by the golden boat, the racehorse next to him didn't dare to enter the gate.

At this time, the weight of the golden boat has reached about 490, which seems to be much bigger than the opponent.


San Mori, who was on the side, helplessly covered his face.

Can this test scare the opponent's horse racing? This must be written down by the judges.

Hao Yi could only smile embarrassedly.

This matter is really out of his control. As a rider, he can only let the golden boat finish the test well.

Sure enough, not every racehorse is all the way.

It is also very common for golden boats to like to frighten other racehorses.

The rider on the opposite side also showed helplessness.

"Don't be afraid, nothing will happen."

If he didn't enter the gate again, then this time the exam would be considered a failure.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard the staff tried, the frightened racehorse refused to go in.

In the end, the staff had no choice but to announce that the exam had failed.

They also didn't expect that this two-year-old new horse would be directly roared by the golden boat, and that's it.

If such a thing happened in the field, there must be no way. After all, conflicts between horses on the field are quite common.

And the golden ship that entered the lock was not very honest.


After all, the gate is very narrow, and racehorses cannot move freely in it.

"It will be fine in a while, we will just follow the previous training."

Haoyi can only activate his own skills here.

This first time was really quite restless, of course, all of this was within his expectations.

Drop drop-

The red light flashes.

The staff also signaled Haoyi to get ready.

San Mori, who was watching from the side, clenched his fists even more nervously.

Be sure not to slow down!

There are such things during training, but a satisfactory answer must be handed in for the exam.

(End of this chapter)

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